First question that came to my mind was, if someone was recruited to carry out such an operation, would they go through the normal visa channels in the airport? and even if yes, wouldn't the officer in charge, go up to the visa desk first and explain what is going on, then ask the recruit to come forward? Also where in the world, apart from in Dulles Airport, Washington, do Visa officers at the airports not speak some English?
With these questions in mind, more information about who Majid Jamali Fashi is, has come about. Pictures of him taking part in a kick-boxing tournament in Australia in July, 2010 appeared.
He is seen in this picture standing outside the ring with a camera, while the other member of IRI kick boxing team, Ashkan Tahmasebi, draped in an Islamic Republic flag, is waiting to start his bout.
Just to make it 100% certain that it is him, the tattoo on his left arm gives the game away:
In his televised confessions, Jamali claims to have gone to Israel via Baku, Azerbaijan. Fars News and other martial arts websites on the other hand report he was one of the medal winners during the tournament there in August 2009. People who know Majid Jamali, have claimed he is a die hard Ahamdinejad supporter, who took part in beating up peaceful demonstrators during the widespread street protests by the Green Movement.
There are more questions about the assassination of Iranian physicists too. Just a handful of them:
- Why would such elite units of foreign agencies assassinate two physicists who had nothing to do with the nuclear program? Both AliMohammadi and Shahriari were Iran's representatives on the SESAME project. A regional research project which even includes Israel as one of the project participants.
- Why were these elite units so successful in eliminating two research physicists but failed so miserably in assassinating Fereydoon Abbassi, who is working on the nuclear program and who has been on the sanctions list and a member of the revolutionary guards?
- Why did these elite units choose to carry out their assassination in such an attention grabbing way in middle of Tehran traffic in broad day light, with a high probability of getting caught?
- Why were no cctv footage or appeals made for the witnesses to come forward with information about what the assassins looked like, what their motor bikes were like etc. Compare this with the trouble the intelligence ministry goes to when they want to identify someone who has taken part in a peaceful demonstration.
- What did the reported encounter between the former Iranian Science Minister and his Israeli counter-part during the SESAME project conference in Jordan, while the two assassinate Iranian physicists were there, have to do with these assassinations? Did the physicists come across something they should not have?
Most important of all, why are no Western media asking any of these questions and just repeating what the official IRI line is? Are the Western intelligence agencies and Israeli intelligence agencies actually enjoying these stories, because it makes them look more powerful than they really are? Is it actually to the benefit of the Israeli hardliners to have a hardline Iran uttering hardline rhetoric?
All thumbs up for your work :)
Your analysis is great, until the conclusion. Arguing that the Western media support for the IRI assassination lie helps some supposed Iaraeli hardliners -- well it is quite a stretch.
The effect of the Iranian murder accusation, repeated without dissent in the Western media, is hardly to strengthen Israel in relation to Iran, but to foster the public perception that Israel is as bad as the IRI. That perception can only serve to lessen public outrage at Ahmadinejad's violent threats against Israel, so that people feel "Let them kill each other. Who cares?"
Moreover, such Western coverage feeds directly into the IRI-led campaign to portray Jews as super-powerful, murderous monsters who persecute Muslims.
So, contrary to your argument, the Western media is helping Khameini, not Israel. Why? Because a) it is consistent with routine anti-Israel reporting (most glaring recently regarding the Flotilla incident), which aims to spread the view that Israel (meaning "the Jews") are the cause of world problems. And b) because in fact, Western policy is -- despite some noise, and much baloney -- pro-Iranian Islamist. Always has been.
Jared Israel
Emperor's Clothes
First, I tend to agree with Jared.
Second, I got this on twitter from @EANewsFeed, you might be interested:
& might be "Ninja" in #WikiLeaks doc
// MT @shariatmadari: "Mossad Agent" is Pro-Ahmadinejad Martial Artist
Couple things:
1. OF COURSE it's beneficial for Israeli hardliners to have Iranian hardliners bumping their gums. Just as it is for Iranian hardliners to have Israeli hardliners doing so.
