The Killings in Iran continue, more and more are arrested and even though a few traitors may still turn up for embassy dinners and a few British university lecturers may receive awards from Ahmadinejad, but our people are still standing. The blood of our martyrs will not have been spilled in vain.
Do not ever doubt it, IRAN WILL BE FREE

This weblog was created to act as a platform for the voice of secular pro-democracy activists in and outside Iran who are struggling against the religious dictatorship of the Islamic clerics in Iran. Follow me on or My Telegram Channel My favourite quote: "Evil only prevails when the good stay silent"
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
British Iranian Traitors at the Millenium Hotel, Gloucester Road
Well there you are, the inside information we were getting from the Iranian embassy banquet at the Millennium Hotel, Gloucester Road was spot on. The Iranian state TV showed some of them and broadcasted their treacherous remarks. Such shows have a very focused purpose. Its all part of a psychological warfare to tell the Iranians inside Iran that despite all the sacrifices they made and all the blood they shed, its business as usual and even the comfortable ex-pats in London are supporting Ahmadinejad's junta administration. Thats why it is important for the rest of us to make sure these traitors will not go unnoticed.
The Iranian state TV broadcast shows Parivash Savsati-Fatemi, widow of Dr. Fatemi [Mossadegh's Foreign Secretary] , giving her unequivocal support to Ahmadinejad. There is no mention that she is also the sister-in-law of General Rahimi, the Shah's Chief of Police for Tehran who was executed after the revolution, nor does the state TV mention Parivash Fatemi's frequent participations in the parties at the imperial court.
Some of the others mentioned in the state TV program about the event are Dr. Ali Salamati, Dr. Ghorbani and a female sculptor named Ghahari.
and here is Ahmadinejad's provincial tour to Birjand boycotted by most residents of the city.
Courage and resistance by the people of Iran, treachery and duplicity by a few Iranian ex-pats
Just another reminder of Parivash Fatemi, wearing an open neck and back dress, at an Imperial Court cocktail Party with her brother-in-law, the late General Rahimi. No scarf in this photo.
The Iranian state TV broadcast shows Parivash Savsati-Fatemi, widow of Dr. Fatemi [Mossadegh's Foreign Secretary] , giving her unequivocal support to Ahmadinejad. There is no mention that she is also the sister-in-law of General Rahimi, the Shah's Chief of Police for Tehran who was executed after the revolution, nor does the state TV mention Parivash Fatemi's frequent participations in the parties at the imperial court.
Some of the others mentioned in the state TV program about the event are Dr. Ali Salamati, Dr. Ghorbani and a female sculptor named Ghahari.
and here is Ahmadinejad's provincial tour to Birjand boycotted by most residents of the city.
Courage and resistance by the people of Iran, treachery and duplicity by a few Iranian ex-pats
Just another reminder of Parivash Fatemi, wearing an open neck and back dress, at an Imperial Court cocktail Party with her brother-in-law, the late General Rahimi. No scarf in this photo.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sohrab Would Have Been 20 Today
Sohrab would have been 20 today had he not been slain by an evil regime which specialises in death and destruction. He would have been celebrating with the rest of his family and getting on with his studies had he lived in a free country. But the likes of Sohrab never die, they are reborn and more Sohrabs follow their path.
Sohrab's innocent face and the footage of his worried mother wondering outside the Evin prison looking for him when he was missing has made him become one of the icons of the Green Movement in Iran. Symbols of a struggle by a noble people against savages that have taken over our country.
Sohrab's innocent face and the footage of his worried mother wondering outside the Evin prison looking for him when he was missing has made him become one of the icons of the Green Movement in Iran. Symbols of a struggle by a noble people against savages that have taken over our country.
This is What Happens in Iran's Universities
The video below shows the savage attack on Tehran university, three days after the disputed elections back in June 2009. This time the video is not taken by Iran's brave citizen journalists but by the repressive forces who attacked the university themselves. It has finally been smuggled out of Iran eight months later. The attack is carried out by the robot like Special Units and the Baseej. At times during the video, the barbarity shown by the Special Units is so much that even the Baseej plead with them to stop beating up the students. The video shows Special Units drag students like dead meat out of the dormitories and the library, pile them on top of each other and beat them further.
