I don't know if I am correct in interpreting these photographs taken by Haleh Pahlavan. But to me the picture below suggests that even the male police has had enough of the abusive foul language by the Islamic policewoman and is telling her to shut up, while the expression in the face of the Iranian girl who is being harassed, suggests that she is not taking the abuse lying down either.
And in the one below, it seems the young man is having a go at the Islamic policewoman who is harassing the girls standing on the pavement.
'Evil Only Prevails when the Good Remain Silent'
It does look like the male police is lecturing the Islamist female police - the reason could be that he is not an Islamist and feels the need to stand up for his fellow (female) compatriot that is being harassed.
What a spectacle. The woman seems to be an educated woman with plenty of self-confidence and not a bubblegum teenager. How do you defeat and stand up to thugs and criminal?
سوسکهای سياه فاضلاب انقلاب اسلامی کوچه وخيابانهای شهر و کشور عزيزمان را به اشغال خود در آورده اند. تا آن گندآب خشک نشود، آن حشره های موذی از سر و صورت پاک زن ايرانی بالا و پايين خواهند رفت. چه چندش آور!ـ
درود بر پاشا گرامی. نگرانت بودیم و جویای حال. امیدوارم خوب خوش و تندرست باشی
Your favorite quote as you told is perfect, true and nonforgetable for me.
Thanks again and welcome back for PASHA too.
Oppression is oppression in any language but standing up to oppression can take many different languages and acts. If more people stand up and confront these idiots, the status quo will have to change. oppression of women means oppression of our mother, our daughters, our sisters and our wives. the true Persians/Iranians will not stand for it for too long.
The Islamic Republic of idiots has learn a powerful lesson trying this old chestnut on the women of Iran.
با درود به پتکين عزيز و برديای گرامی،ـ
و با پوزش از بی خبری طولانی مدت ام. من چون هميشه نوشته ها و تفسير های خوب اين وبلاگ را می خواندم، ولی نمی دانستم در برابر بی شرمی و وقاهت بي حد و مرز عمله و اکرة ولايت فقيه و بلايی که هر روز بر سر ملت ايران می آورند چه چيز بيشتری بنويسم که شما و ديگر وبلاگ نويسان ننوشته باشيد. اين بار با ديدن چهرة کريه سوسکهای سياه عقده ای که کاری جز پراکندن بيماری جهل و عقب ماندگی بلد نيستند، گفتم چيزی بنويسم تا اگر کسی از آنان و يا يکی از لابی های آنان به اين وبلاگ سر زد، بداند که آنان در نظر ما سوسک بوده اند، سوسک هستند و سوسک خواهند بود.ـ
One thing tyrants hate is someone shining the light on their misdeeds.
Welcome back Pasha. Where have you been. I love the analogy of the 'black roaches of the sewer of the islamic revolution'...We missed you..
Dear Serendip,
I was in the near, in the small city of the world and I didn’t miss to read all the posts of Potkin and the comments of his guests, also your precise ones. Sometime there is nothing to add to the cognition that the Islamic Republic is a vulture from hell. Thank you for your kindness.
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