2. The history channel as well as the financial times carried stories on Israeli agents assassinating Iranian physicists.
3. Even if this guys isn't a spy he's getting what he deserves. You can just imagine what a piece of shit human being he must have been (not only to get that ridiculously common and insignificant tattoo) but to go out and beat people up because of their political affiliations/actions.
4. The western media is not talking about it because we just had a shooting in Arizona in which a congresswoman almost died. And even if this hadn't happened, such news would be fleeting in the western media. Well, at least in the US.
5. LOL at jared's comment. Yes, western policy is pro-Iranian Islamist. LOOOOOL This guy is wacko! So Billions of dollars in military aid to Israel wouldn't be considered pro-Israeli? Using their security council veto in favor of Israeli policy wouldn't be considered pro-Israeli? But framing a news story in a certain fashion is considered pro-IRI. That's laughable.
Come on buddy, western policy is pro-western - so if that means playing Jews against Muslims then so be it.
And btw, Israel is not as bad as the IRI, they are worse!
The IRI is bad, and so is Israel, so if you support one and oppose the other your just another hypocrite in the mix.
Both nations violate human rights and commit war crimes - Israel more so than Iran (please refer to recent HRW and Amnesty International reports as well as wikileaks documents)
And that's not to put the IRI in higher-standing, that's just to say that the idea that Israel is an Angel compared to the IRI devil is frikkin absurd.
So Jared, if you are an Israeli supporter you cannot hide from the fact that you support a nation that commits war crimes and oppresses their own population. And thus, you have no place in criticizing the IRI. It's like the IRI criticizing the actions of the British police during the student protests - ABSURD.
As usual, cliches, insults and incoherence from IR (Islamic Regime) apologist Barmakid.
Let me focus on one of Barmakid's rambling points: his claim that the US is obviously Israel's friend and the IR's enemy, witness US aid to Israel.
Aid to Israel varies year to year. From a preliminary scan of current reports, my estimate is that Israel got about $3 billion this past year. It is not clear how much was outright aid and how much loans. In any case, most had to be spent on purchases from US companies.
This is largely offset by military aid to Egypt and Jordan, apparently about 2 billion. And that does not take into account aid to the Palestinians and money the US spends training the Palestinian police forces whose potential target is Israel, nor what Israel must spend including of its own money to compensate for the arms the US sells Arab states (most of which is NOT paid for with US aid.)
Now contrast the few $billion a year that the US grants or lends Israel with the money the US has spent outright on Iraq and Afghanistan, and its effect.
A Congressional Research Service study at
states that about $760 billion has been spent on Iraq since 9-11 and about $330 billion on Afghanistan.
Whom has the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan hurt and whom has it helped?
The Taliban never posed a threat to Israel. Their *effective* hostility was directed at the Islamic Regime (IR) in Iran.
And since the early 1980s, Iraq has been no threat to Israel. By contrast after the US-led coalition hobbled IR enemy Saddam Hussein in 1991, Iran has emerged as a major anti-Israel threat, an effect much amplified since the 2003 invasion turned the Iraqi government from a weakened enemy of (and check on) the mullahs into their de facto ally, magnifying IR power, and, obviously, its threat to Israel.
Add it up.
On the one hand, since 9-11 the US has contributed around $25 billion in military aid to Israel, basically negated by aid and military sales to Arab States.
(When I researched a few years back, I found that Saudi Arabia got more US arms than any state in the world -- although not through aid.)
The US uses its aid to Israel –- needed precisely because of the US policy of arming the Arab states --to control Israeli policy, e.g., forcing Israel to treat the PLO fascists as "peace partners" and preventing Israel from crushing Hamas, thus helping IR foreign policy.
And on the other hand, since 9-11 the US has spent 30 times that much money (plus lives!) turning Iraq into an IR ally!
