Saturday, January 14, 2006

Contradictory Statements of the Ayatollah

If I were to list all the contradictory remarks made by Iran's Ayatollahs, I would be writing for ever. The statements below however are the latest ones made by Isfahan's Friday prayers leader, Ayatollah Tabatabii-Nejad, and they are amusing.

The Ayatollah stated last week, that 75% of the Iranian newly wed brides are not virgins.

Today the Ayatollah criticised the women in government offices, saying a lot of them are not observing the compulsory veil and the Islamic dress code for women. He added that this is a major problem for the country and observance of Islamic duties are the top priority for 85% of the country's population.

So we have 85% of the Iranian population worried about the strict observance of the veil by women in government offices and 75% of the newly wed brides are not virgins! Either 75% of Iranian brides who are not virgins are marrying 15% of the population or 85% of the population are pre-occupied with the Islamic dress code in offices but marry non-virgins!


Anonymous said...

OR you don't know basic mathematics and/or common logic.

BESIDES why are you (like the Ayatollah) so much concerned about sexual matters.

Reza wants to know your opinion about gays. You seem to call anyone you disagree with, a gay. Is there something you are ashamed about and are hiding? Did you have bad experiences of this nature when you were young?

Mohsen & Reza

Azarmehr said...

Nice to see that you two are back and following my blog. What you two as a couple do is your own concern.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that we are the only ones following your blog !!And in case you haven't noticed, we are just taking the piss.

Now back to business. How do homosexuals (or 'fagots' as you call them) feature in your democratic Iran?

We are going on holiday to Dubai, so you will not hear back from us for at least 2 weeks.

Mohsen & Reza

Anonymous said...

I like this blog. What is happening with the Lib Dems ?

Azarmehr said...

The Lib Dems are finished :)

Anonymous said...

No I meant with the iranian anti Lib Dem protests ? Is it on going ?

Azarmehr said...

No our protests outside Lib Dem HQ have stopped for now. The Lib Dems have given us some renewed promises to discuss the party's official line on IRI in their next conference.

We will wait to see who the next Lib Dem leader is and what the new leader's position on IRI is. Hopefully it will be a more sober approach :)

Anonymous said...

well done azarmehr u have made great news it should stop i didnt read ur blog im just doing this for fun!

Azarmehr said...

"didnt read ur blog just doing this for fun"

I am sorry if you have no other way of having fun, no friends to go out with to have a laugh. It is truly sad when I come across people like you, but I can't help everyone.