It is now two years since the arrest of Iran's dissident cleric, Ayatollah Boroujerdi, and the brutal attack on his supporters outside his house. Shiite cleric, Ayatollah Boroujerdi, is against political Islam and wants the clerics to go back to mosques and not be involved in government. He believes clerics mixing in politics and government will undermine and damage the religion itself.
In the last two years, the Islamic Republic has used all manners of inhumane torture methods to get Ayatollah Boroujerdi recant in public and beg the Supreme Leader for forgiveness, but the ailing dissident Ayatollah has resisted so far, saying he prefers death with honour, making him even more popular and saintly amongst his followers.
On the anniversary of Ayatollah Boroujerdi's arrest, I came across this footage on youtube, which shows the extent of his support and the level of devotion towards him by his supporters amongst Iran's most religious sections of the society. It is no wonder the regime fears the religious dissidents more than anyone else. Shame the men of cloth around the world have so far shied away from calling for the release of Ayatollah Boroujerdi. Perhaps those silly Quakers and Mennonites who chose to dine with Ahmadi-nejad or the American TV presenter, Larry King, should have asked Ahamdi-nejad why has the regime arrested Ayatollah Boroujerdi and killed so many of his supporters. Instead millions of viewers had to watch Ahmadinejad go unchallenged when he ranted 'Iran is the freest country in the world!' and yet this is how they treat even a high ranking Shiite cleric and his religious followers who refuse to toe the regime's interpretation of Islam.
Watch the footage here:
Why do we in the West not know about this?
I can't believe it's been 2 yrs.
Thanks for reminding us.
its very strange that the western media hasnt covered boroujerdi yes. i think that by doing so it will show the world that boroujerdi has a lot of support and some of the clerics do oppose the political islam. but this not what the western media would like.
they want to show iran as a dynamic country when the opposition sometimes do speak (and then are imprisoned). had he been a pro west and pro isral the case would be different.
jenabe Azarmehr ali bod daste shoma dard nakone .
Pirouz bashid .
I think this man is great man and Key of people Of iran victory .
we support this religious leader Ayatollah kazemeyni Boroujerdi .
thank you for this report. Ayatollah Boroujerdi has some another fotog . i hope you serche those and show in your blog.
i so glad for your report. you write more than i expected from any persion man in abrod.
do you know how can we help this slave clergy? i hope Pope answers his calling.
dear Azarmehr,if iranian government tray to kill Ayatollah Boroujerdi, it dosent know that all of the world support this man. he salvation from prison early.thank you
what is the iranian government's problem with this clergy ?
Ayatollah Boroujerdi is the first shia clergy man who advocated of women rights .i support his belief.
for Mr.Fouad
you can ENDORSEMENT his petition in www.Bame
Dear Azarmehr
thank you for sharing your information, pleace informed us about more details on this event
Dear Azarmehr
thank you for sharing your information, pleace informed us about more details on this event
Dear Azarmehr
Thank you for sharing your information . please inform us about more details on this event
az shoma sepasgozaram.agar momken ast barkhe az didgahhay eshan ra monakes koned.
you write very good information about Iranian librety Ayatollah Boroujerdi. are you have some another information about his activity?
khoshhalam az enkeh door az vatan nez pygher akhbar Ayatollah Boroujerdi hasted.peroz va sarboland bashed.
dear Pootkin,
I am one of ayatollah boroujerdi women followers and i know him very well that he is most kind and honorable person in the world.he loves people no matter Iranian or which religion they he says he has responsibility for serving people their rights. and he believes in sepration of religion from politic.
I am one of ayatollah boroujerdi followers. he is very nice clergic. and relable person.and Iranians especially women need some one like him which is care about their rights. and can release them from society pressuer.
and he is a brave person which is confronting with Iran horrible regime.