While US leaders, some sincerely and some dishonestly, present Israel as friend #1, the reality is that US Iraq spending has overwhelmingly helped the extremist IR.
This apart from the $336 billion that has done much the same in Afghanistan.
The Taliban were hostile to the IR leaders, but Karzai is quite friendly. I have a 2007 video of a top IR foreign ministry official at a major meeting of a state organization in Rome warmly thanking the coalition countries for what they have done in Afghanistan.
By helping the IR, US policy in Afghanistan also has hurt Israel.
Of course, by strengthening the mullahs, US policies in Iraq and Afghanistan have hurt the Iranian people as well.
Jared Israel
Emperor's Clothes
Hi Potkin.(NOT FOR PUBLICATION) So what's your take on Press Tv covering the Tunisian revolution with Press TV actually citing all the reasons for it, given them also being the SAME reasons which currently ill Iran due to it's oppressive regime? Is someone with a conscience in Press Tv trying to use it as a smokescreen to secretly stir up hope in Iranian's too? Or is it just the dumb 'shoot themselves in the foot' again regime thinking it serves them by hopefully rising the Islamic fanatics into Tunisia and the surrounding Arab countries? D'you notice the official Iranian line. I hope all 'Muslims' are safe? As if any other human being doesn't matter! Another reason why I hate orgainsed religion in politics. Still, I digress... Either way, with the stroppy bully boys of Hezbolluh also pulling out of Lebanese politics simply because they're now showing their true yellow-bellied colours by being scared of any UN indictments, we can only hope that the murdering influence of Assad, Khamanei and Nassrallah get even more supressed in the region. Give them a taste of their own medicine! In fact, nothing would please me more in Nassrallah was top of the list in being indicted and an International warrent issued for his arrest. That way, Khamanei's position would look even more shakey for more emboldened Iranian's to take on his theocratic tyranny. Anyway, just wondering what words have you heard on the ground from your Iranian friends in Iran. Both about Tunisia and about Hezbolluh's cowardly cut and run? As it given them inspiration? If so perhaps you could mention it in a future blog? Cheers. Wayne.
Your post is going to seem quite idiotic when they hang him. Will you admit to being wrong then?
As usual, insults and incoherence from Barmakid.
Let me focus on one of his rambling superficialities, his claim that US aid to Israel shows that the US is obviously Israel's friend, not the IR's (Islamic Regime's). I'll contrast Israeli gains from US aid with far more extensive IR gains, though not from open aid.
First, keep in mind that giving and lending people money generally means they are subservient to you, not you to them.
Now: based on quick research, Israel got about $3 billion last year. It's not clear how much was outright aid and how much loans. In any case, most had to be spent on purchases from US companies.
This has given the U.S. leverage over Israel (e.g., Obama forced the IDF to release IHH terrorists it had captured on the flotilla) in return for gains largely offset by military aid to Egypt and Jordan --about 2 billion -- plus aid to the Palestinians (Obama upped that $400 million in early June) plus money the US spends training the Palestinian police forces, who double as anti-Israel terrorists, etc. Plus there is the vast amount Israel loses because it has to spend its own tax money on defense, to compensate for the arms the US sells Arab states, apart from its military aid to some.
In contrast, how much has the US spent on Iraq and Afghanistan, and who gained from THAT?
A Congressional Research Service study at
states that about $760 billion has been spent on Iraq since 9-11 and about $330 billion on Afghanistan.
Whom has the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan hurt and whom has it helped?
The Taliban never posed a threat to Israel. Their *effective* hostility was directed mainly at the Islamic Regime (IR) leadership. By weakening the IR, they helped Israel.
And since the early 1980s, Iraq has been no threat to Israel. But after the U.S.-led coalition hobbled IR enemy Saddam Hussein in 1991, Iran emerged as a very big threat to Israel. This was much amplified following the 2003 invasion that turned the Iraqi government from a weakened obstacle to mullah power into the IR's de facto ally, and, by greatly increasing IR power, into a threat to Israel.
