I post this email exactly as it reached my inbox:
Thank you to all the wonderful people who have been signing the petition at http://www.helpnazanin.com/ and have been spreading the word about the injustice that Nazanin Fatehi is facing in Iran.
Many of you are asking what you can do further?
1. Learn about the case and watch a 30 min documentary called "The Tale of Two Nazanins" at http://www.bodog.tv/
2. Sign the Petition at http://www.helpnazanin.com/
3. Fax or Email a personal message to the Iranian heads of state and Head of the Judiciary pleading with them to release Nazanin. (try to be diplomatic and do not use any profane language) For an idea of what to say you can watch my plea at : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYOA9l5rPPc.
Send your messages to:
AYATOLLAH KHAMENEISupreme Leader of the Islamic RepublicEmail: http://us.f515.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=info@leader.irEmail: http://us.f515.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=istiftaa@wilayah.orgFax: 00 98 251 7 774 2228
PRESIDENT AHMADNEJADPresident of Islamic RepublicEmail: http://us.f515.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=dr-ahmadinejad@president.irEmail through website: www.president.ir/emailPhone: 00 98 21 6 649 5880
4. Call your local Iranian Embassy To locate it go to www.irantravelingcenter.com/embassy.htm.
Iranian Embassy - United Kingdomhttp://us.f515.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=info@iran-embassy.org.ukIranian Embassy - Canadahttp://us.f515.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=ambassador@iranembassy.org
5. Tell your local media (Newspapers, TV, radio stations, magazines, on-line news)
6. Tell everyone you know (family, friends, schools, blogs, websites) and direct them to http://www.helpnazanin.com/
Peace and love,
Nazanin Afshin-Jam
نازنين های عزيز هر ايرانی. نازنين فاتحی، خواهر عزيزمان، آن که وجدان داشت تلاش کرد تا جانت را نجات دهد. نازنين افشين جم، خواهر عزيزمان، آن که وجدان داشت کوشيد تا ترا در نجات جان خواهر ديگرمان ياری دهد. کوششها کم نبوده اند، ولی آيا کافی بوده اند؟ برای نجات جان انسان هيچ کوششی کافی نيست. نازنين عزيزمان، جان تو جان نازنين ما است و جان ما جان شيرين تو است. کاش بيش از اينها کوشيده بوديم تا جانت را نجات دهيم، تا جانمان را نجات دهيم. ولی هنوز ما زنده ايم و جان تو جان ما است. نازنين های عزيزمان، ما هنوز وجدان داريم و تنهايتان نمی گذاريم.ـ
It's heart breaking...
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