Sunday, September 30, 2007

Tyranny of the Islamic Republic

I have some differences of opinion with the way Robert Tait has portrayed the likes of Khatami and Ibrahim Yazdi in his article, Tyranny in Tehran, but he has done an exceptional job so far in reporting from Iran.

Unlike most other correspondents in Tehran, he does not just paraphrase the official IR government when reporting the news from Iran, he goes out and investigates the news.

In particular, Robert Tait's report, printed in the Observer today, describes very well, the way dissidents are treated in Iran and how dissent is quickly clamped on by the regime.

Another aptly reported subject in Tait's report is the widely rumoured desire by US government for regime change in Iran and the famous $75m of annual US state department funding for pro-democracy projects in Iran.
What a load of cod's wallop. I know not of one single Iranian dissident or pro-democracy project who has received a single dime of this money, yet we have all been accused of it by anti-American groups and individuals.

During my IVLP visit to US and in our meeting with the State Department officials, we were categorically told, the US is not after a regime change but change of regime's behaviour, and when we asked how they intended to change the regime behaviour, the reply was some poxy ridiculous website that no one had even heard of. Good luck US State department and your desire to change the Islamic Republic's behaviour, but we would be grateful if you just stop giving the clerics platform after platform for their propaganda.


Winston said...
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Anonymous said...

Atigheh, Hesabi Pir Shodi! Kapak Maro Yadet Raftee? Mokhlesim.

Anonymous said...

potkin it is good that you are reporting all aspects of iran us relation but is better some times for us to dont give more publicity to sucha a low level people like her.
by the way her neckless is the logo of DERAFSHE KAVIANI flag but I am sure she doesnt know where it comes from.

Azarmehr said...

I thought her necklace was an iron cross, how is it a Derfash Kaviani?

As for publicity, I disagree with you. first of all its not as if I didnt say anything no one would know. Mail on Sunday has many more readers than my blog. secondly why not? Why should we not react to something that is wrong?
My principle has been never to stay silent when I see something is wrong.