Dorud bar shoma mamnon mishavam ka didgahhaya ayatollah Boroujerdi ra ba mardom onvan konid chon mardom ashnaei ba didgahhaya ishan ra nadarand
ba salam be shoma. lotfan dar weblog khod kari dar jhate jame kardne emza braye azadi"Ayatollah Boroujerdi" dar weblog khod be anjam dar mored eishan matlebe bishtari bazgo konid.
ba tashakor az shoma
ba salam be shoma. lotfan dar weblog khod kari dar jhate jame kardne emza braye azadi"Ayatollah Boroujerdi" dar weblog khod be anjam dar mored eishan matlebe bishtari bazgo konid.
ba tashakor az shoma
با سلام و درود به شما
لطفاً برای درج بیشتر اطلاعات در مورد آیت الله کاظمینی بروجردی به وب لاگ زیر بروید
وً برای کمک بیشتر به این روحانی مبارز در وب لاگ خود سعی در جمع کردن امضاء برای ایشان باشید که در وب لاگ خصوصی ایشان هم درج گردیده شده است. با تشکر فروان از شما
Dorud bar shoma mamnon mishavam ke didgahhaya ayatollah Boroujerdi ra be mardom onvan konid chon mardom ashnaei ba didgahhaya ishan ra nadarand
droud bar shoma douste aziz khahesh mandim ke noe tafokorate eashan ra dar zaminehaye mokhtalef ba khabar sazid . ba tashkor.
سلام خسته نباشید.از شما تقاضا دارم که کتاب رساله آزادی را در برنامهایتان منعکس فرمایید .سپاسگذارم.
For example the views of Ayatollah Kazemeyni Boroujerdi about freedom , is that to describe the freedom in this manner :
The freedom is divine blessing that should not restrain it under each condition. When the individual freedom scratched the public freedom , would to be inform the rebellious person by education cases.By liberalism, improvement will come. Free thought cause of Anti-virus and clean the base of life. When we suffer from other creatures corral , how we can think about limitation and for the freedom create the prison. The freedom is in genes' man.
please write some imformation about Ayatollah Boroujerdi's beliefs.
for more english information about Ayatollah Boroujerdi:
بسیار سپاسگزارم که از پیام آور صلح وعدالت وآزادی آیت الله کاظمینی برجردی یاری می کنید
ba sepase faravan az hemayate jenabali az in rohanye azadikhah .
baraton arezoye pirouzi daram .
salam duste aziz mamnun az hemayate shoma dar rahe in seyyede mazlum.
kamaale tashakor ro daram azatun.agar mishe duste azi payamhaye farsi say koni bezari ta afrad rahat tar bekhunand.
ba tashakor
Don't you think we've seen this movie before?
I mean, wasn't it the oppressed that eventually rose to power to become the oppressor? I am referring to how Khomeini and his followers were treated by the Shah. The way these people that have posted on this thread are talking about Baroujerdi is very reminiscent of how people were fooled by Khomeini and his dissident activities.
You pointed out the level of devotion his followers have as if to give him merit. Were not Hitler's followers devoted to him? And Khomeini, were his followers not devoted to him? Devotion is not always a virtue, and, in fact, can quite often be a vice.
Boroujerdi, Kadivar, Suroosh, and other dissident clerics are a means to an end. They have a pivotal role to play, and that role should be made clear to them: you will assist (morally and materially)in imploding the rule of the ruhaniyan, i.e. vilayit-e faqih, majlis-e khobregan, shuraye negahban, and then return to an apolitical status.
You can't be too sure of their intentions. After all, a clerical activist (who is himself meddling in politics by doing what he's doing) who is advocating the dissolution of political Islam by using Islam to foster political activism is kind of, well, hypocritical.
be salamat,
I have not given any merit for the devotion of the followers but merely pointed it out. Otherwise as you rightly say one can give other examples of devotion which are quite misguided.
I have however asked these questions in the post if you read it carefully:
1- Why have the men of cloth around the world not campaigned for Boroujerdi's release.
2- Why do silly Quakers and Mennonites who host Ahmadinejad for dinner not bring up the subject of Boroujerdi
3- Why did Larry King not challenge Ahmadinejad's claim that Iran is so free by asking him well then how comes even a Shiite cleric and his devout Shiite followers treated like this in the Islamic Republic?
