Saturday, January 27, 2007

Assimilation of Iranian Children into Arab Culture

Pictures of Iranian children in the mourning month of Moharram:


Winston said...

You know, this is clearly a case of child abuse.

One of the worst crimes of Islamic/Arabic culture is that they abuse any thing to further their agenda. And Child Abuse is the least important of their crimes to my opinion.

Anonymous said...

These kids are born in Iran. Supposedly to Iranian parents, but probably none of them have Iranian names, none of them will be told about Iranian heroes, none of the Iranian celebrations will be of much importance to them and none of them will feel Iranian when they grow up.

Anonymous said...

مقايسة آداب و رسوم ايران پيش از اسلام، مانند چهارشنبه سوری، جشن نوروز، سيزده بدر، جشن مهرگان، شب يلدا، جشن سده و بسياری ديگر، که همه سرشار از شادکامی و اميد است با مراسم اسلامی مانند تاسوعا و عاشورا و شب ضربت خوردن و عيد قربان و بسياری ديگر که همه ياد آور خون و کشتن و کشته شدن است، به روشنی آشکار می کند که ما ايرانيان چه بهای فرهنگی سنگينی در اين هزار و چهارصد سال پيش پرداخته ايم. زمانيکه کودکان پاک ايرانی را آلودة اين نيهيليسم می بينيم که به لباس طفلان مسلم و يا علی اصغر در آورده شده اند و به جای يادگيری شادی و دوست داشتن زندگی با غم و ترس و مرگ پرورده می شوند، آنوقت افسوس و درد دو چندان می شود.ـ

Anonymous said...

Up to around 400 years ago, as most Iranians were Sunni, these kind of procedures did not take place in Iran. The Sunnis are against it. (see Pakistan, Iraq, were they attack the Shia's for taking part in these ceremonies).
These ceremonies and this culture was imposed, wholesale, on to the Iranian people by the safavids as a political tool. Reza shah and to a certain extend, Mohammed Reza Shah, did try to curtail this religious ceremonies but as they were under the Iranian constitution beholden to the Shia religion as part of their legitimacy for ruling as constitutional monarch's, these ceremonies were not eradicated under their rule and now under the IRI, it has become once more a political tool and it is used as a state apparatus to justify their legitimacy.
It is Barbaric and it is a form of culture which is alien to the way the majority of Iranian's understanding of shia religion that they practice. But unfortunately we are stuck with it for the time being.

Aryamehr said...

Islam is after all "a way of life" - and as we know that "way of life" originates from the deserts of Saudi Arabia. To establish their caliphate the muslim clergy needs to eliminate all traces of nationhood and nationalism and replace it with Islam, Islamic culture, Arabic language etc for such a united muslim community to take place. Our nation is occupied by TRUE muslims so it should not come as a surprise that they are indoctrinating and brainwashing the young generation into their sick and wretched culture/beliefs/religion...

Homayoon said...

I have heard about (by people I completely trust) much more shocking scenes such as hurting small children in the horrible tradition of "Ghame-zani".

Also, today I read about the unfortunate cancellation of the Sadeh feast in Yazd because it has coincided with Ashura. So unfortunate.

One more thing. I really cannot believe that all barbaric traditions of Islam are limited to the Shi'ite, when I see the same Sunni people who disagree with these practices, on many occasions show their disapproval by attacking and/or killing the Shi'ite. It seems clear to me that Islam especially trains its followers not to be tolerant people. Besides, the horrible barbaric tradition of "Eyd-e-Ghorban" is celebrated by ALL Muslims.

Bardia said...

با درود
این گونه روشها و افکار در مورد شستشوی مغزی کودکان برعکس جواب داده است. به شخصه بسیار سراغ دارم کودکانی را که از دو سالگی به از بر کردن قرآن و احادیث مجبور شده اند ولی در دوران نوجوانی و سرکشی از فرط خشکی مذهبی به راههای غیر مذهبی روی آورده اند تعدادی خواننده رپ شده و عده ای بازیگر تاتر و در برخی موارد به اعتیاد کشیده شده اند. پس جای هیچ نگرانی نیست چرا که سرشت کودک پاک است و همیشه در حال تکاپو. به فکر بزرگترهایی باشیم که اندازه کودک نمی فهمند

Hanif Leylabi said...

Where did you get the first pic? Blood letting isn't usually found in Iran for Ashurra.

How is Ashurra Arab culture? It's a religious ritual. If it was Arab it would be found throughout the Arab world. But no! wait a minute, it's found in the Shia Muslims world. dolt.

Azarmehr said...

Ok here is a student manual for you. Look at the picture, you will see at the footer. Navigate to and search the blog for ashura, then find teh picture.

Hmm! So you think all those Iranian kids dressed in Arab clothes immitating Arabs who were killed in Karbala is nothing to do with Arab culture?

The Iranian culture promotes, living, joy, celebration liek Nowrooz, sadeh, Red Wednesday, all the GahanbArs.... Islamic/Arab culture is about martyrdom, sadness, mourning, austerity, all the things SWP supports :))

Mona said...

You must note that these children are not Iranian only ,they are moslims too and although Iranian people have got lots of happy celebration too.e.g: They have got lots of eids they have got norouze too I dont know why did some of you said : Iranian havent got happy celebration as much as ancient Iran!!!!!!
This is completely RONG!
As you can see they have got Norouze,sizdahbedar,mehregan ceremony,yalda night,etc.AND they have got lots of fantastic time in these days.

Mona said...

You must note that these children are not Iranian only ,they are moslims too and although Iranian people have got lots of happy celebration too.e.g: They have got lots of eids they have got norouze too I dont know why did some of you said : Iranian havent got happy celebration as much as ancient Iran!!!!!!
This is completely RONG!
As you can see they have got Norouze,sizdahbedar,mehregan ceremony,yalda night,etc.AND they have got lots of fantastic time in these days.