The three are Talat Taghinia, Mansoureh Shojaee and Farnaz Seifi.
After the three were arrested at the airport, the security agents escorted them to their homes, searched their houses, and seized their personal belongings such as their computers, books and writings.
This is an opportunity for the Liberals, the Left and the women's rights activists in the West to show the Iranian people where they stand on fundamental issues of freedom and human rights.
Do they back Iranian people's legitimate struggle for human rights and democracy, do they back Iranian women's just cause for equal rights? Or do they only come out of their closets for a bit of US bashing?
Imagine what a boost it would be for other Iranian women's rights activists, if suddenly the international community displayed a massive show of solidarity for them. Imagine if the international community, instead of debating whether they should give in to the rulers of the Islamic Republic or preparing for a military attack, or begging the Iranian officials for talks, decided in a show of solidarity to expel ex-President Khatami and his delegation from Davos, Switzerland!
Dialogue amongst civilisations, is not just for Mr. Khatami to go to a conference and rattle on about it. Dialogue amongst civilisations means exchange programs and visits, where people and professions get to meet each other and to talk to each other, not just for a selected few government officials with the sole purpose of staying in power.
We are often asked "what do you want the international community to do?" Here is something you can do, expell all the Islamic Republic officials from all current international conferences and demand the release of these women!
Let's see how FEMINISTS in Europe and US react to this illegal detention of their Iranian sisters....
چپها و ليبرالهای دنيای غرب اکنون کار مهمتری دارند از اعتراض به دستگيری سه فعال حقوق بشر ايرانی. پس از تعطيلی کوتاه مدت امامزاده های شيخ اکبر و آقا سيد خاتمی به دليل تعميرات ساختمانی و رنگ زدن نمای بيرونی و اکنون افتتاح دوبارة آنان، آقايان و خانمهای چپ و ليبرال غربی دارند دخيل می بندند به ضريح اين امامزاده ها. برخی مانند آقای جان کری هنگام دخيل بستن عکس يادگاری هم مي گيرند.ـ
و این است دلیل آشکار بر پیدایش شیرین عبادی ها. چرا کسی از این زنان آزادی خواه در ایران سخن نمی گوید. با انگشت نما کردن عبادی ها فقط و فقط در تلاش اند تا به جهان بگویند که زن در ایران آزاد است و خود بر تمامی این باورهای اسلامی باور دارد. بیاد دارم سفارت ایران در ترکیه را -البته سالها پیش- که چگونه پانلهای آن- بگونه ای غیر معمول - از عکسهای زنان اسلامی با حجابی مهدوی پر بود و آنها را در حال کار در آزمایشگاها و با تیراندازی نشان میداد. البته غرب همیشه در حال فریب باید به دست ایرانیان فرا مرزی آگاه شود
I saw those women's pictures on Radiozamaneh site.
What do you know about it? It's only been in existence for a few months.
The women have now been released on bail, but their file still remains open and they will still be interrogated.
جشن سده بر ایرانیان دوستار دوستی شادمانه باد
The Lawyer for these three women is called Shirin Ebadi. LOL
"The Lawyer for these three women is Shirin Ebadi - LoL" - So?
Presumably your point is that for that reason no further criticism of Shirin Ebadi is allowed!
The very third world mentality that I referred to before, making idols out of some mortal beings and wishing death for other. Pathetic beyond belief!
Why do you insult 'Third world people"? Do you think that you are cleaver by labelling people and do you think its cleaver to put other people down just because they express their idea's that do not tally with yours?
You can criticise Shrine Ebadi as much as your immature mind likes but the fact of the matter is that when it counts, when people are in Evin Prison, she comes to their rescue and SHE gets them out of prison, even if it turns out to be temporary. WHAT DO YOU DO FOR THEM? other than blowing your hot air out of your ass....
now print this if you have guts.
Of course Shirin Ebadi defending political prisoners is commendable as many other things she does. However the "Third World" mentality that I refer to is vividly displayed by yourself in your comments. This mentality makes untouchable hero saints out of mortal beings, its what brings about despotism.
Here in UK for example no one is above criticism be it the queen, archbishop of Canterbury or Churchil or anyone current or historic.
Now I dont know if you are "cleaver" enough to understand what I have repeatedly tried to describe to you.
I have never said that you cannot criticise Ebadi and have not put her on a pedestal the way that you say. It is only your overworked imagination that thinks that I have made her out to be an 'untouchable hero saints out of mortal beings'.
I criticised you initially by the WAY that you had referred and CRITICISE her and by the MANNER of your ignorant and unreasonable stance towards her. You had criticise her just because it is fashionable to put down anybody who is anybody. Very similar to the way that Davar tries to destroy people's reputations in his NANG a NANG TV. This story regarding these three women was a very good illustration of what Ebadi does day in and day out in Iran and has put you in sham. Admit it.…
Its a good job what you said and what I said remains on the blog. This is what I said
"Likewise, I am not against Shirin Ebadi, I want her to be successful in defending those who have suffered human rights abuses inside Iran. However I just can not digest and understand one of her replies to the VOA presenter last night."
This is what you said
"Shirin Ebadi is the greatest Women and the Shiniest Symbol of the last 50 years of Iranian culture. How dare YOU to criticise someone this GREAT! Someone this diplomatic, someone so Clever."
In any case here in UK it does not even matter the WAY you criticise someone. So enough said don't waste my time, I cant be bothered by liars, go and find someone "Cleaver" enough like yourself.
Don't hold your breath!
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