Sunday, January 31, 2010

Moron Marandi Defends the Executions

US educated pro-government university 'professor' Mohammad 'Moron' Marandi defends the execution of a 19 year old and consistently gets his facts wrong about the two who were executed:

Both Karroubi and Moussavi have condemned the executions.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

London Protests Against the Executions in Iran

Thanks to all those who braved the cold last night and condemned the recent executions in Iran, but we need more non-Iranians. At least five more face execution soon.

Sermons of Evil

 A screen shot from Pro-Ahmadienjad news agency Fars [False] News quoting the medieval monster cleric Ayatollah Janati as saying now that two of the Ashura protesters have been executed no mercy must be shown to the others. The two young men executed on Thursday morning were in fact arrested before Ashura and were in jail during the protests.

Another dinosaur cleric, Mola Hassani, called for the bodies of the executed to be dragged in public through the streets to serve as a lesson to other would be protesters. Mola Hassani, the Friday Prayer leader for Oroumiyeh, North West Iran, shopped his own Marxist son which led to his execution in the 80s and refused to go to his own daughter's funeral after she committed suicide.

Friday, January 29, 2010

What I Didn't Know Yesterday

I thought I had mentioned all the injustices surrounding the execution of the 19 year old Arash Rahmanipour yesterday on Aljazeera. However I learned about yet another heartbreaking fact from his lawyer's interview with VOA Persian. I mentioned that Arash's pregnant sister was frequently brought into the interrogation room to put pressure on Arash to confess but what I did not know and should have also mentioned in the interview with Aljazeera was that as a result of the inhumane pressures and prison conditions, Arash's sister had lost her baby.

Damn these savage monsters who show no mercy even for pregnant women and unborn babies. They didn't just kill a 19 year old yesterday they murdered an unborn baby too.

There will be a protest against yesterday's executions outside the Iranian embassy tonight 18:00- 20:00. I hope we get a big crowd of non-Iranians as well outside the Iranian Embassy tonight. I wonder how many Guantanamo activists will care to show up.

Further Report by Aljazeera English on Arash's Execution

CNN Report on the inconsistency of regime on the executions

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Injustice of Today's Executions in Iran

Arash Rahmanipour, one of the two victims executed today, was only 19 years old. He was arrested in March/April 2009 two months before the fraudulent elections in June which has led to protests throughout Iran since. Yet today the junta administration's prosecutor, inconsistent as ever like bad liars always are, said Arash Rahmanipour was executed for his role in the Ashura protests. Presumably the 19 year old Arash was directing the Ashura protests from his cell while he was being interrogated!

What Arash was accused of, contacts with a terrorist group outside Iran, was supposed to have happened when Arash was a minor and under 18 years old. Even under Islamic Republic penal code, the punishment for contacts with terrorist groups is not death but prison sentence.

Arash was arrested along with his family members. His pregnant sister was also arrested and was frequently put in the same room with Arash when he was being interrogated. His father was also threatened that if he did not persuade his son to sign the confessions, he too would be arrested. Arash's father was also misled to think if Arash does sign the confessions all family members would be released.

Even though Arash's charges were nothing to do with the post-election protests, he was bundled in with the rest of the accused in the mass show trials that make Stalin look like Mother Theresa. In his televised recants it seemed obvious that Arash was reading from a text. He may have even given a clue within the narrow margins he had, when he referred to London as the 'country of London'.

His lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, who has exposed much of the above points said she was given 15 minutes only to meet her client and review his file, where she saw no evidence of any of the charges made against him. She was not even allowed to be present during Arash's show trial. The judiciary process for the appeal had not yet come to an end and Arash's family were never notified about the execution. They first heard about the execution of their loved one on the news.

I had a chance to tell all this on Aljazeera today:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mossadegh was a Kaffir

I have often got into hysteric laughters when bourgeois lefties like CASMII's "Political Scientist", Comical Ali Fathollah-Nejad who have tried to legitimise the Islamic Republic as some kind of a popular anti-imperialist regime mention Mossadegh left right and centre in their comical speeches forgetting to tell their audiences of 'useful idiots' that the clerics were in fact the ones that led and organised the revolt against Mossadegh. The likes of comical Ali Fathollah-Nejad make it sound like Mossadegh is the icon of the Islamic Republic rulers. If you click on the CASMII link for Fathollah-Nejad, you see the picture of the nationalist Iranian leader, Mohammad Mossadegh.

