Please click on this link below to see Fakhravar's speech on the second day of the conference in Rome:
Italy's Radio Radical Broadcast of Fighting for Democracy in the Islamic World conference in Rome.
Fakhravar is the first speaker after the introduction. For obvious reasons the whole broadcast has an Italian voice over. I will post the links to the film footage of Fakhravar's speech without the Italian voice over as soon as possible so you can all judge for yourselves whether Ahmad Rafat and Jamshid Chalangi were trying to bad mouth Fakhravar or whether they were telling the truth. Whether these old generation Iranians try to inspire the young Iranians or divide and disappoint them with their falsehoods?
Despite the Italian voice over however, I think just from the applause Fakhravar receives, you can tell his role was not as insignificant as Ahmad Rafat tried to make out on Jamshid Chalangi's program.
جوانان مبارز داخل كشور تا هنگامي كه در داخل كشور هستند يار و ياور همديگر هستند اما وقتي به خارج كشور ميروند اسير دو بهم زني ها و خاله زنك بازي هاي تلويزيون هاي فارسي زبان خارج كشور ميشوند كه گويي از ايجاد تفرقه در بين جوانان لذت ميبرند. نمونه اين رفتارهاي بيمارگونه را در برنامه جمشيد چالنگي ديروز بوضوح مشاهده كرديم
Very good. Thnx for sharing
Ahmad Rafat is a liar!
Protest outside VOA Persian:
نگران نباشيد چون برنامه جمشيد چالنگي از خسته كننده ترين برنامه هاي تلويزيون صداي امريكا (بخوانيد ياري دهندگان ملايان) هست و خيلي كم بيننده در ايران دارد
با این حرفها نمیتونید اتخاد پیش آمده بین داخل و خارج را از بین ببزید عوامل خودفروش رژیم هستید شماها
boro khoda shafaat bedeh
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