The most I have been dreading about Ahmadinejad's trip to UN is the thought of US news networks interviewing him. So much so that I left the following comment on my Facebook status:
'I hear Larry KIng will be interviewing Ahmadinjead in New York again. If this is true, can someone tell this idiot not to make this monster look like a cuddly celebrity by asking him soft questions and instead educate himself with what is going on in Iran'
If we are to go by past precedence, a typical UN trip by Ahmadinejad will be a propaganda opportunity for this tyrant to represent his government as the 'axis of justice' and all Western governments to be the real human rights abusers, followed by some stupid US anchormen who will interview him without doing much background homework on what is going on in Iran and throw some soft questions at him which will win him more popularity with more 'useful idiots' turning up at his dinner invitations to take photos with him, and at the end he will return to Iran with his state controlled media calling the trip a huge success that has won over many friends for Iran!
It wasn't long after I put that status note on my Facebook that it turned out not to be Larry King but Christian Amanpour who interviewed Ahmadinejad on ABC News first during his present trip. Amanpour didn't even say Sakineh's name or the Tehran prosecutor's name entirely correctly but Ahmadinejad made a startling claim during the interview, that Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani was never sentenced to stoning!!
Let us assume all those on the opposition's side as well as Sakineh's lawyer and her children have all been telling lies and this poor woman was never sentenced to stoning, then why didn't the statement issued by the Iranian embassy in London, after the Sakineh stoning made the headlines in the Times, not deny that she was ever sentenced to stoning?
When Iran's Foreign Affairs Minister, Mottaki was interviewed by Spiegel, he also never said explicitly that Sakineh was not sentenced to stoning but instead tried to play the number's game by saying that stoning occurs very rarely in the Islamic Republic.
When former Saddam stooge, George Galloway interviewed Ahmadienjad in Iran and tried to win himself Ahmadinejad's favour by telling him that I and another Green Movement supporter 'attacked' him in the House of Commons, he asked Ahamdinejad for his final question 'Every so often an issue comes along which is ceased upon by the enemies of Iran and magnified and it becomes a heavy problem, and one such is the punishment scheduled originally against a woman convicted of adultery, the so called STONING case...' again Ahmadinejad did not deny that Sakineh was sentenced to stoning but he replied 'The number of such people is very very insignificant'.
When president Lula of Brazil offered to give sanctuary to Sakineh, again no one in the Iranian government or judiciary ever suggest that Sakineh was never sentenced to stoning.
When the chief of East Azerbijan judiciary, Malek Ezhdar Sharifi was asked the question about Sakineh's stoning, by the official Iran News Agency (IRNA), he did not say she was never sentenced to stoning but replied 'Her punishment has currently been stopped by the chief of the judiciary and will not be carried out but whenever the chief of judiciary decides it is expedient, it will be carried out regardless of the West's propaganda and pressures'.
Yet all of a sudden, when Ahmadinejad makes the trip to New York, suddenly we hear from him that Sakineh was never sentenced to stoning and it has all been a big lie! It all sounds like the forever changing stories of the Islamic Republic officials and state TV about Neda. When the heat is on, the Islamic Republic officials just chop and change their story and invent lies after lies.
All the 'useful idiots' who will continue to ignore common sense and justify this regime of lies will do so because they themselves are nothing but a fraud. Fraudsters who pretend to support peace, liberation of the oppressed, progress and such fancy words but do nothing other than prolong the life of dictators and the misery of those who suffer under these brutal regimes.
Listening to that interview was the most frustrating 14 min of my life... And not just about Sakineh - he did not utter one truthful sentence. If I was Amanpour, I wouldn't even have kept trying, I'd just take a tennis racket and hit him on his chimpanzee head.
On an earlier visit to New York, he said there are no homosexuals in Iran. So why not?
The mainstream media in the western world is corrupt and morally bankrupt. They're soft on despots and tough on the helpless individuals.
