Friday, November 14, 2008

As If We Will Hand in the Presidency on a Plate

Cleric Mohammad Ali Abtahi points out an interesting point on his blog made by Ayatollah Jannati during last week's Friday Sermon. Abtahi quotes Ayatollah Jannati when he lashed at the newspapers who have been criticising President Ahmadinejad's government saying 'They think we are going to hand them the presidency on a plate'. Abtahi then humours the sermon speech saying, so it sounds like the Presidency is an appointed position. Sounds like it is!


Anonymous said...

Have a look at this link Potkin-jAn:

Anonymous said...

Can you please take that link for Kasra Naji's book off? Thank you for your cooperation in advance:)

Oh, and one more thing: Khatami wouldn't have gotten elected if it was an appointed position. Nonetheless, he was shrewdly managed by his IRGC handlers.

be salamat,

Azarmehr said...


It is true Khatami was not appointed and since then the ruling elite in Iran have made sure that kind of thing will never happen again.

The link to Naji's book stays up however :)

Bahramerad said...

Watch it kido - you are next...
وبلاگ نویس حامی رژیم در ایران دستگیر شد
سایت پارسینه: منابع غیررسمی و برخی وبلاگ‌ها خبر می‌دهند که حسین درخشان، وبلاگ‌نویس و از جمله مدافعان سیاست‌های محمود احمدی‌نژاد، بیش از دوهفته است که توسط ماموران امنیتی دستگیر شده و گفته می‌شود نزدیکان وی نیز حاضر نیستند این دستگیری را تایید کنند یا اطلاع دقیقی از وی در اختیار رسانه‌ها قرار دهند.

درخشان سه‌سال است که از مواضع انتقادی خود نسبت به جمهوری اسلامی عدول کرده و در نوشته‌هایش سیاست‌های دولت را خصوصا درباره انرژی هسته‌ای تاریخی و سرنوشت‌ساز عنوان کرده است.

حسین درخشا‌ن در آخرین پست وبلاگ خود، پایمردی رییس‌جمهور را در قبال دفاع از افراد منتسب به‌خود ستوده و ایستادگی وی را در مقابل مخالفان تحولات صحیح اقتصادی و سیاسی «مثال‌زدنی» عنوان کرده است.

وبلاگ «پاسداران» که توسط یکی از نزدیکان به دستگاه‌های امنیتی اداره می‌شود، موضوعاتی را به‌عنوان جرائم حسین درخشان عنوان کرده که هرکدام می‌تواند باعث سال‌ها حبس یا مجازات‌های شدیدتر برای وی شود.

Anonymous said...

Kid is a sorry ass

Daniel Brett said...

I have it on good authority that the British government will seek a new memorandum of understanding with Iran on consular affairs once Ahmadinejad leaves office. Such MoUs are used to fast-track return asylum seekers to their country of origin, but their terms are often unknown. I put in a number of Freedom of Information requests for the details of the previous MoU, but was refused by the government on the grounds of confidentiality. The MoU collapsed in January 2006, which meant that many Iranian asylum seekers had some breathing space to state their case while the Iranian Embassy refused to co-operate. It seems likely that after next June (let's face it, Ahmadinejad is not going to be appointed for another term - the crown will be passed to the now-"acceptable" Rafsanjani), a new MoU will be in place and asylum seekers will be in danger of being returned to Iran at a time when the regime is arresting, torturing and executing more dissidents than any time since the 1980s. It is critical that people mobilise now to head off any MoU before it is in place.

Anonymous said...

Daniel Brett you are a dickhead. what do u see when u go to her pajestys embassy in Iran a lot of mollahs or what? go take a good look idiot.

Daniel Brett said...

I don't really understand how my comment here has attracted so much hostility. But it is easy to engage in name-calling when you can hide behind anonymity, rather than involve yourself in any rational debate.

Azarmehr said...

Yes I was baffled too! Can whoever that anonymous was explain what the hell they were on about!

Daniel Brett said...

Just a correction, the MoU collapsed in January 2007, not 2006 - John Reid was the Home Secretary who announced it to parliament.

Bahramerad said...

بازداشت وبلاگ نویس به جرم جاسوسی
روزنامه اعتماد: بازداشت به جرم جاسوسی؛ حسين درخشان وبلاگ نويس بازداشت شد و هم اکنون در حال بازجويي است. «جهان» يکي از خبرگزاري هاي منتسب به اصولگرايان گزارش داد؛ « وي در بازجويي هاي اوليه به جاسوسي اعتراف کرده که برخي از اعترافات وي حاوي نکات بسيار پيچيده يي است.»

Anonymous said...

barmakid: Why do you want the link Naji's book removed??

Anonymous said...


I'm just messin' with Azarmehr.