The site also mentions Hadad Adel and Ali Larijani who were both students of Vali Nasr's father, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, had insisted on his presence in Iran to negotiate Roxanna's release.
Seyyed Hossein Nasr who was appointed by the former Iranian empress, Farah Pahlavi as the head of the Imperial Philosophy Society, during the former Shah's reign was supposed to formulate a philosophy of modern Iranian identity, instead most of his students turned out to be Islamic revolutionaries and later the high ranking officials of the Islamic Republic.
Vali Nasr was also seen going in and out of President Bush's White House between 2006 and 08. These bastards will sleep with anyone whom they think could help prolong the lives of their masters in Tehran. Vali Nasr is one of those dangerous elements in the Iranian political scene and we have a word for such persons: تملق گو - چاپلوس
And these types of people have always been deadly in our history from the invasion of Arabs and Mongolians to the revolt of 1979. I am disgusted and want do nothing with a culture that produces such dangerous elements. To hell with it...
خبر "فرارو" تایید شد
منوچهر متکی وزیر امور خارجه کشورمان صبح امروز در حاشیه جلسه هیئت دولت به طور تلویحی خبر «فرارو» در خصوص سفر ولی رضا نصر به ایران را تایید کرد. پیش بینی می شود سفر مشاور ایرانی الاصل رئیس جمهور آمریکا به ایران سرآغاز فصل تازه ای از روابط دو کشور باشد.
The Japanese foreign minister was involved too. I would think there was more pressure coming from the Japanese, since they have big business dealings with Iran.
However, I don't think anyone had to negotiate for Saberi's release. The regime had no intentions of keeping her for years. This was all another show produced & directed by the regime.
If the Obama admin. sent Vali Nasr, then they played into the mullahs' hands. Didn't PressTV report Nasr being there? Why would they do that if not for their own purposes?
Karet doroste Potkin khodaeesh va vajeb shod manam ye matlab darbareye in khanevade khaen benevisam, hala behtar mishe fahmid maniye hamleye Vali Nassr be man too jaryane "Spiegel Magazine" chi bood va dalayele doshmani khanevadeye nasr ba man roshantar mishe!!!
"Saberi made special mention of Austria's ambassador to Iran Michael Postl, whom she described as "very helpful."
Austrian Foreign Ministry spokesman Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal said Postl knows the Saberi family and, due to his extensive contacts in Iran, was able to help secure her release.
"I want to thank him again, and his family, and all the other people and nations in the world who helped us during this time," she said.
Austria has had a decades-long dialogue with Iran on human rights and was also involved in the release of Iranian-American academic Haleh Esfandiari from prison in 2007."
Vali Nasr ' Ja'kesh' e tazeh be doran resee'deh ham gho'hee shodeh ke shuma rajeb'behesh matlab me'neve'seed?
in zeshti kalAmi keh bekAr bordi hameh e'tebAre harfet ro az beyn bord.
I'll say it again in English - you might like it better.
This Vali Naser - the new political pimp on the scene is not such a hot shit that you waste you time discussing him.
There I've said it again.....
Did you like it now ?????
Not really. There is hardly any substance in your comment. Whether I discuss Vali Nasr or not, he is now an advisor to Obama and you saying he is not such a hot shit will not ebb his influence in the Obama administration.
This new pimp on the block is only Haj Hussain's adviser on Pakistan/Afghanistan afairs. He might fancy himself as the next Karzaei of Iran - but HE DEFINETLY IS NOT .... just because he is a son of bitch of an ayathollah - does not give hime any supper natural powers... dah....
Even on you Allaince for Democracy in Iran no one knows who you are!
I would say the 'new pimp on the block' having been made the advisor to Obama has a lot more influence than your anonymous blog which seems just to collect RP's interviews and speeches!
Part of the reason Vali Nasr has been made the advisor is because the opposition in US, I am assuming you are one of them, has made such a bad job of winning credibility for the Iranian pro-democracy movement.
Azarmehr : Why the personal attack ?
You could have just replied that - ' the 'new pimp on the block' having been made the advisor to Obama has a lot more influence than you. ... and that - ' you blame the opposition in US for having made such a bad job of winning credibility for the Iranian pro-democracy movement ',,,
Instead of keeping to the subject - you once again attack the messenger and hid behind your smog facade and avoid the real subject .
It appears that you are a supporter of Nasr and approve of his appointment by Holbrook and Haji Obama and do not mind him influencing and making decisions on behalf of Iranians in the upcoming negotiations with IRI.
If that is the case then why don't you come out and say it straight out ?
Azarmehr : Why the personal attack ?
You could have just replied that - ' the 'new pimp on the block' having been made the advisor to Obama has a lot more influence than you. ... and that - ' you blame the opposition in US for having made such a bad job of winning credibility for the Iranian pro-democracy movement ',,,
Instead of keeping to the subject - you once again attack the messenger and hid behind your smog facade and avoid the real subject .
It appears that you are a supporter of Nasr and approve of his appointment by Holbrook and Haji Obama and do not mind him influencing and making decisions on behalf of Iranians in the upcoming negotiations with IRI.
If that is the case then why don't you come out and say it straight out ?
I am very much against Vali Nasr and even more so of his turncoat father Seyyed Hussein Nasr, previously appointed by Farah Pahlavi as the head of the Imperial Philosophy Society.
Any one with two brain cells can see from my post and previous posts on the Nasrs, what I think of them.