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS IN IRAN's UNIVERSITIES. The people who orchestrated these atrocities are the very people that the likes of SOAS lecturer, Dr. Anna Contadini, accept rewards from. It is this regime that orders such attacks on Iran's students and time and time again uses the British universities as its propaganda platform. The monsters who ordered this vicious attack are the people who host banquets in the Millennium Hotel and bribe British Iranian traitors like Parivash Fatemi and Dr. Maziar Eskandaris....
The uncut version. Our students, the best minds of our country, our assets being treated worse than cattle by these Neanderthals. Eternal shame on the supporters of this regime.
I remember when a British woman protester was killed after she threw herself under a lorry trying to save cattle being transported to France inhumanely, well here are human beings treated worse, will you now stand up to this tyranny in Iran?
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS IN IRAN's UNIVERSITIES. The people who orchestrated these atrocities are the very people that the likes of SOAS lecturer, Dr. Anna Contadini, accept rewards from. It is this regime that orders such attacks on Iran's students and time and time again uses the British universities as its propaganda platform. The monsters who ordered this vicious attack are the people who host banquets in the Millennium Hotel and bribe British Iranian traitors like Parivash Fatemi and Dr. Maziar Eskandaris....
The uncut version. Our students, the best minds of our country, our assets being treated worse than cattle by these Neanderthals. Eternal shame on the supporters of this regime.
I remember when a British woman protester was killed after she threw herself under a lorry trying to save cattle being transported to France inhumanely, well here are human beings treated worse, will you now stand up to this tyranny in Iran?
So What Happened at the Islamic Republic Embassy Dinner at the Millennium Hotel in Gloucester Road
I am getting more information as to what happened and who turned up for the unusual embassy dinner at the Millennium Hotel, in Gloucester Road on Friday. The banquet seems to have been part of a two pronged initiative by the Ahmadinejad administration to spread its network amongst the disenfranchised muslims in UK and at the same time amongst the professional British Iranian expats who are willing to serve the regime.
Around 150 guests turned up at the banquet. About one hundred are reported to have been embassy staff and their relatives and the rest a mixture of British Iranian professionals and businessmen.
Two of the guests have been identified as speakers who went out of their way to endear themselves to Ahamdinejad's administration. One was Maziar MirEskandari MD, a Vascular Surgeon at St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington who also teaches at Imperial College, London. The other was Parivash Satvati-Fatemi, who is the widow of the late Dr. Fatemi, Foreign Minister in Mossadegh's government. Parivash Satvati-Fatemi also happens to be the sister-in-law to General Rahimi, Tehran's Military Police Chief under the Shah who was executed after the 1979 revolution.
It is not the first time Parivash Satvati-Fatemi has tried to endear herself to the messianic junta in Iran. She has been on record before saying Ahmadinejad's government fulfilled the aspirations of Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh. What a terrible disservice to Mossadegh.
Maziar MirEskandari is said to have almost begged the Islamic Republic's ambassador in his after dinner speech to fund a British Iranian medical society that could promote Ahmadinejad's government in UK.
Throughout the lavish dinner, there was no mention of concern for the recent executions and the brutal repression of the protesters in Iran. The plight of their Iranian compatriots killed, imprisoned, tortured and the sufferings of the relatives of the recent victims was the last thing on the minds of those British Iranians who attended the dinner at the Millennium Hotel on Friday. What mattered to them most was to be the first in line to benefit from the funds offered by this most despotic administration while they continued to enjoy the privileges of the parliamentary democracy here in UK. A win/win situation they perceive they will enjoy if the rest of the Iranian expat community does not react to their treachery.
Around 150 guests turned up at the banquet. About one hundred are reported to have been embassy staff and their relatives and the rest a mixture of British Iranian professionals and businessmen.
Two of the guests have been identified as speakers who went out of their way to endear themselves to Ahamdinejad's administration. One was Maziar MirEskandari MD, a Vascular Surgeon at St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington who also teaches at Imperial College, London. The other was Parivash Satvati-Fatemi, who is the widow of the late Dr. Fatemi, Foreign Minister in Mossadegh's government. Parivash Satvati-Fatemi also happens to be the sister-in-law to General Rahimi, Tehran's Military Police Chief under the Shah who was executed after the 1979 revolution.
It is not the first time Parivash Satvati-Fatemi has tried to endear herself to the messianic junta in Iran. She has been on record before saying Ahmadinejad's government fulfilled the aspirations of Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh. What a terrible disservice to Mossadegh.
