Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Nowrooz

They can't take away our happiness, they can't take away our hopes and they will never be able to take away our national day, Nowruz.

Happy Nowruz to all those who stand up to injustice and all those who cherish freedom.


Anonymous said...

Have you heard about the message from Obama? Was it televised in Iran for the general population?

Is this the work of Trita Parsi perhaps ....

"The United States wants the Islamic Republic of Iran to take its rightful place in the community of nations. You have that right"


Anonymous said...

If the regime allowed it to be aired on their tv for the whole country to see, , was it aired in its entirety?

Thanks for your reply.

Anonymous said...

btw - Sale No Mobarak
: )

Anonymous said...

(i hope this doesn't post twice)
Do you know if Obama's message was aired on regime tv station? If so, was it aired in its entirety?

Thanks for your reply

Aryamehr said...

Noroozat Pirooz Potkin-jAn!

Winston said...

سال نو مبارک

Anonymous said...

yes, it was aired. And ahmadinejad has already responded.

Anonymous said...

جناب شعبان با مخ لندن و حومه عيد شما مبارك

Anonymous said...

Happy No Ruz from Principia Dialectica

Anonymous said...

happy Nowrooz