So how does it tally up?
On the one hand, since 9-11 the US has contributed around $25 billion in military aid to Israel, which was negated by aid and vast non-aid weapon sales to Arab States.
(When I researched a few years back, I found that Saudi Arabia got far more U.S. arms than ANY OTHER state in the world. True it paid for them -- but that just means it is less dependant.)
The U.S. uses its aid to Israel (which Israel needs precisely because the U.S. arms the Arab states) to control Israeli policy, e.g., forcing Israel to treat the PLO fascists as "peace partners" and preventing Israel from crushing Hamas, thus in fact helping IR foreign policy.
And on the other hand? Since 9-11 the US has spent 30 times more money (plus American lives!) in Iraq, with the effect of helping the IR, which by the way I predicted would happen in 2003, for example at
While US leaders -- some sincerely and some dishonestly -- talk about Israel as U.S. friend #1, the reality is that U.S. policy in Iraq has strenghthened the IR and therefore relatively weakened Israel.
What about the $336 billion spent in Afghanistan?
The Taliban were hostile to the IR leaders, but Karzai, installed by the West, is their friend. I have a 2007 video of a top IR foreign ministry official at a major meeting in Rome warmly thanking the coalition countries for what they have done in Afghanistan and boasting about the IR's growing influence there.
By helping the IR, US policy in Afghanistan hurt Israel.
$25 billion (about) since 2001 helping Israel somewhat -- as explained. A $ TRILLION increasing the power of the Islamist IRI, which increase in power has hurt Israel and the Iranian people as well.
Jared Israel
Emperor's Clothes
Excellent investigative journalism. Bravo.
"Let me focus on one of Barmakid's rambling points: his claim that the US is obviously Israel's friend and the IR's enemy, witness US aid to Israel."
Next time try to read what I say diligently instead of eagerly focusing on the insults. I was simply highlighting the absurdity of your claim with facts a child can cite (and ironically, I can be quite childish sometimes :))
I'm sorry you had to waste your time writing everything you did after that statement trying to prove something that I neither said or agree with.
But nonetheless, your entire rant of isolated fact citing can be best summed up my American philosopher John Dewey's opening paragraph in his 1920 book,
"If one wishes to realize the distance between 'facts' and the meaning of facts, let one go to the field of social discussion. Many people suppose that facts carry their meaning along with themselves on their face. Accumulate enough of them and their interpretation stares out at you. But the power of physical facts to coerce belief does not reside in the bare phenomena. It proceeds from method, from the technique of research and calculation. No one is ever forced by just the collection of facts to accept a particular theory of their meaning, so long as one retains in tact some other doctrine by which he can marshal them. Only when the facts are allowed free play for the suggestion of new points of view is any significant conversion of conviction as to meaning possible. Take away from physical science its laboratory apparatus and its mathematical technique, and the human imagination might run wild in its theories of interpretation even if we suppose the brute facts to remain the same."
John Dewey just diagnosed you and your fact finding mission.
But really, the whole point you try to make about military spending and what not is really retarded. You conveniently forget that the Arab countries being given such amounts of money DO NOT pursue anti-Israeli policies and IN FACT keep the religious opposition in their respective countries at bay (for the opposition would truly pursue anti-Israeli policies - not just anti-Israeli rhetoric).
Husni Mubarek vs. Muslim Brotherhood
Pakistan vs. Pakistani Taliban/AL queada
The Gulf States vs. Iran/internal religious opposition
The list goes on bro. So one could even say that giving these Arab countries money contributes EVEN more to Israeli security. But that's not what I'm saying, I'm just saying you have no idea about wtf you're talking about.
Your just like those pro-IRI people who strain to distort any fact to promote the IRI, except you do it with Israel.