I have read Vali Nasr's book, the Shiite Awakening, where he tries to portray the Shiite clergy as a victim without mentioning their parallel rule in the last 400 years or mentioning the terror groups like Fedayeen Islam, but arguing such points is different than just calling him a pimp and saying he is irrelevant when he has become the advisor to Obama.
If he has become Obama's advisor, it is because of the incompetency of the person you think you represent on your blog who after 30 years has not been able to consolidate a team around him. Instead all he does is interviews. He has had the opportunity of some of the best Iranian experts around him and instead he has repelled every single one of them, because he just has no initiative and no loyalty in paying back loyalty.
So I have no idea what you mean when you accuse me of 'hiding behind your smog facade'. The only one who is hiding is you who even outside Iran does not dare to say who he/she is and yet probably expect heroic deeds from those inside Iran.
Right ... turn the subject around and attack RP.... just what I would expect from someone who claims that he is --For Democratic secular Iran and disposes its one and only champion... Dah... You are no different than Davar .
So let me ask you a direct question. Who is RP's team? and why has he not been able to get a team together after 30 years?
You live in your own illusion, which is partly responsible for why we are still in exile.
I think you should cut Prince Reza a bit of slack. He's between a rock and a hard place. Just because he is not doing what you and I like doesnt mean he is an incompetent person. I think there's only so much he can do and he has done all he could, IMO.
He is between a rock and a hard place? which is the rock and which is the hard place?
I actually think he is in a lot better position than most of us.
30 years is not a short time. AFter 30 years he has not managed to put a team together or create an umbrella for the dissidents, the guy shows no loyalty. He did not even attend Reza Fazeli's funeral, if it was Christian Dior or some Western celebrity, they would have got there like a thunderbolt however.
He has had some of the best minds in the Iranian secular position around him but after a short while he gets bored with them and dispenses them.
I am talking about the likes of Shahin Fatemi, Shahryar Ahi, Siavash BAshiri, Mehrdad Irani etc. Why can he not keep a team together after 30 years?
Incompetence in management I would say, wouldn't you?
You mistakenly equate RP with the likes of Che, Fidel or Chavaz.
You want him to start a civil war / insurgency / or an arm struggle inside Iran against IRI - in order to take power away from the IRI.
You are wrong .
He is a Prince and a future 'Shah'-
Just like his father - he has been well advised that taking power and ruling over a population by force of arm is not what 'Shahs' do.
It is up to each and individual Iranian to liberate their country and then chose how to deal with PR.
It is obvious that neither you or Vali Nasr is in his camp.
As they say - you are either part of the solution or part of the problem.
You are only a wordsmith happy to argue within your own tiny group and snip at others.
Hobnobbing with the US state department and frequenting Westminster's den only messages your tiny ego.
Just because PR once came along with your suggestion and accompanied you visiting asylum seekers a few years ago and then nothing else - has got your back up against PR.
You do not possibly know who is in his circle of confidence and who is in his 'team' as you suggest.
My advice to you is instead of criticising PR - concentrate your effort on exposing bloody IRI and its stoges.
That's what the real problem of Iranian are and not PR.
Azarmeher for your information - from the first page of Alliance for Democracy in Iran :
London, England, United Kingdom
We support only a meaningful policy that would engage the Iranian people and invite them to be part of a new and imaginative policy which will guarantee Iran’s territorial integrity, freedom of choice and democratic expression plus a respect for individual human rights. This Weblog is edited and moderated by Fereydon Abdollahyan. Please send your comments ,suggestions and articles to our email address . Irandemocracy@aol.com
Shut up you timid tart! If you have nothing to debate with then stay stum! You want him to start a civil war/insurgency blah blah ...
If he could stop his relatives stealing his money would be a start to show some competency! Or if he stayed loyal to people like Fazeli and turned up for their funeral then that would be a start.
There you go again... Just like Davar... calling me names is not going to further you one bit. it just exposes you to what you really are ...
Are you a complete retard or just a huge idiot? WHy dont you answer the questions or just write a few lines about RP's achievements in the last 30 years.
Stop the fighting you two... That's why we're in a mess. Always fighting each other when the common enemy of us is wrecking havoc on all of us in or out of Iran.
Azarmehr, can't we ask RP to form a Political Action Cmte in USA (tax exempt, supported by the govt) and have us work for him? let's propose this idea to him.
This is my closing remarks on the issue:
If someone hasn't produced any goods after 30 years and doesn't understand loyalty, initiative, delegation, leadership, common touch, risk etc. then it is time to move on.
As for ALLIANCE FOR DEMOCRACY IN IRAN, I still don't know who is in this alliance? So far, a timid anonymous foul mouth and Fereydoon Abdollahian? Good luck with your alliance:))
There are some people who are sleep but can be woken up but there are some people who pretend they are sleep and are scared to wake up.
Prince Reza can't get a decent group around him because he's got no real claim to have any involvement in Iran. He's the Iranian Ahmed Chalabi, except nobody is really listening to him.
Someone was criticizing Vali Asr Reza Pahlavi over not having attended Reza Fazeli's funeral. I have news for you, no such funeral ever took place. Mr Fazeli was cremated and his ashes were scattered at sea by his family. There was never any public event held in his memory, which was unfortunate, but stop blaming Vali Asr like how the mos-hek Jomhouri-khah on Rang a Rang do or the Hozbollahi terrorists who blame Iran's problems not on their master Khomeini e ravan-sookhteh, but on what they call "Shah e maloun." Furthermore, if such yadbood was held in a last minute for Fazeli, Mirza Ghassemi would have endlessly showed it on Tapesh TV, as he broadcasts all funerals live and always repeats them after they take place.
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