Well here is a recent reminder of what the Islamic Republic elite really think of Mossadegh as shown on state TV. Mossadegh is in fact a renegade Kaffir who deserves eternal damnation according to this learned man on Iranian state TV :)

Comical Ali Fathollah-Nejad and his gang of Socialist Workers Party cohorts will be at

Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church
235 Shaftesbury Avenue, LONDON

Wednesday 3rd February 7:30pm

lecturing more useful idiots as what the 'revolutionary road' ahead in Iran should be. No matter how many times these idiots have egg on their faces they carry on with lecturing some fools. After all they are Iran experts and political scientists   :)))))

What Karroubi Really Said

Fars News is also commonly known as False News amongst Iranian ex pats who speak English. Yesterday this pro-Ahamdienjad so called news agency reported that Mehdi Karroubi had finally recognised Ahmadienjad as the legitimate president of Iran. Sadly some non-Iranian news agencies quickly jumped on the bandwagon and without doing their homework properly concluded that Karroubi had finally compromised.  But what really happened?

Karroubi was approached while leaving a gathering by some pro-Ahmadienjad reporters and this is how he replied to a question by a hardliner named Abu Torabi 'I believe there was widespread cheating and vote rigging in the last elections and since Mr. Khameneii - Karroubi doesn't even say the Supreme Leader - had ordained Ahmadinejad, the current government is now the de facto government in power and is therefore responsible for its actions and should be held accountable by the people'.

Karroubi does  not even use the word president when he refers to Ahamdinejad, since he also considers the elections were fraudulent he can not possibly recognise this government as legitimate either. In fact he is directly pointing the finger at Khameneii saying he has ordained a man who has won through a fraudulent process.

If anyone still has any doubts as to how to interpret Karroubi's remarks perhaps his further statements today will clarify the situation:

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Neda The Voice of the People

یکسال از مرگ تو گذشت پدر

...یکسال از مرگ تو گذشت پدر و هر روز به یکی از خاطراتی که با هم داشتیم اندیشیدم. کاش بودی و میدیدی اینروزها را

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Press TV You Won't Fool us

Neda would have been 27 years old today. If she lived in a free country she probably would have been celebrating her 27th birthday with her family and her fiancé, Caspian. The bullet that killed Neda however made a nation alive and now Neda will live forever as a symbol for people who fight for freedom and democracy.

Press TV's constant lies about Neda to tarnish her image became a focus point for those who wanted to mark this day in London. Iranian ex-pats as well as non-Iranians gathered outside Press TV offices in Hanger Lane to commemorate Neda and at the same time perhaps jolt the conscience of those who are still working for this propaganda arm of the messianic junta in Iran.

The event started off with Andreas Moser reading out a letter by Caspian on who Neda was and what Neda wanted from life. Then some of Neda's favourite songs were played and while her favourite songs were playing in the background, one by one, the attendees took a picture of Neda, with a single rose, her favourite flower, walked up the steps leading to Press TV's  building and laid Neda's pictures by the entrance door while lighting a candle by Neda's picture. It was an incredible procession and even a spiritual moment for some. It was sombre but also inspiring at the same time and those taking part felt a special closeness to Neda.

Every picture, rose and candle was a reminder of all the Nedas of Iran who are no longer with us and at the same time a slap in the face of a shameless propaganda media outlet that disseminates lies about our fallen martyrs.

By the time all the pictures and candles were lit the evening darkness had set. Neda's pictures and the lit candles by Press TV's entrance door were an incredible scene. One minute silence was held as a sign of respect, and people were asked to write a message for Neda's family in a memorial book which wil be sent to them.

For the finale of the evening, Caspian Makan himself was contacted on the phone and through the loud speaker, Caspian personally thanked all those who had taken part in the event and commemorated Neda.

The event was covered by Aljazeera English, ITN, Channel4, London Weekly Kayhan and some Iranian news websites and freelance reporters. VOA Persian arrived late at the end of the program and BBC Persian apparently got lost on their way to Hanger Lane!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Neda's Birthday Tomorrow

23rd January is Neda's birthday. Neda would have been 27 tomorrow. She still had a whole life ahead of her, so many wishes, so many goals and so much more to enjoy form life. The bullet that killed her however has made a nation alive. Neda has become a symbol of a young generation eager to bring about change in Iran so that they too can enjoy the basic freedoms of life. Neda's fiancé, Caspian wants a worldwide vigil for Neda on her birthday.

In London, Caspian wanted the vigil to be held outside Press TV offices for all the lies this propaganda arm of the Supreme Leader has tried to spread about Neda.

More than 300 people have confirmed they will attend this vigil outside Press TV offices on Saturday, 23rd January at 16:00.

