Perhaps the before and after pictures shown here demonstrate the dilemma I was going through. I tried to keep a brave face but I was dreading the next few hours, days and weeks.
The first hurdle is over and now I am going through the critical post-op aftercare days.
As I have always said, I am not a spiritual person, I don't know if things happen for a purpose or not, but one can learn so much from each experience. Once again I have been reminded how mortal and feeble we all are. You can be the cock o' the north and rule the roost one day, and then bed ridden the next day. One must always be humble and recognise that nothing, good or bad, will remain the same forever. We should appreciate the good times and remain hopeful during the dark times.
These experiences are great opportunities to learn who your real friends are too and who reads your blog :))) which reminds me to thank again all those who wished for my recovery.
Its frustrating typing with just the left hand but at least this has now filled part of my day, I better go and do some exercises now.

Holy crap. How did you manage to blog then? Dude, take care more.
مواظب خودت باش
hope you get well soon. Nice blog you got. Glad to see another Iranian blogger who writes in English.
I am glad that you are well after the operation.
So now you will have time to read "Guests of the Ayatollah".
Don't over do it. Healing takes time.
I hope the recovery goes smoothly...
Get well soon.
I saw your name in Winston's blog for the first time. I am not sure what has gone wrong with your health, but wish you the best anyway.
Take care
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