This year even a commemoration at the Forouhar's home was banned by the authorities.
Eight years on, the regime is still petrified, even by the memory of the Forouhars and their popularity amongst the people of Iran.
This weblog was created to act as a platform for the voice of secular pro-democracy activists in and outside Iran who are struggling against the religious dictatorship of the Islamic clerics in Iran. Follow me on https://gettr.com/user/potkazar or My Telegram Channel https://t.me/SledgeHammerNews My favourite quote: "Evil only prevails when the good stay silent"
محمد خاتمی رييس پيشين جمهوری فاشيستی اسلامی پاسخگوی اين جنايت و ديگر کشتاری است که در زمان دولت وی رخ داده است. او هر چه ادای روشنفکری و بردباری از خود درآورد و گفتگوی دروغين تمدنها را تبليغ کند، باز نمی تواند جامه از رنگ ننگين اين جنايات پاک کند.ـ
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