4- As for your starting rant, Don't you think we've seen this movie before?
The answer is no, I don't think everyone has seen it or even heard of Boroujerdi. Let me make it simple, the counter on the youtube footage showed it was viewed around 10,000 times. There are around 6 billion people in the world, so there is still way to go.
1. I think you misinterpreted my statement: "Haven't we seen this movie before?" I wasn't referring to Boroujerdi himself, but to how the opposition is gathering around one man that people aren't intimately familiar with. Remind you of anything?
2. I implore you to listen to the interviews Ahmadinejad did on public media, not profit-driven media like CNN. They ask exactly what you criticize (and rightfully so) Larry King for not asking.
3. It is not in the interest of Quakers to bring up such topics when their main goal is trying to foster religious tolerance and reconciliation.
1. Then you should rephrase your que like this 'Have we not seen this kind of movie before' the way you asked gave the impression taht you were referring specifically to that very film footage on youtube.
2. I was specifically referring to Larry King. If you say other media are criticising Larry King for not asking such questions then thats good.
3. Well if they can not even foster religious tolerance of another SHiite cleric then they are barking up the wrong tree.
سلام رفیق
از اینکه گوشه ای از جنایات رژیم به
ایت الله کاظمینی بروجردی و یارانش را منعکس کرده اید سپاسگذارم.من از راه ایشان حمایت میکنم
hi mr.Azarmehr
thak you for your good information
please tell us more about the crimes of this regime and reveal the real face of this oppressive government
dear Azarmehr
I want to knoe more about this peaceful and liberal clergyman ,so I ask you to release more on his thoughts and opinions in your sit
سلام و خسته نباشید خدمت جناب دکتر آذرمهر، از حمایت جنابعالی و همصدا شدنتان با یاران و مدافعان آیت الله کاظمینی بروجردی در سراسر جهان بسیار خرسندم و امیدوارم که در این راه کمال توفیق را داشته باشید که ما هم با شمائیم .
Hi Every Body
For Information about Ayatollah Kazemeyni Boroujerdi :
The permanent wish of this liberal leader is develop the social justice and international understanding , extend international cooperation and deepening the theism and respect to human rights.
The case of ayatollah Boroujerdi is an interesting one.
His story reminds me of the 18th century British theologian Joseph Butler who - like Boroujerdi - realized that the majority of people in England had become disillusioned with religion and turned against God.
The ayatollah understands how deep the wounds inflicted by the IRI have become. He knows people want jobs and food to serve their families, while the ruling religious elite - bunch of acclaimed moralists - havent delivered any of their [empty] promises. Boroujerdi has accepted that the consequence of this is a de-religionised society (and rightfully so).
More Iranians are becoming secular and atheist as time goes on. The mollahs should not be scourging the 'hurtful' secular rhetoric from the west for 'destroying' their religion - it is the mollahs themselves who will turn Iranians against religion, before anyone else can.
Ayatollah Borujerdi's last testament and his will
وصيتنامه آيت الله بروجردي به همراه فايل صوتي مربوطه
لینک دانلود مستقیم فایل صوتی
با درود بر تمامي آزاديخواهان
با تشكر فراوان از جناب آقاي دكتر آذرمهر به خاطر درج اخبار آيت الله بروجردي ، از همه كساني كه با اطلاع رساني گسترده و به موقع، روحاني زنداني، آيت الله بروجردي را ياري ميكنند سپاسگذاريم.
به اميد رهايي
جمعي از هواداران
امضا براي آزادي آيت الله کاظمينی بروجردی
امضا براي حمايت جهاني از آيت الله کاظمينی بروجردی
امضاء براي آزادي دكتر حسام فيروزي
امضاء براي آزادي ركسانا صابري
امضاء براي آزادي فكري و اعتقادي
ما ادرس شما را لینک خواهیم کرد
لطفا شما هم ادرس ما را لینک کنید و به ما خبر دهید
کانون آزادیخواهان ایرانی در ترکیه
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