Friday, November 07, 2008

Ayatollah Khorasani: Sunnis are Kaffir!

One day after the interfaith dialogue between the Catholics and Muslims and Hussein Nasr doing his usual charm waffle to fool the non-Iranian delegations, Shiite cleric, Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani, according to Sunni News website publicly quoted some dubious Hadith and concluded that the Sunnis are Kuffar!!

Hussein Nasr, get out of this one :))


Unknown said...

every one have enough freedom to choose his religion . this is Ayatollah Boroujerdi's belife and he advocated of freedom in religion .
one of Ayatollah Boroujerdi follower

Anonymous said...

You see!! These people consider themselves followers!!! How about being partners in the struggle for freedom? People did not "follow" Thomas Payne or Benjamin Franklin or Thomas Jefferson in the American Revolution, they cooperated - not followed.

The French revolution was not kicked into gear by one man, let alone, a man from the church claiming that church and state should be separated.

I think Baroujerdi is more dangerous than we can understand at this point.

be salamat,

Azarmehr said...

I must say, good point Barmakid!

A point I have always made. No one man represents all of Iranians. In opposition to the religious dictatorship in Iran, we all represent or are aligned to different sections of Iranian views. We should all be partners and not followers.

Winston said...

ayatollah my arse. To the mullahs and communists and all ideologues, any one who doesnt get along with them is Kaffir. Down with the Mullahs

Anonymous said...

Is this ayatollah Vali Nasr's father??

Unknown said...

how much you know Ayatollah Boroujerd?i do not know where you liveing and what is your belief about him? at last i was one of Basej group but when i read resaley-azadi (one of Ayatollah Boroujerdi books)i know that i was in mistake.yes i support Ayatollah Boroujerdi and follow him .if you can understan farsi i can send this book for you by email.
my english language is so bad sorry for it.

Anonymous said...

فعالان حقوق بشر در ايران : ماموستا ايوب گنجي روحاني اهل سنت کرد در تاريخ 7 بهمن ماه سال گذشته به دليل ايراد خطابه اي انتقادي توسط نيروهاي امنيتي بازداشت و مورد شکنجه و اذيت و آزار قرار گرفته بود ، سرانجام با قيد ضمانت و اخذ تعهداتي چون " لباس کردي نپوشند ، به مسجد قبا نروند و سخنراني نکنند " در تاريخ 11 مهرماه سال جاري از زندان همدان آزاد گرديد.
بنا بر گزارشات دريافتي آقاي گنجي مجددا در تاريخ 5 آبان ماه سال جاري بازداشت و به زندان مرکزي همدان منتقل گرديده اند ،گفته است بازداشت ايشان در پي برگزاري دادگاه رسيدگي به اتهامات نامبرده صورت پذيرفته است ، از زمان بازداشت ايشان تا کنون و همچنين دادگاه رسيدگي به اتهامات ايشان اطلاعي در دست نيست . نامبرده بنا بر نظر پزشکان کماکان نيازمند مراقبت و درمان مي باشد.

Anonymous said...

shut up kid

Unknown said...

سلام و درود برشما:نظرات مختلفي را كه در مورد آيت الله بروجردي نقل مي شود هر كدام بيانگر اعتقادات افراد مي باشد و طبعا هر كسي در بيان نظر و اعتقاد خود آزاد است. اينكه از آيت الله بروجردي دفاع مي شود ،شايد خيلي ها را منزجر كند اما نياز به رفع ابهام است كه دفاع از ايشان دفاع از شخص نيست بلكه دفاع از عقيده و فكر ايشان است. نيك مي دانم كه افراد زيادي صاحب اين انديشه هستند اما كدام يك از آنان شجاعت كافي براي ابراز انديشه خود را داشتند؟بدانيد لباس و رخ و محاسن براي من و امثال من كه از ايشان مي نويسيم يا دفاع مي كنيم ملاك و خصيصه نيست بلكه نفس مبارزه ايشان براي ما مهم است.بام آزادي سايتي اختصاصي براي معرفي ايشان است.براي آشنائي بيشتر از افكار و عقائد ايشان مي توانيد سري به اين سايت بزنيد

Anonymous said...

tahereh i am very interested in the book.

my email is

can you please send any info on the book by email?

im sorry to contact you in this way i cant directly write to you by email.

Anonymous said...

tahereh i am very interested in the book.

my email is

can you please send any info on the book by email?

im sorry to contact you in this way i cant directly write to you by email.

Anonymous said...

I checked Ayt. Vahid Khorasani website. His opinons about sunni is very respectful. Please do not slander another muslim when you know nothing!

Azarmehr said...

Dear Anon,

I have quoted the source that claimed this. The source, Sunni News also says the item was then removed.

In any case the point made here is not Ayat Khorasani, the point is when even Sunnis and Shiites are having a go at each other what chance for inter faith dialogue.

If Ayat Khorasani never said such things, then the fact that Sunni News has lied about shows there are serious inter faith problems here which need to be irone dout first.