Maziar MirEskandari is said to have almost begged the Islamic Republic's ambassador in his after dinner speech to fund a British Iranian medical society that could promote Ahmadinejad's government in UK.
Throughout the lavish dinner, there was no mention of concern for the recent executions and the brutal repression of the protesters in Iran. The plight of their Iranian compatriots killed, imprisoned, tortured and the sufferings of the relatives of the recent victims was the last thing on the minds of those British Iranians who attended the dinner at the Millennium Hotel on Friday. What mattered to them most was to be the first in line to benefit from the funds offered by this most despotic administration while they continued to enjoy the privileges of the parliamentary democracy here in UK. A win/win situation they perceive they will enjoy if the rest of the Iranian expat community does not react to their treachery.
Friday, February 19, 2010
IRI Embassy Dinner at the Millennium Hotel Gloucester Road
Something very fishy was going on at the Millennium Hotel in Gloucester Road tonight. Since two weeks ago Facebook messages were circulating around about the Islamic Republic embassy hosting a dinner party for its UK business partners in the hotel, but the hotel right until this evening was emphatically denying any function was taking place on any of its banqueting rooms. Yet low and behold the Facebook messages were spot on and the Islamic Republic embassy WAS hosting a dinner party for its British Iranian business partners and associates in its Millennium Conference centre.
More surprisingly, the police disallowed a standing picket by Iranian protesters outside the hotel entrance. Instead the protesters were made to walk around the block without stopping and were only allowed to chant at the dinner guests while walking past the hotel. Even stranger perhaps was anyone caught taking photographs of the guests had their cameras taken away from them and had the pictures deleted by the aggressive security that was hired.
A passer by who was there with his young son asked me what was going on? when I explained the situation he was baffled and said 'My God I thought the police should protect us from them'. I couldn't answer him, I was just as baffled as him. For all the rants by the Supreme Leader and the Friday Sermon preachers against Britain being evil and everything else, it seemed business as usual tonight at the Millennium Hotel with a more than unusual special security.
More surprisingly, the police disallowed a standing picket by Iranian protesters outside the hotel entrance. Instead the protesters were made to walk around the block without stopping and were only allowed to chant at the dinner guests while walking past the hotel. Even stranger perhaps was anyone caught taking photographs of the guests had their cameras taken away from them and had the pictures deleted by the aggressive security that was hired.
A passer by who was there with his young son asked me what was going on? when I explained the situation he was baffled and said 'My God I thought the police should protect us from them'. I couldn't answer him, I was just as baffled as him. For all the rants by the Supreme Leader and the Friday Sermon preachers against Britain being evil and everything else, it seemed business as usual tonight at the Millennium Hotel with a more than unusual special security.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
All This Crowd Cares For
Here is one footage of the pro-government supporters on 11th Feb. See them fight for handouts and how they even step on a picture of Ayatollah Khomeini thats on the ground. This crowd has no convictions, but they have a hungry stomach and they will go to any rally where they can get hold of a bite to eat.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Savage Bullies in the Land of Art and Poetry
Watch this video to the end. See how the savage Special Units, totally remote from any humanity beat up a young protester. People are resigned to watch in horror until a few courageous women go to the help of the young man. Not that it makes any difference to these monsters. One of them fully geared in protective clothing and helmet and with a long truncheon does not even spare an old man. Utterly sickening bullies. When you see a regime supporter or a regime apologist, remember these images.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Best Film Footage I Have Yet Seen From the Protests Outside IRI Embassy on 11th Feb
Can anyone identify the guests who had gone to the embassy party?
The door man looks like the same one here:
The door man looks like the same one here:
Karroubi's Son Threatened with Rape Inside Amir-ol-Momenin Mosque
Karroubi's third son, Ali who was arrested by Law Enforcement Forces on 11th February, was taken to Amir-ol-momenin Mosque, which was used as a temporary detention centre for protesters. There, as the detainees were identified, the lackeys of the Supreme Leader realised they had Karroubi's son in their possession. After contacting their superiors they felt comfortable to deal with Ali as they pleased. As they beat Ali repeatedly in front of other detainees, they used the foulest language to insult his mother and father. Not only that but in what is supposed to be a house of God, inside the very mosque of Amir-ol-momenin, Ali Karroubi was threatened with rape. A hideous act so deplorable that it is punishable by death in Islam let alone if it is carried out inside a mosque. Yet they felt so proud of what they were doing that they were also filming the beating.
