Thursday, February 01, 2007

Human Kindness Transcends Artificial Barriers

What a heart warming story this is. Israel awarding an Arab Muslim for saving Jewish lives:

Whenever human kindness transcends artificial barriers of race, religion, cast etc. it is a triumph for humanity. At a time when there is so much mindless sectarian violence, it is good to know about the likes of Khaled Abdulwahab.


Aryamehr said...

Armed resistance by Lor, Bakhtiari and Qashqai Tribes of Iran against the Islamic Republic occupying Iran has commenced:

Winston said...

The sad truth is that majority of Arab people are filled with hatred for others who they deem as infidels

Anonymous said...

What a load of Crap! Mr. Winston. On what basis you say such nonsense? How many Arabs do you know how heat you and have told you so?

Winston said...

I know many Arabs. More than you do...

Anonymous said...

I think to generalize in the way Winston does is very immature. Winston, I am no supporter of Arabs particularly, but it bugs me that some sad git like you can make comments about things you don't know anything about. You must be Azarmehr's brother!!


Azarmehr said...

Winston can answer for himself, but I do agree with Abdulaziz, its not right to generalise. There is always good and bad in everything.

Anonymous said...

I didn't generalize. I just expressed what I had experienced with hundreds of Arabs I have come across. Indeed, it is the reality on the ground that Arabs are anti-jewish, pro-hate people. It's not generalizing. Just watch TV and read the papers.

Anonymous said...

Winston says: MAJORITY OF ARABS.

I do not know how GENERALIZING it can be