A twiggy servile creepy groveller who would scrape the bottom of the barrel to justify and say something positive about the clerics in Iran, followed by 'and I am not a supporter of mullahs you know'. Get the idea? A pisspot just like Hossein Derakhshan. You want to lift them up by their collar and clubber them round the ears but then you think, is there any point in hitting this cockroach?
So when I read the translation of the article by Janny Groen and Annieke Kranenberg in de Volkskrant about the mess at Radio Zamaneh, I really was not surprised to find out what was happening there.
When President Ahmadi-Nejad made the famous statement 'There are no homsexuals in Iran', I didn't put anything on my blog, because it was widely reported and ridiculed by the mass media any way, but I did look around to see which of the usual Islamic apologists tried to do the usual window dressing job for their masters in Tehran, and I could not find any. Not even Hossein derakhshan, who has managed to enroll at SOAS without a BA but with the help of media studies scholar!, Annabelle Sreberny, had any bright sparks on how to help his beloved Ahmadi-nejad with this one.
I did not however realise that Mehdi Jami had managed this difficult task until I read the article by Janny Groen and Annieke Kranenberg :)
''Everyone knows that he meant to say that Iran does not have institutionalized homosexuality, no marriages between same sexes"
So there you go. You get the picture on what sort of a revolting lackey the poor Dutch tax payers are paying for. Another example of how Iranian dissidents are accused of receiving money from the West, but in reality, the only people who are receiving grant after grant, are the Islamic regime's apologists and lackeys.
My message to these Western governments is don't waste your tax payers money with such lame radio and TV stations. Iranians have enough of these inside Iran, and my message to the people in the West is, next time your government tells you there isn't enough money for your schools or hospital or community projects, it has probably been spent on promoting the Islamic Republic apologists and lackeys living in your countries without you even knowing about it.
Read this BBC report. The only people it quotes is Jami and Derakhshan as if there was no one else:
I may be wrong but I think at the time Jami and Derakhshan worked for the BBC Persian too.
Derakhshan is at SOAS with
Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi? vow! Soon not only he will write blogs in support of ahmadi-nejad but he will make films about it too!
wow I loved this one.
take care
I sent the original article to my Dutch friends. You know they are paying for this regime tribune and therefore they have a right to know where their money go to. I have always been suspicious of European governments and roozonline.com and this Radio add to my suspicion more....
This Persian article is from August 2007 and is written by a former manager of Radio Zamaneh. He describes the Islamic Connection of that radio. He has resigned meanwhile:
Great post! Thanks.
The article that Pasha refres to is in fact mainly about how those who converted from Islam and have spoken against Islam in Holland have been beaten up and some even forced to flee from Holland, not just because of attacks by Muslims but by the Dutch Left too. There is also a couple of lines about how Radio Zamaneh not only did not give one of these victims who is Iranian any airtime but in fact read out the threatening statement by the Islamic Republic, which resulted in the writer's resignation from the board of the radio.
This is not quite the same article that Azarmehr refers to but one that should be translated into English in due time.
Another article about radio zamaneh:
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