When the order to transfer Ali Karroubi to the Motahari barracks came, one of his torturers sighed and said, 'If only they gave me another 24 hours, I would have sent your corpse to your family'.
When the order to transfer Ali Karroubi to the Motahari barracks came, one of his torturers sighed and said, 'If only they gave me another 24 hours, I would have sent your corpse to your family'.
Friday, February 12, 2010
So How Many Turned up for Pro-Government Rally?
It wasn't 200 'journalists' who were hand picked and granted visas by Ahmadinejad's junta to report the 31St anniversary of the revolution, it was 200 scribes. There is a difference between a journalist and a scribe of course. A true journalist goes out of his way and gets the news regardless of whether the government likes it or not, a scribe on the other hand is the likes of Jim Muir, the former BBC correspondent in Iran who for years sat in his office and regurgitated the official news that he was given to report.
On 11th Feb, the images of the pro-government rally that were beamed to the outside world were provided by the Iranian state TV. In fact there were two film footages which kept repeating, both close shots and both with the sound muted, there were no aerial views shown. One still photoshoped image was also shown every now and then in between the two repeated film footages.
Thank God because of our courageous citizen journalists, we don't have to rely on these scribes however.
Here is one footage which shows the rest of the Azadi Sq. the side that the close up shots did not show. Is the crowd so huge that as we say in Persian, you couldn't drop a needle between them? Are the crowd determined revolutionaries who are listening to the speech of their leader with all their heart? Hardly so, judge for yourself:
Having shipped so many of the people from outside Tehran, it was even worse in the other cities, here is the pro-government rally in Tabriz:
and lets not forget why half of these people sell out and turn up for these government rallies:
On 11th Feb, the images of the pro-government rally that were beamed to the outside world were provided by the Iranian state TV. In fact there were two film footages which kept repeating, both close shots and both with the sound muted, there were no aerial views shown. One still photoshoped image was also shown every now and then in between the two repeated film footages.
Thank God because of our courageous citizen journalists, we don't have to rely on these scribes however.
Here is one footage which shows the rest of the Azadi Sq. the side that the close up shots did not show. Is the crowd so huge that as we say in Persian, you couldn't drop a needle between them? Are the crowd determined revolutionaries who are listening to the speech of their leader with all their heart? Hardly so, judge for yourself:
Having shipped so many of the people from outside Tehran, it was even worse in the other cities, here is the pro-government rally in Tabriz:
and lets not forget why half of these people sell out and turn up for these government rallies:
Pictures from UCL
It would have been unforgiveable if the Greens in UK had let the likes of Yvonne Ridley and execution supporter professor Mohammad 'Moron' Marandi promote their beloved regime in a UK university campus.
How could we let our brothers and sisters in Iran be slaughtered, tortured and imprisoned while the likes of Ridley and Marandi try to promote the murderers who are responsible for the atrocities in Iran in a UK university? Well done to all those who showed courage last night and stood up to the Ahl-e-Beyt extremists and Ahamdienjad supporters.
Some of the pictures from last night
How could we let our brothers and sisters in Iran be slaughtered, tortured and imprisoned while the likes of Ridley and Marandi try to promote the murderers who are responsible for the atrocities in Iran in a UK university? Well done to all those who showed courage last night and stood up to the Ahl-e-Beyt extremists and Ahamdienjad supporters.
Some of the pictures from last night
Omar Al-Sweilem describes the virgins in heaven as such:
'What hair! What a chest! What a mouth!What cheeks! What a figure!What breasts! What thighs!What whiteness!What softness! without any cream - no Nivea, no Vaseline, No Nothing!'
Not sure if Ridley's bodyguard sees her in the way Omar Al-Sweilem describes the virgins in paradise, but what is shown in this picture is totally un-Islamic if these two are not married and are touching each other. Eternal damnation could be waiting for them

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Today's Round Up
It was supposed to be the biggest day in the Islamic Republic calendar, yet all Ahmadinejad's junta could do was to confine its supporters in one area. The state TV kept repeating two close shot film footage of the crowd in Azadi Square with the sound muted and one still image which was clearly photoshoped. No aerial shows were broadcast to show the true extent of the crowds. Despite all the intimidations and restrictions on information, protests erupted across the country. Protests that just didn't seem to go away. Every time the crowds were dispersed, they came back again and again. Sadegieh Sq. which was one of the main hotspots today kept changing hands repeatedly between the people and the security forces. Several other districts like Aryashahr and the Ferdows Boulevard were reported to be under the control of the people.
