Friday, May 25, 2007

Film Footage of Recent Police Crackdown

See :

watch film!


Anonymous said...

کوی و برزن های ايران تير و کمانداران اسکندر را ديده است.ـ
برج و باروهای ايران شمشير بدستان تازی را ديده است.ـ
دشت ها و کوه های ايران نيزه داران مغول و تاتار را ديده است.ـ
ايران دشمنان بی شمار ديده است.ـ
کوچه و خيابانهای ايران لمپنهای نقاب به چهرة فاشيست اسلامی را می بيند. اگر اين اراذل و اوباش جمهوری اسلامی، فرمانروايی پليد خود را ناميرا بدانند، دختران و پسران کاوه و گردآفريد و بابک و نادر را نشناخته اند.ـ

Bahramerad said...

I have been wondering about all this photo's and films documenting the brutality of these shambles butchers against the Iranian Youth and Women.
Why so much of it and why now? why is there so much state photography and distribution of it?
My conclusion is that they are doing it on purpose.
They are trying to frighten the silent majority to stay quite and make sure nobody is breve enough to stand up to them.
Since the last few years, suspecting that the world community is gearing up against them and that they are getting serious about it, at first ANTARI NEJAD started his holocaust denial bullshit in order to get the people behind him, then when that failed, they started to beat the WAR drams, saying that the Americans are going to bomb Iran, and when the majority of the people welcomed such a move in other to be able to get ride of the mullah's, now they have changed tack.
As everyday they lose more man and power in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq, they are now inflicting this repression on the ordinary folks back in Iran to say that they still have power at home and can cause damage, even if it is to their own people.
They are saying to the world community: LAY OFF or we will KILL MILLIONS in IRAN.
Therefore, I will be a little more cautious about these bastard's intentions from now on.

Hanif Leylabi said...

there is so much of it now because it is harder for Iranians to criticise and rebel when there are so many external imperialist threats against Iran

Azarmehr said...


read my post onexternal threats and stop talking your usual SWP nonsense

Bahramerad said...

Mr. Hanif Leylabi
Who do you think is the cause of all the threats against Iran?
The so called Islamic Republic of Idiots is the architect and the cause of all the misery and terrorism brought about not only in Iran but all of the middle east.
This cancerous bunch of criminals, like their friend in Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Sudan, etc. are their people's No. one enemy.
These charlatans bring the wrath of the civilised society on themselves so that they can frighten their populous and stay for a few more years in power in order to loot their countries treasures and fill their pockets with blood MONEY. If you are blind to this — go see a doctor.

Hanif Leylabi said...

You think the reforms being made in Venezuela are bad? You oppose the massive improvement to the lives of ordinary people? Are you against businessmen making money? Or is it only Muslim businessmen?

Azarmehr said...


I am not sure if you were replying to me or someone else, but I never said anything about Venezuela. Are you not stable enough to stay on a subject, instead of jumping from one to another. I asked you to read my post about external threat, did you do it?