And as far as your rant about US policy in Iraq and Afghanistan benefiting Iran, my response would be:
Policy outcomes are not proof of deliberation or intention.
And furthermore, I have written many times on this blog about how American policy is misguided and is empowering the IRI instead of weakening it. But I don't attribute it to some hidden conspiratorial agenda of supporting the IRI (maybe you csn go another fact-finding mission to prove it to me?) lol
Better luck next time you stiff!!
Also, try to get over your perverse fetish of supporting Israel (an anti-human rights imperial state) while denouncing another anti-human rights imperial state (the IRI).
This was really the point I was trying to make - that you and your kind are hypocrites.
And to the Iranians out there, I hope you will never be fooled by these anti-Muslim/Iranian who act like they care about our people but only really care about Israeli security.
"Let me focus on one of Barmakid's rambling points: his claim that the US is obviously Israel's friend and the IR's enemy, witness US aid to Israel."
Next time try to read what I say diligently instead of eagerly focusing on the insults. I was simply highlighting the absurdity of your claim with facts a child can cite (and ironically, I can be quite childish sometimes :))
I'm sorry you had to waste your time writing everything you did after that statement trying to prove something that I neither said or agree with.
But nonetheless, your entire rant of isolated fact citing can be best summed up my American philosopher John Dewey's opening paragraph in his 1920 book,
"If one wishes to realize the distance between 'facts' and the meaning of facts, let one go to the field of social discussion. Many people suppose that facts carry their meaning along with themselves on their face. Accumulate enough of them and their interpretation stares out at you. But the power of physical facts to coerce belief does not reside in the bare phenomena. It proceeds from method, from the technique of research and calculation. No one is ever forced by just the collection of facts to accept a particular theory of their meaning, so long as one retains in tact some other doctrine by which he can marshal them. Only when the facts are allowed free play for the suggestion of new points of view is any significant conversion of conviction as to meaning possible. Take away from physical science its laboratory apparatus and its mathematical technique, and the human imagination might run wild in its theories of interpretation even if we suppose the brute facts to remain the same."
John Dewey just diagnosed you and your fact finding mission.
But really, the whole point you try to make about military spending and what not is really retarded. You conveniently forget that the Arab countries being given such amounts of money DO NOT pursue anti-Israeli policies and IN FACT keep the religious opposition in their respective countries at bay (for the opposition would truly pursue anti-Israeli policies - not just anti-Israeli rhetoric).
Husni Mubarek vs. Muslim Brotherhood
Pakistan vs. Pakistani Taliban/AL queada
The Gulf States vs. Iran/internal religious opposition
The list goes on bro. So one could even say that giving these Arab countries money contributes EVEN more to Israeli security. But that's not what I'm saying, I'm just saying you have no idea about wtf you're talking about.
Your just like those pro-IRI people who strain to distort any fact to promote the IRI, except you do it with Israel.
And as far as your rant about US policy in Iraq and Afghanistan benefiting Iran, my response would be:
Policy outcomes are not proof of deliberation or intention.
And furthermore, I have written many times on this blog about how American policy is misguided and is empowering the IRI instead of weakening it. But I don't attribute it to some hidden conspiratorial agenda of supporting the IRI (maybe you csn go another fact-finding mission to prove it to me?) lol
Better luck next time you stiff!!
Also, try to get over your perverse fetish of supporting Israel (an anti-human rights imperial state) while denouncing another anti-human rights imperial state (the IRI).
This was really the point I was trying to make - that you and your kind are hypocrites.
And to the Iranians out there, I hope you will never be fooled by these anti-Muslim/Iranian who act like they care about our people but only really care about Israeli security.
Some seriously good points argued by JI & Barmakid.
Regarding the thrust of my last post -- that since 9-11 the US spent 40 times more helping the IR (in Afghanistan and Iraq) than on Israel – Barmakid replies: "Policy outcomes are not proof of deliberation or intention."