Perhaps the most ironic news was that on the 31st anniversary of the victory of the Islamic revolution, the grand daughter of the founder of the Islamic Republic, Zahra Eshraghi and her husband were seen as the enemies of the state and arrested. How tighter and smaller the circle of the Islamic Republic elite is getting!
See the list of footage from today
Perhaps the most ironic news was that on the 31st anniversary of the victory of the Islamic revolution, the grand daughter of the founder of the Islamic Republic, Zahra Eshraghi and her husband were seen as the enemies of the state and arrested. How tighter and smaller the circle of the Islamic Republic elite is getting!
See the list of footage from today
Pro-Ahmadinejad Meeting at UCL Didn't Last 10 Mins
The controversial meeting at UCL tonight to celebrate the 31st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution which was hosting Yvonne Ridley and the teenage execution supporter Professor Mohammad Moron Marandi didn't last 10 minutes. Thirty Green supporters had enough of Press TV's Yvonne Ridley's opening bullshit speech and took over the meeting room. Yvonne Ridley had to leave the room with the help of her bodyguards and the satellite connection to bring on Marandi never happened. I am waiting for the film and photos from the event tonight.
Meanwhile around 3000 Iranian expats demonstrated outside the Islamic Republic embassy in Kensington tonight. At one point the crowd surged towards the embassy, traffic came to a standstill and 9 arrests for minor offences were made.
Meanwhile around 3000 Iranian expats demonstrated outside the Islamic Republic embassy in Kensington tonight. At one point the crowd surged towards the embassy, traffic came to a standstill and 9 arrests for minor offences were made.
Full Account of What Happened to Karroubi the Lion Heart This Morning
Many of Karroubi's known supporters and associates were rounded up in recent days, some were imprisoned and some were forced to make written pledges not to take part in the protests today. Karroubi himself had received such a letter. Despite all this intimidation Karroubi set out to join the protesters at Sadeghieh Sq. at 10:00 am Tehran time as he had promised. From 8:00 am this morning however there were heavy clashes between people and the repressive forces around Sadeghieh Sq. The special units kept dispersing the people but the people kept returning.
Approaching Sadeghieh Sq. Karroubi decided to get out of his car and walk the rest of the way to Sadeghieh Sq. due to heavy car traffic. Around 500 people spontaneously started walking behind Karoubi without any chanting. After they had walked for 200 metres, a large group of hired thugs and Special Units on motor bikes attacked Karroubi and the people around him using machetes, knives and truncheons. They also used tear gas and shot people with paint pellets so that the paint marks would identify them later. The clashes were very severe and lasted 4 to 5 minutes. One of Karroubi's bodyguards was hurt very badly and is in critical condition in hospital. Karroubi was finally whisked away and a car driver offered to take Karroubi away. Hired thugs then spotted the car driver and smashed his windscreen and windows but the driver put his foot down on the accelerator and managed to get away.
Karroubi's son, Ali was arrested by Law Enforcement Forces and taken to unknown location. The 72 year old Karroubi is in high spirit but has suffered burns to his face.
Long Live Karroubi the Lionheart.
Approaching Sadeghieh Sq. Karroubi decided to get out of his car and walk the rest of the way to Sadeghieh Sq. due to heavy car traffic. Around 500 people spontaneously started walking behind Karoubi without any chanting. After they had walked for 200 metres, a large group of hired thugs and Special Units on motor bikes attacked Karroubi and the people around him using machetes, knives and truncheons. They also used tear gas and shot people with paint pellets so that the paint marks would identify them later. The clashes were very severe and lasted 4 to 5 minutes. One of Karroubi's bodyguards was hurt very badly and is in critical condition in hospital. Karroubi was finally whisked away and a car driver offered to take Karroubi away. Hired thugs then spotted the car driver and smashed his windscreen and windows but the driver put his foot down on the accelerator and managed to get away.