Westgate Building
Hanger Lane
W5 1YY

There will be 27 pictures of Neda with 27 roses (her favourite flower) and 27 candles laid outside Press TV reception. Those who will attend the vigil can leave a message in a memorial book which will be sent to Neda's family.

Lets show the world that Neda will never die.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Eight and Half Years for Majid Tavakoli

Majid Tavakoli, the popular Iranian student leader who was arrested on 7th December, Iran's National Student Day, has been sentenced to eight and half years imprisonment.

The regime published photoshop images of Majid dressed in a chador after his arrest, with the intention of humiliating him, which only backfired and showed their misogynistic mind set. .

Majid received five years for 'group gathering and collusion', one year for spreading propaganda against the regime, two years for insulting the Supreme Leader, six months for insulting the president, which all add up to eight and half years.

On top of his sentence, he faces a five year ban on any political activity and a five year travel ban out of Iran.

Next time when Ahmadinejad is made to look like a celebrity by some Western media anchorman and claims there is 'Total Freedom' in Iran, perhaps the presenters can educate themselves with the facts about Majid Tavakoli and Ahmad Zeidabadi and many more like them beforehand.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Meeting Andreas Moser

Andreas Moser is a German citizen who was arrested in Iran on 25th June last year. As a tourist he had enjoyed sightseeing in Iran during December/January before the election fraud took place in June. Andreas's tourist visit to Iran developed a kind of affinity towards Iran and its hospitable people. When the protests erupted in June this year, he decided to go back to Iran and see what was going on from a close distance for himself.

The first major disturbance he came across was outside Baharestan Sq., another traditional flashpoint for protests in Tehran where the parliament is situated. This was two days after Neda was murdered, the atmosphere was tense and fear was beginning to prevail again.

Andreas described how out of nowhere a crowd of around 5000 suddenly gathered. Andreas had taken part in many demonstrations in Germany himself for various issues but he described the crowds at Baharestan as the most peaceful protesters he had ever seen. Yet the response by the Special Units was brutal, indiscriminate and over the top. Andreas himself became a victim of the indiscriminate baton wielding Special Units in helmets and armour. The pain of the truncheon blows however soon gave way to a deep sense of rage and resentment. 'Why? for what reason do they beat people up?' was the burning question that did not soothe away. 'This was the most peaceful demonstration I had ever seen. There was no reason for the violence,' Andreas told me.  Yet even if anyone could somehow justify the violence against the protesters, what Andreas could never comprehend was the violence lashed out at ordinary passers by who were not even part of the protest.
'Even women carrying shopping bags and holding their children's hand were not spared' Andreas Moser added. 'And it is that sheer indiscriminate violence that is uniting all Iranians in the struggle. Even the people who voted for Ahmadienjad have now turned against the regime, precisely for that reason'

Andreas was lucky not to be arrested during the Baharestan protests. When he was in Germany he had by pure coincidence met Iranian Human Rights Lawyer, Mohammad Mostafaei on the train and they had exchanged contact details. Andreas had promised to call Mostafaei if he went back to Iran. The day after the Bahrestan protest, was the second time ever Andreas Moser was meeting with Mostafaei, this time in Tehran. Mostafaei had offered to take Andreas to a restaurant. Andreas was sitting in the front of Mostafei's car as a passenger while Mostafei's wife and their six year old daughter were sitting in the back. Andreas was trying to talk to Mostafaei's six year old and joke with her. The whole atmosphere was jovial and fun until a motorbike cut them up and stopped in front of Mostafaei's vehicle. The bike rider had a two way radio. He approached Mostafaei and asked him to confirm his identity and then called on his two way radio and two Nissan patrols turned up from nowhere. Mostafaei was taken away in one vehicle in front of his screaming six year old and worried looking wife. Andreas was blindfolded and taken in the other vehicle. So much for the dinner and the conversation they were all going to enjoy together.

Andreas was taken to Evin prison. He was given prison pyjamas, a blanket, bar of soap and a tooth brush and put in solitary confinement in a 3x3m room with no bed. His cell had a high ceiling and a small window that could not be reached to look out from. Its only use was to tell him if it was day or night. He could hear the prison was full and overcrowded with protest detainees. Some were being kept and interrogated in the corridors. Worst of all was when Andreas could hear other prisoners scream and cry. Their cries went right through him and he felt closer than ever to the pain and sorrow that the people of Iran were going through.