Thus as he attempts refutation Barmakid admits my key point: that US policies have greatly aided the IR!
As for his statement, ‘outcome does not prove intent,’ it’s a feeble rejoinder. I did not come to my conclusion post facto. In 2002-03 I wrote that US and IR leaders were allied in Iraq and that the US knew the IR had to gain from the invasion. I figured that out. NSA, CIA and RAND Corp’s Khalilzad couldn’t?
See articles at
The US has spent vast amounts since 1990 on policies including three wars (1991 and 2003-on in Iraq; 2000-on in Afghanistan) that have vastly multiplied IR power.
As I argued in 1991, Desert Storm, which used the Kuwait fight as an excuse to hobble Iraq, saved a war-weakened IR, then threatened by Hussein.
And the 2003 invasion? Hussein was no threat to the US, and, as Castro noted, nobody has to invade countries to buy or invest in oil. (Indeed, wars create scarcity and prevent investment!)
Perhaps if the US had an urgent goal (other than helping the IR) this could have blinded policy makers to the fact that they were making the IR regionally dominant; but what goal? Regarding Afghanistan, all we hear is nonsense about a war on terror that focuses on -- the Taliban? The Taliban are world-threatening terrorists, worse than IR leaders? Please.
The IR knew it was being helped; hence it aided the Iraq invasion.
Western leaders knew they were helping the IR; hence they included the IR in planning the Afghan constitution!
In a post-modern revision of 19th century colonialism, Western soldiers (the new Gurkhas) die so that the IR can win in a new “Great Game.” And despite denunciations staged for public benefit, the IR is grateful, as its Deputy Foreign Minister told a State conference on Afghanistan in 2007. He was captured on video, permitting future generations to marvel that in the 21st century the lie that the US was fighting terror was believed, despite the truth being publicly available!
To access video, go to
Outcome may not IN ITSELF prove intent, but:
A) Given that it was easy to predict that if the West crippled anti-IR governments bordering Iran (and, as Bush did, sponsored pro-IR politician Erdogan as Prime Minister of Turkey!), and then invited the IR into conquered areas to "reconstruct," it would vastly increase IR power;
B) Given that nobody can propose a credible explanation for US and allied actions other than a strategy of helping Iran;
Therefore, C), I am right to conclude that the US has had a pro-IR strategy.
On a different note: contrary to Barmakid, I say that to oppose clerical fascism one must defend all its targets, including Israelis and Iranians. The latter have a special place in my heart because they proved that people in Islamist countries can heroically fight Islamism!
Contrary to Barmakid, Iranians cannot separate the issues of Israeli survival and mullah power because the mullahs’ motivating dogma is that Israeli Jews are behind an (imaginary) centuries-old campaign to crush Islam and must be destroyed by the hidden Mahdi who will appear after Muslims heat up the anti-Jewish war; hence the call to wipe Israel off the map.
Iranians get co-opted into the mullah network unless they reject the hate-and-destroy-Israel campaign. Hence the importance of the chant: No Gaza! No Lebanon! We die for Iran!
Trying to operate in this anti-Islamist blog, IR apologist Barmakid knows that as long as he smears Israel and denies that the IR (Islamic Regime) is neo-colonial, he does the IR’s work, despite having to criticize IR leaders a bit in the hope of appearing credible.
Jared Israel
Emperor's Clothes
Returning to Potkin's original post, let me add two thoughts.
First, the title, "Mossad Agent or Pro-Ahmadinejad Intelligent Officer?" is unfortunate. Ahmadinehad is not the boss of the Iranian regime; Khamenei is. Ahmadinehad would no more stage such a provocation against Khamenei's wishes than a trained seal would rebel against the zookeeper. This title promotes the Western misunderstanding that Iran has a normal government, which can change policies through voting, when of course in fact it has velayat-e faqih.