Karroubi's son, Ali was arrested by Law Enforcement Forces and taken to unknown location. The 72 year old Karroubi is in high spirit but has suffered burns to his face.
Long Live Karroubi the Lionheart.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tomorrow the Struggle for a Free Iran Continues
People of the world, stand by our brave brothers and sisters in Iran:
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
More Treachery by UK Universities
The families of their academic colleagues in Iran are desperately trying to raise bail money to get their loved ones out of jail. Some like Dr. Maleki are even close to death and their families have had no contact with them since they were arrested. Tens of Iranian students have been killed by the repressive forces, thousands are in the dungeons and thousands have been banned from further education for expressing their opinions, but that doesn't stop these Judas SOAS academics collecting their 50 gold coins and worthless trophies.
Pictures show Dr. Anna Contadini lecturer in Art and Archaleogy at SOAS and Mohammad Abdel Haleem, SOAS lecturer in Islamic studies, happily receiving their awards from non other than the head of the messianic administration junta responsible for so many human rights violations in Iran.
No one has betrayed the Iranian pro-democracy movement more than UK universities and academics.
Even the Neo Nazi sympathiser, Mohammad Ali Ramin was there at the awards. See:
Pictures show Dr. Anna Contadini lecturer in Art and Archaleogy at SOAS and Mohammad Abdel Haleem, SOAS lecturer in Islamic studies, happily receiving their awards from non other than the head of the messianic administration junta responsible for so many human rights violations in Iran.
No one has betrayed the Iranian pro-democracy movement more than UK universities and academics.
Even the Neo Nazi sympathiser, Mohammad Ali Ramin was there at the awards. See:
Monday, February 08, 2010
Teenage Execution Supporter Professor Marandi at UCL
Kian Tajbakhsh, is a graduate of University College of London. He obtained his Masters from UCL in 1984. Kian was recently sentenced to 12 years imprisonment by the revolutionary court in Iran. So you would think that the University College of London would be at the forefront of an active campaign to release Kian, but what is happening at UCL on Thursday, 11th Feb, the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran?
UCL is holding an event which will host of all people, Press TV's Yvonne Ridley and Professor Mohammad Marandi, the same professor who was a reformist while Khatami was the president and is now an ardent Ahmadinejad supporter - noon be nerkhe rooz khor as they refer to him in Persian, i.e. someone who always tries to endear himself to whoever is in power. The US educated professor Marandi also approves of the execution of teenagers in Iran and lies through his teeth on his television interviews.
At a time when so many of Iran's students have either been shot dead in recent protests, sentenced to long term prison sentences or have been banned from further education for expressing their opinions, it is absolutely and utterly sick of UCL student union to allow this to go ahead. A real below the belt blow to the pro-democracy movement in Iran. Imagine if after the Soweto uprising, a pro-apartheid group hosted a meeting at a British university inviting pro-Apartheid speaking people, would it have gone ahead? It seems its only Iranian blood which does not stir passions with UK's students.
UCL is holding an event which will host of all people, Press TV's Yvonne Ridley and Professor Mohammad Marandi, the same professor who was a reformist while Khatami was the president and is now an ardent Ahmadinejad supporter - noon be nerkhe rooz khor as they refer to him in Persian, i.e. someone who always tries to endear himself to whoever is in power. The US educated professor Marandi also approves of the execution of teenagers in Iran and lies through his teeth on his television interviews.
At a time when so many of Iran's students have either been shot dead in recent protests, sentenced to long term prison sentences or have been banned from further education for expressing their opinions, it is absolutely and utterly sick of UCL student union to allow this to go ahead. A real below the belt blow to the pro-democracy movement in Iran. Imagine if after the Soweto uprising, a pro-apartheid group hosted a meeting at a British university inviting pro-Apartheid speaking people, would it have gone ahead? It seems its only Iranian blood which does not stir passions with UK's students.
Green Supporters March in Paris
Green supporters in Paris march in solidarity with the people of Iran
Sunday, February 07, 2010
Islamic Republic Cultural Attaché Dinner Party
There is an inconspicuous building next to a council state in 55-57 Banner Street, EC1Y 8PX, London, which is used by the Iranian regime's 'cultural' attaché for hosting dinner parties, meetings etc. Fortunately the Green Movement supporters in London are getting more and more adept at being able to organise a protest even at a very short notice. Last Friday evening, the Green Movement supporters were alerted about a dinner party in this building and quickly gathered a team to picket outside the building while the guests attended. I went along to see what was going on as well.