In the US we use baseball bat. It is more lethal
Nah... Ahmandinejad never gets a good grilling in interviews does he? Why..??? Are stations worried that he'll just remove his microphone and walk off? Well good! Catch the sly devil on camera as the skulking, cowardly persecutor & evader of justice & truth that he really is! That would make better telly and send a far greater message to what he really is!
P.s. We've probably now all heard the case of a blogger threatened with the death penalty in Iran... Words... Yep, threatened to be executed by simple WORDS! Just think about it all you dark, evil corrupt and black vulture regime lovers..! You truly must be gutless, spineless, fearful, afraid and utter cowards if this regime is afraid of JUST words. Call yourself men! You are nothing but spitful cancerous 10 year olds. Chicken yellow livered children! Like I've said before: 'Whenever a power is afraid of simple words, then ONLY ONE word need be applied to it: Dictatorship!' So for all you support ignorance, greed, thuggery and the black cloud hanging over Iran all for the sake of your Own selfish personal comfort and priviledge, then have a care... In the ultimtate records of human history and decency, your souls - just like Hitler, Stalin & Pal Pot will alwayds been condemned to hell!
quote from the article by Mansour Farhang, the former Iranian rep in the UN:
وقتی که در تابستان ۱۹۸۲ نیروهای ایران موفق شدند که قوای عراق را از خاک ایران برانند و وارد حریم مرزی عراق شوند، آیت الله خمینی پیشنهادات متعددی را برای پایان جنگ و دریافت غرامت که کشورهای عرب خلیج فارس حاضر به پرداخت آن بودند، رد کرد.
در شش سال آخر جنگ این تنها آیت الله خمینی بود که قادر به خاتمه جنگ بود ولی بعد از تابستان ۱۹۸۲ که نیروهای ایرانی بخشی از عراق را تسخیر کرده بودند، آیت الله خمینی در این رویا بود که از راه کربلا به بیت المقدس برود و "فلسطین را از سلطه استکبار رها" سازد.
سرانجام وقتی که جنگ به شهرهای ایران کشیده شد و بقای ولایت فقیه را به مخاطره انداخت، آیت الله خمینی اعلام کرد برای "حفظ نظام" حاضر به نوشیدن جام زهر و پذیرفتن قطعنامه ۵۹۸ شورای امنیت و آتش بس شده است.
In my opinion, thousands of lives there be still be with us, and less importantly, Iran would have been paid for the damages.
Masih Alinejad
"Freedom is not free"
BBC World Service interview with journalist, activist in exile: :
It's Official - No War with Iran
It's already been decided now that no attack on Iran will occur. Instead Goldman Sachs will open an office to sell derivatives .....
US banks want to open branches in Iran
Four American banks, including Citigroup and Goldman Sachs, file requests with Central Bank of Iran. If approved, they will be able to open branches in free trade zone, and later perhaps in Tehran
Four American banks, including Citigroup and Goldman Sachs, have filed requests to open branches in Iran, a Tehran-based daily reported over the weekend.
According to the newspaper, the official requests were submitted to the Central Bank of Iran about 20 days ago, and if approved, the banks will be able to send delegations to the country's free trade zone.
Later, if they prove to meet Iran's banking laws, the four banks may open branches in the country's big cities, including Tehran.
The newspaper notes that the new Obama administration in the United States enabled a slight improvement in the relations between the two countries. The American president was recently quoted as saying that he was ready to reach out to countries like Iran.
The new administration has also decided to hold direct talks between American representatives and Iranian envoys on the Iranian nuclear plan.
Goldman Sachs and Citigroup were badly hurt by the credit crisis and are looking for new markets in order to improve their financial situation.
Goldman Sachs recently reported a significant improvement in its situation, with its first quarter reports for 2009 including a net profit of $1.66 billion. Citigroup, which received $45 billion in aid, also released positive reports for the first quarter of the year, after losing more than $18 billion in 2008.,7...702978,00.html
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