Then the non stop interrogations started. Andreas was interrogated three times a day. He was always blindfolded during his interrogations and he never saw the interpreter but whoever he was spoke German very well, even understood the German colloquial references Andreas used. 'You better start telling us everything or you will remain here for a very long time my friend' was what his interrogator kept telling him. After six days, they realised they had nothing on Andreas. Andreas was called in front of a judge who told him 'You are going to be released. As you can see you were not mistreated. Hope you will not say anything bad when you go back to Germany.' and then the judge finished by the most bemusing statement of all to win over Andreas  'After all we are both Aryans' :)

It was a pleasure meeting Andreas. Every sentence he told me about his plight kept repeating in my head. Perhaps the most poignant one was ' It is the sheer indiscriminate brutality lashed out against everyone which is uniting the people of Iran'. Something Iranian expats should finally realise when it comes to their irrational petty jealousies and small minded traits. Next Saturday 23rd January, is Neda's birthday, lets hope we can display worthy commemorative events for her all over the world. Neda was killed but her death made our nation alive.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dear Lord Help the People of Iran Against these Tyrants

Two new footage that have come from Iran which show the savagery of the regime against innocent people on Ashura.
The first one below shows a demonstrator who seems to have been shot in the head. You can hear a passer by pleading with the lord to come to the help of the people of Iran against these tyrants. The grief of the people on the scene is as unbearable to watch as the shattered head of the victim.

and this one showing an old man being set upon by baton wielding special units. The kicking continues even when the old man is on the floor.

Another Question Regarding Press TV's Claim on Neda

The footage recorded from Iranian state TV below was made shortly after Neda's death. It shows Neda's music teacher describing the location where Neda was shot and also interviews the driver whose car was used to take Neda to hospital. The presenter claims Neda was shot in the back while walking.

Yet the documentary that was made by the Iranian state TV and shown on Press TV last week claims Neda was part of the plot and poured red paint over herself as she fell while being filmed not realising that she will be shot in the car by the rest of the gang who were part of the 'plot'. So if she was shot in the car how comes the driver interviewed here on state TV knows nothing about it? Why does the state TV here claim she was shot in the back while walking?

More importantly why are the British people not putting more pressure on the likes of Gilligan and Lauren Booth to quit working for the Supreme Leader's propaganda machine?

Iranian Scientist, Massoud Ali Mohammadi was Pro-Moussavi

When the regime tried to blame the assassination of Iranian physicist, Massoud Ali Mohammadi, on the usual bogey figures, the MeK and the API, they seem to have forgotten one thing. His name clearly appears amongst the 420 academics who publicly backed Mir Hossein Moussavi, see the image left.

My guess would be this is yet another extra judicial execution of pro-Green supporters committed by the terror squads who have  publicly claimed their formation. Like this one here:

In the above link, a terror squad called Shahab Sagheb [Penetrating Meteorite],  whose hero is no other than Navab Safavi, the leader of the notorious terrorist group in the mid 40s to 50s, the Fedayean of Islam [Devotees of Islam], who carried out a series of assassinations against Iran's intellectuals, researchers and statesmen, publicly claimed their formation and gave seven days warning to the judiciary that if the pro-Green supporters are not executed they will take the matters into their own hands. I would have thought they should be the first suspects.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Its Worth to Kill 75000 People to Preserve the Regime" - Supreme Leader's Representative

Ali Saeedi, the Supreme Leader's representative in the IRGC made a statement that goes to show how far the regime is prepared to go. "It is worth killing 75000 people to preserve the regime!". Not 750, not 7500, as many as 75000 people's lives means nothing for these previous two bob clerics and their revolutionary guards oligarchs to maintain their corrupt and brutal rule.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

They Killed Their Children, Now They Detain the Mothers

After the killing of Neda and Sohrab by government forces during the summer protests, the bereaved mothers of those killed have been staging silent peaceful protests at the Laleh Park on a daily basis. Yesterday, security forces attacked the mothers and took them to the Vozara detention centre.

An eyewitness described yesterday’s event as the following:
“I was in Laleh Park today around 4 p.m. More than a hundred police and plain clothes agents had occupied the park and its perimeter. They would not allow anyone to even sit on the benches or congregate. Every Saturday, the Mourning Mothers and their supporters gather in the Park. Today after about 70 mothers had entered the park, security forces engaged them and started chasing them, grabbing them, and forcing them into police vans. They used a lot of violence and insults in the process. One of the mothers who is 75 years old has been taken to a hospital.”

What kind of a savage ideology or culture would permit such a thing? First they kill their children, then their refuse to allow them to hold proper funerals, then they brutally arrest the mothers and detain them. Next I assume, in a few months time, Press TV will show a documentary that the bereaving mothers were actually attacked by the BBC/MeK/CIA/MI6 to tarnish the image of this vicious messianic junta and there will still be some useful idiots who fall for it!