See the footage below. For the benefit of the English speaking readers just a few highlights:
- The Iranian security doorman seen standing at the door is saying he knows nothing about Neda Sultan 'Multan', he claimed he was in Iran last month and nothing was going on. 'If anyone is killed, its by your lot who kill people' :))).
He told me he had lots of businesses and he could buy ten of my kind. I reminded him that he is the one standing as a meagre doorman outside in the cold working for next to nothing. He told me he has been in the UK for 40 years, again I asked him so if he doesn't have a problem going back to Iran and supports the regime why does he live here?
- The van that brought the food was from Behesht Restaurant, in Harrow road. If anyone had any doubt that Behesht Restaurant is operated by regime supporters they should think again.
- The Behehst Restaurant van driver was identified as a Mojtaba who came to this country as an asylum seeker. Well done useless UK Home Office again.
- And of course you can also see Press TV's Yvonne Ridley. She wouldn't miss a free dinner would she?
I have to say I felt utter contempt for the doorman who was shrugging his shoulders at what was going on in Iran. A pea brain person with no conscience who told me he would work for anyone who paid him, at least the Lebanese and the Iraqi guests who were turning up for the party were more principled people and practised what they preached.
Saturday, February 06, 2010
Footage from the Protests in Lar
There has been a lot of unrest and clashes in the southern town of Lar in the past few days. The footage is only just coming out and I just love what the crowd are chanting here:
"I won't live under despotism
I will sacrifice my life for freedom
Down with compromise"
"I won't live under despotism
I will sacrifice my life for freedom
Down with compromise"
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Regime's Ambassador in Paris Gets Floored by the French Police
Watch the footage below. It is the anniversary of Ayatollah Khomeini's return to Iran and the Iranian embassy in France is preparing for a party in Neauphle-le-Chateau, where Ayatollah Khomeini resided during his exile in France.
Supporters of the Green Movement in France are holding a peaceful picket. They even tell the embassy staff, 'You are our brothers'. All is under control until the ambassador arrives with the rest of the embassy entourage. The ambassador cannot even tolerate a peaceful picket by a few in France. One of Mr. Ambassador's lackeys starts shouting profanities at the protesters, calling their mothers whores! The protesters still show constraint and don't lower themselves to exchange insults. Mr. Ambassador can not take it any more however. How dare they protest against the regime in France? He lunges towards the protesters but is duly brought down by the French police and held down on the floor.
Supporters of the Green Movement in France are holding a peaceful picket. They even tell the embassy staff, 'You are our brothers'. All is under control until the ambassador arrives with the rest of the embassy entourage. The ambassador cannot even tolerate a peaceful picket by a few in France. One of Mr. Ambassador's lackeys starts shouting profanities at the protesters, calling their mothers whores! The protesters still show constraint and don't lower themselves to exchange insults. Mr. Ambassador can not take it any more however. How dare they protest against the regime in France? He lunges towards the protesters but is duly brought down by the French police and held down on the floor.
Monday, February 01, 2010
Larijani Calls Obama a Nigger
I wonder how the politically correct apologists and promoters of the messianic administration in Iran are going to get out of this one. The picture here is that of Mohamad Javad Larijani. One of his brothers is the speaker of Majlis and the other is the head of the Islamic judiciary in Iran.
And this is what this Larijani brother said recently in public:
"When Obama first came to power he talked about engagement with Iran but how is it that now this Kaka Siah [black nigger] is talking about regime change in Iran?'
Kaka Siah is an offensive derogatory word to call a black person in Persian. It is literally equivalent to the offensive word nigger in English. Oh well I am sure Socialist Workers Party and other 'progressive' supporters of the dictatorship in Iran will find a way out, they usually do.
And this is what this Larijani brother said recently in public:
"When Obama first came to power he talked about engagement with Iran but how is it that now this Kaka Siah [black nigger] is talking about regime change in Iran?'
Kaka Siah is an offensive derogatory word to call a black person in Persian. It is literally equivalent to the offensive word nigger in English. Oh well I am sure Socialist Workers Party and other 'progressive' supporters of the dictatorship in Iran will find a way out, they usually do.
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