Thursday, September 06, 2007

Pilgrims of a Different kind

While the Islamic Republic has poured so much of its resources into harassing respectable Iranian women for showing a few strands of hair, something very sinister has been happening under the disguise of pilgrimage to the tomb of the eighth Shiite Imam in Mashad, North East Iran.

A human trafficking gang has been using the Islamic Republic as a transit country for transferring prostitutes from the ex- Soviet Republics to the Persian Gulf countries. To do this the gang had to obtain Iranian visas for the women under the disguise of pilgrims to Iran's holy Shiite shrines.

The Iranian leader of this gang, then moved the women from Mashad to Karaj, just outside Tehran, where they "earned the money" for the rest of their journey by hosting clients in Iran. Then they would be moved to the port of Bandar-Abbas in South Iran, and sent to the Persian Gulf countries by boats.

Many of these unfortunate women were initially told that they would be sent to the Persian Gulf countries to work in the hotels and bars, but once the gang got hold of their IDs and passports, they had no other choice but to do as the gang forced them to.

Typical of the Islamic Republic and its wrong priorities and the way those running Iran waste all the resources of the country. While the country is infested with prostitution gangs and narcotics, the Iranian authorities concentrate on arresting ordinary Iranian women for not fully observing the Islamic dress code!


SERENDIP said...

The sex-slave trafficking of women is state-run business in the land of Islamic Republic. It seems like they have decided to globalize ther venture capital to keep their competitive advantage as any good CEO of corporation would do...hahaha

SERENDIP said...

The sex-slave trafficking of women is state-run business in the land of Islamic Republic. It seems like they have decided to globalize ther venture capital to keep their competitive advantage as any good CEO of corporation would do...hahaha

SERENDIP said...

The sex-slave trafficking of women is state-run business in the land of Islamic Republic. It seems like they have decided to globalize ther venture capital to keep their competitive advantage as any good CEO of corporation would do...hahaha

Anonymous said...

well said! Look at the all out effort by the Iranian government to arrest women showing a few strands of their hair and yet the country is "infested with prostitution gangs".

I am of Iranian descent working in Republic of Azarbijan, where I see the Iranian ambassador there regularly in a nightclub. He does not drink alcohol but he is always picking up prostitutes!

Anonymous said...

روی آوردن مقامات جمهوری اسلامی به شغل شريف قوّادی زنان اروپای شرقی را به رهبر جمهوری اسلامی، آخوند خامنه ای، به رييس مجلس خبرگان رهبری، آخوند رفسنجانی، به رييس قوة قضايی جمهوری اسلامی،آخوند شاهرودی، به رييس جمهوری اسلامی، احمدی نژاد, به رييس مجلس اسلامی، حداد عادل، و به همة دوستداران داخلی و خارجی جمهوری اسلامی شاد باش می گويم. با توجه به داشتن تجربة طولانی در قوادی زنان ايرانی، آيندة بين المللی درخشانی در اين عرصه برای دست اندرکاران جمهوری اسلامی پيش بينی می کنم.ـ