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

After 6 Months this is All Press TV Could Come up

Six months after Neda's callous murder, this is all Press TV could come up with to refute Neda's murder at the hands of the Baseej. Pathetic beyond belief and deserves a complaint to the incompetent OFCOM:

The program is clearly not balanced. There is no opportunity for someone who opposes the Islamic Republic's version of Neda's murder, including Dr. Arash Hejazi who is accused in the program, to make a comment. The viewer is simply fed with the regime's propaganda broadcast through Press TV.

Remember anyone can complain, even those outside UK.

It was shown as a package and part of the News throughout the following schedule

2010-01-05 News Full

GMT Tehran
20:00 23:30
21:00 00:30
22:00 01:30
23:00 02:30

2010-01-06 News Full

GMT Tehran
00:00 03:30
01:00 04:30
02:00 05:30
04:00 07:30
05:00 08:30
06:00 09:30
07:00 10:30

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Contact Ban for 60 Organisations

I was going through the list of 60 organisations that the regime in Iran has banned any contact with. One of them is Human Rights Watch who have been guests of Andrew Gilligan's Forum program on Press TV. So what should happen to Andrew Gilligan now? Will he be put on show trials in Iran? Will the Press TV producers and editors that asked Human Rights Watch representatives to appear on Press TV programs be punished now?

MOST LIKELY NOT. As always there is one rule for Iranians facing the harsh realities inside Iran and one for the international display shop front window for the young impressionable English speaking Muslims and useful idiots around the world. When will the likes of Gilligan end their treachery to basic human values? When will OFCOM wake up?

Monday, January 04, 2010

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Rise and Rise Again

The Voice of Pure Evil

This footage should be watched by the whole world to see the dark evil forces that will stand by the regime to the end and the violence they are threatening to unleash against the noble people of Iran by instructing their lackeys to carry out the extra judicial killings needed.

'Do not look at the Supreme Leader's turban and think its a soft target for you to head butt against, behind this is the Hidden Imam, there is steel behind this turban, your own skull will be smashed...Their popular support will be reduced to zero, the judiciary will arrest their leaders and be sure that nothing will happen, I want to give you an example, Moussa Khiabani [an MeK leader in the eighties] was arrested, all the walls in all small and large cities was blackened by the slogans of Moussa Khiabani must be freed. No one harmed him, he was arrested purely because he was caught with evidence which showed him working with the Russians. They [MeK] had such a status that we couldn't do anything to even one of them, they staged a rally and killed people Moussavi Tabrizi was the prosecutor, he arrested them in the morning and by night the Radios announced 30 of them had been killed, and nothing happened. You know why? Because people realised the more of these lot killed the more the people would benefit, the more the law enforcement forces kill these people the more it is to your benefit, Its time to arrest them, to detain them, yes to all such actions, do not make your enemy look like victims...He who has become the Supreme Leader by obeying God and his messenger does not need to remain in power by security forces, in other places rulers need security forces etc. to maintain their power but here this is not needed, the people are his forces, they will do it themselves'

The cleric also seems to be suffering from acute alzheimer's disease. Moussa Khiabani, the MeK leader, the cleric refers to and Khiabani's comrades were not arrested, they were killed in a gun fight after their safe house was discovered. The MeK member he refers to, I think was Sa'adati, who was arrested shortly after the revolution charged with spying for the Soviets but he was not executed until later because the large popular support the MeK enjoyed at the time.

I wonder which one of the causes for forgetfulness has engulfed the red haired dinosaur?  See:

Moussavi's Last Farewell with his Martyred War Vetran Nephew

Saddam's forces killed his brother but Moussavi's nephew, Ali was saved to become a martyr in another battle for the liberation of his people. Now while pro-Saddam sychophants like George Galloway, earns £8000 for each of his appearances on Press TV, our war veterans are assassinated in the streets by the messianic Hojjatieh junta's death squads.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

500 Are Held in Eshrat Abad Barracks Alone

Around 500 protesters are held in despicable conditions at Eshrat Abad barracks. Two are reported dead and taken away to unknown location. It looks like the horrors of Kharizak are being repeated all over again.

On BBC Radio 5

This post is for Reza Esfandiari/Yussef Bozorgmehr - Home Office advisor/out of work statistician  in Manchester - because I know he hates it when the media talk to me. Reza start complaining to BBC Radio 5 this is now the 5th time they have had me on air :)))))