I was just channel hopping and came across this TV drama on channel 4, called 'Its a Free World'. It was about a couple of girls who were struggling to start their own recruitment agency by recruiting migrant workers for low paid dirty jobs. What caught my eye when I was channel hopping was this Iranian family that appeared on the program. They were playing the roles of asylum seekers whose application for asylum had been rejected and were living in sub-standard conditions in fear of being picked up and returned to Iran. No problem so far.
What bothered me was when the family started telling their story. The program is set in today's contemporary world, so you would think this Iranian family who were seeking asylum were refugees from the Islamic Republic, but when they started telling their story, it started from the man's family who were booksellers and were persecuted during the Shah for having sided with Mossadiq in 1953 and having published books that were critical of the Shah. There was no mention of the Islamic Republic, or no mention of the Ayatollahs, it seemed whoever wrote the play was just too scared to mention those words, so he or she had gone for the safe option of yes you guessed it, the 1953 coup :)
'My family sided with Prime Minister Mossadiq who was elected by the people' his voice raising when he said the words 'elected by the people' :)) what load of non-sense, Mossadiq was not elected by the people, he was appointed by the Shah. I don't know about you but I have just had enough of these people who have just read a couple of lines about the 1953 coup and bring it up for just about every subject you can think of.
I had to puke today when I saw these terrible things going on TV
watch Sky News!
گويا افرادی برای پنهان کردن شرمساری خود بخاطر شرکت در انقلاب فاشيستی اسلامی و به خاک و خون کشيدن سرزمين عزيزمان چاره را در وارونه جلوه دادن رويدادهای تاريخی می بينند. برای توجيه اشتباه بخشش ناپذيرشان در به قدرت رساندن آخوندها بايد نخست مظلوم نمايی کنند. بايد در هر فرصتی روضة کربلای بيست و هشت مرداد بخوانند و هر بار سر مصدق را توسط شاه ببرند و چندين تهمت و افترا به وی بزنند و سپس با وجدانی آسوده بيست و هشت مرداد را به انقلاب فاشيستی پيوند دهند و دلايل اين را در آن بجويند.ـ
اگر در سالها پيش تنها نيروهای ناسيوناليستی و شاهدان رويدادهای روز بيست و هشت مرداد بودند که بارها گفتند و نوشتند که در آن روز يک جنبش خودجوش مردمی از بطن جامعة نگران تهران شکل گرفت و مردم بر عليه آشفتگی سياسی و اقتصادی مملکت به پا خواستند و ايران را از خطر کودتای کمونيستی در امان نگه داشتند، امروزه ديگر اين تاريخ نويسان هستند که با مراجعه به اسناد تاريخی و بدون حب و بغض و با جسارت تمام خط بطلان بر نظرية توده ای ـ نفتی می کشند. جديدترين اين تحقيقات پژوهش دکتر ميرفطروس است که در چند بخش به تازگی در بسياری از سايتهای اينترنتی چاپ شد و قرار است به صورت کتاب نيز عرضه شود.ـ
ضرر ندارد که مغرضان و بی سوادان با مطالعة بيشتر از غرض خود بکاهند و بر دانش خود بيفزايند. ايران عزيزمان بسيار گران بها تر از اين است که به اين سادگی آن را قربانی غرض ورزی و نادانی بکنيم.ـ
I watched this too. The play is in fact by Ken Loach:
and yes even I was surprised why the refugees from Iran (Dawood and Mahin) didn't say anything about the current regime but something that happened 50 years ago!
Thanks also for the information that Mossadiq was not elected but appointed by the Shah. We in the West are very ignorant about Iran. our information comes from people like Ken Loach and the BBC!
eh vous êtes de mauvaise foi....si vous n'aviez pas vu le film vous ne l'auriez pas su alors merci ken loach et merci la bbc....de plus ce qui se passe maintenant en GB est plus important que savoir si Mossadiq fut nommé par le shah ou pas.....
does it really matter to know whether Mossadiq was appointed by the shah fifty years ago...Loach probably did not want to mention islamics as he didn't want some loonies to start killing innocent people...criticism is easy when you are safe and unknown in the comfort of your home....
isn't it more important to be aware of what is now going on in our own country ???
Shut up you anonymous fart!
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