I was glad that his burial was as he wanted it to be. His coffin was draped in the Iranian Sun and Lion flag. After his coffin was lowered to the ground, his family then poured some Iranian soil in his grave. I too had brought some Iranian soil with me, it was from the Gardens of Fin, where Iran's great secular Prime Minister, Amirkabir was murdered. It was my last contribution to a man whose judgement and insight, I trusted so much when it came to Iranian affairs.
Each person who could, then took turns with the shovel filling up the grave until Aziz's coffin was fully covered. Then came the many bouquets of flowers from family and friends, many of them in the green, white and red of the Iranian flag's tri-colours.
Once all the flowers were laid, a speech was made by a family friend celebrating the life of a courageous man who stood by his principles and helped anyone he could, without expecting any favours in return. A man who was praised by friend and foe for his honesty and loyalty.
When the speech was finished, we sang the Ey Iran anthem, and finished with the shouts of Payandeh Iran (Long Live Iran).
There was no religious ceremony, it was the way Aziz wanted it.
During the speech, my mind wondered off to all the memories I have of Aziz. His famous humourous one-liners and also his serious side. In the background I could hear his beloved daughter's cries "Baba, why aren't you answering me any more?" and I asked myself who will I turn to for advise now? Who will have Aziz's wealth of practical experience that I could trust as much, now that Aziz is silent?
As I walked away from his grave, I met with Aziz's daughter-in-law. Like most his family members, she thanked me for my previous post on Aziz and said "We were Aziz's relatives but you were his son from politics" and another friend of Aziz shook my hand and said "Aziz was so proud of you, he told me once, see that Potkin, he is one good demonstration why Iran will never die" I was so touched by those comments, I nearly lost my composure and quickly walked away.
Aziz was one of those few older generation Iranians who did not try to hinder the younger activists and instead whenever he could, he would promote them and give guidance. He loved being amongst the younger generation and his footprints will be visible for many years to come.
We are all very impressed by ur dedication to freedom of our beloved country. We all thank Aziz for his contribution to ur political upbringing. Aziz will live on in his students...
مرد نكونام نميرد هرگز مرده آنست كه نامش به نكويي نبرند ٠ يادش بخير
Thanks for reminding us. Thanks for this post
please accept my condolences. I was fortunate to have met him several
times both here and in London, and considered him a friend. he was
selfless..like Dr bakhtiar and Dr. Boroumand
I could feel your pain through your writing, a pain so familiar and so everlasting. One by one they leave...I hope they will light up the heavens that has been darkened by the brushes of the injustice ruling in Iran.
Ashke maroo dar avordi...ravanesh shaad.
I hope that one day soon we can reunite all of Iran's most patriotic and loyal children, who closed their eyes for the last time outside Iran, with the soil of their motherland, so they can finally rest in peace.
With the passing of one "Aziz", ten, one hundred, thousands... of new "Aziz's" will fill the shoes of these loved ones.
Cho Iran nabashad, tane man nabad!
Payandeh Iran!
Payandeh iran! God bless him
Potkin jan,
ye chizi darbareye in marde doost dashtani gofti ke kheili baram jaleb bood. gofti joloye javoonharo baraye pishraft nemigereft.
roohesh shad va ey kash roohesh be khabe hameye oonha ke hazer nistan bazneshast beshan va be javoonha meydoon bedan biyad va bidareshoon kone.
واقعا خوشا به حال آنكسي كه دوستش تو باشي و بدا به حال آنكسي كه تو دشمنش باشي
Please have a look at a tribute film made from the funeral of Azizollah Asnz_Ashari which has been posted on the YOUTUBE.
Azizollah_e Gool is gone - RIP
Interesting blog you have there. I'm an American and simply amazed by the different Iranian communities worldwide. You should check out this great blog about Iranian Jews in the U.S.:
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