Second, there IS no hardline in the Israeli government. Netanyahu is manifestly a US agent. Witness the facts that a) in contradiction to his election promise not to permit the PLO-Israel faux-peace agreement to go forward in the 1990s, he did just that; b) that it was he that committed the outrage of establishing relations with the holocaust-denying Tudjman regime in Croatia; c) that prior to the Israeli referendum on the crazy proposal to withdraw from Gaza, he simply left Israel, so he wouldn't have to take sides and d) that after the IDF captured scores of IHH terrorists, with money and false ID's, he bowed to Obama's wishes and let them all go.
His provocative calls for bombing Iran are not hardline; they are manifestly *aid to Khamenei,* doing him the favor of providing false evidence that the evil Zionists are the tormenters of Islam, etc.
If one wishes to bomb somebody's nuclear power development facilities, as Israel wanted to do to Iraq's in the early 1980s, one DOES it, without endless threats and requests for others to make threats. The threats a) cause the supposed target to go underground and b) create international opposition to the supposedly desired action. If the IR did not have Netanyahu they would need to invent him. Hardline? Hardline means a) fierce support for the internal rebels and b) military action without warning ONLY if absolutely necessary. Not endless provocsative threats, when obviously the IR is having lots of problems developing weapons, and desperately needs such saber rattling to divert attention from its keystone cops failure.
Jared Israel
Emperor's Clothes
Most important of all, why are no Western media asking any of these questions and just repeating what the official IRI line is?
I think it is because majority of Western, particularly European, media are pro-Palestine, anti-American and IRI is pro-Palestine, anti-American. Therefore showing evil Israeli/American spies killing poor (pro-Palestinian, anti-American, anti-imperialist) Iranian scientists blends seamlessly with their agenda.
Are the Western intelligence agencies and Israeli intelligence agencies actually enjoying these stories, because it makes them look more powerful than they really are
Possible, but more likely they can not do anything about the stories. How would you deny when someone say that this or that guy is your spy? Claim that it is not true??? Really?
Is it actually to the benefit of the Israeli hardliners to have a hardline Iran uttering hardline rhetoric
Don't think so.
wow.. long arguments..
all i want to say is
(a) of course our immigration officers speak english.. some also speak russian french and other languages..
(b) of course he wouldnt go through standard immigration booths if he was an operative.. even our lowest level celebrities get to go through separate entrances.. my grandmother (RIP) who was just a scientist didnt even go through standard immigration..
(c) there are many in our government who are served by a hostile iran.. just as the middle east is served by idolising the hatred of israel..
iran and israel play similar roles in the middle east.. the regime's are used to submerge general discontent by creating an archi-concern that supersedes everything..
security - being such a primal issue - is a hard one to argue against.. by placing both regimes as the ultimate threat to this need - a lot of crap can be justified..
having said that - i dont think that iran and israel are collaborating in any meaningful way.. even if our leaders actions are leading to similar resulsts..
"Mossad Agent or Pro-Ahmadinejad Intelligent Officer?"
Why not both? Wouldn't a pro-Ahmadinejad intelligent officer make a perfect Mossad agent?
Many of us live in countries who have at least as much blood on their hands as the reprehensible IRI regime.
Two examples, one recent, one not so much:
P.S. Jared, don't expect to be taken seriously. Either you have an agenda, or you are have your head in the sand.
You ask,
"Are Western intelligence agencies and Israeli intelligence agencies actually enjoying these stories, because it makes them look more powerful than they really are?"
How absurd to think this political show should even be addressed by Israel. As if to assume one must acknowledge a fool. As if there's anything to say to some idiot regime with its perverted perspective, that worldwide terror must be strewn to bring the world to its better aspect.
@In the Vanguard: Like I said before, I dont expect the Israeli government to say anything, governments dont comment on these matters, however why dont any of the Israeli newspapers present the facts which I have put forward?
I Am a green, but sorry to say, what a load of bullshit you have put together, no wonder we have gone nowhere!
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