Saturday, April 04, 2009

Why is the US President Bowing to the Saudi King?

Watch this Youtube film footage below. About 53 seconds into the footage, you see the President of the United States of America, Barak Hussein Obama, bowing to the Saudi King, one of the major sponsors of Madressahs where children become brainwashed and radicalized. Is this some new US protocol?

On a different humourous note, I came across this comment posted on Mehdi Khazali's website:

حضرت امام صادق (ع) فرمود: پدرم فرموند: «پيش از ظهور منجي، مردي قدبلند و سياه در مغرب زمين به حکومت مي‌رسد که نشانه‌اي آشکار از جدم ابا عبدالله با اوست. لشگر او قويترين لشکر روي زمين است و اين لشگر سرزمين کربلا را به تصرف در مي‌آورد تا زمينه ظهور منجي را آماده سازد. ا>ˆ خون مدعيان دروغين جانشيني جدم اميرالمومنين را در نجف و قم به زمين مي‌ريزد و نائبان دروغين مهدي را رسوا مي‌سازد. او پس از تسلط بر کربلا و نجف به سوي ري تاخته و حاکم يک دست ری را که خود را به دروغ به ما منتسب مي‌کند و بوزينه‌ای زشت رو را در بر دارد نابود خواهد کرد. در آن زمان شيعيان ما نبايد شک کنند که اوباماست» ( بحار الانوار - جلد سیزدهم - باب سی ام ) . " الهم عجل لولیک الفرج

It claims to be a quote from Imam Ja'afar Sadeq, the sixth Shiite Imam who revived Shiism Islam, the brand of Shiite sect which is the official religion of Iran is named after him as Ja'afari Shiism after his contributions to revive the sect, and the quote translates to this:

'Before the appearance of the saviour, a tall dark skinned man will come to govern in the West, who has an obvious resemblance to my grand father Aba Abdallah [ Another name for Imam Hussein]. His army is the strongest army on earth, and this army will conquer Karbala to prepare for the coming of the Saviour. He will shed the blood of the false pretenders to the succession of my grandfather Imam Ali in Najaf and in Qom [holiest Shiite cities in Iraq and in Iran], and will dishonour the false representatives of Saviour Mahdi. After conquering Karbala and Najaf, he will head towards Ray, [Near Tehran], and he will destroy the one arm Governor [Supreme Leader's right arm has been disabled since the failed assassination attempt on him by the MeK], who falsely associates himself with us and who has an ugly monkey [Children's live program in Iran went off the air after a child inadvertently said his dad called his toy monkey Ahmadinejad], in front of him. When the moment comes, the Shiites must have no doubt that he is with us'.

Have to tell the English speaking readers that in Persian, 'he is with us' reads 'is Obama'. So the quote finishes in this way ' When the moment comes, the Shiites must have no doubt he is Obama' :))

I have no means to reference the source of the quote, and most probably it is made up, just thought it was hilarious.


Anonymous said...

LOL that was really funny. But there are loads of quotes like this like the fake Nostradamus quaotes after September 11th. Emam jafar sadegh was the biggest idiot in human history. In his book he says sun is moving around the earth and vanishes in dirt after sunset. he has loads of crap in his book much worse than this where you have to shake your head. I think this quate is fabricated. Nonetheless I was shocked seeing Obama bowing in front of that Arab king. he must have been nervous. Look at his speech in Europe, he doesnt speak as fluent as in USA. Its a new environment and he has no experience. He is nervous. I don't know what the future brings, its very exciting though...


Mehrtash said...


There are some startling points there, makes one almost hold their breath in anticipation. I have heard of this prophecy before, especially the 'Oo ba mast' - he is with us (obama) ;)))

saggezard said...

Oh well, that just raises my expectations for an impending bow by Obanana to the one handed monkey handler.

Hidden Author said...

Because in the West and only the West there is a powerful contingent of people who hate their own heritage.

Such self-hatred far exceeds that in the Islamic Republic in Iran. At least in Iran, the conflict is between two sides of the nation's heritage--the Islamic vs. the pre-Islamic--as opposed to an outright and wholesale rejection of the entire national heritage.

barmakid said...

Hidden Author,

What are you talking about? The conflict in Iran is not defined by pre-Islamic and Islamic contingents. That's so incredibly detached from what the problems actually facing Iranian society are that I don't know what to say. Well, actually, I do:))

In fact, contrary to what these schmuck expats would have you believe, Islam is not the problem. The problem is Islamic government, and furthermore, Islamic government by un-Islamic individuals.

Just like Ahmadinejad says that the leaders of Israel are not Jewish and that they have no religion, the same applies to Iranian leaders who use Islam to aggregate and sustain their power.

Their is no movement inside Iran advocating the return to Zoroastrianism (our pre-Islamic religion) or the abandonment of Islam. But their is, to be sure, a movement to abandon Islamic government. And Ironically, that movement is headed by factions inside the clergy itself!


P.S. Zoroastrianism and Islam fundamentally have the same shortfalls, or faults, whatever you prefer to call it: They are man-made, i.e. fabricated, methods of thought (religion) that adulterate human thought.

Sohrab said...

I've heard IRGC commandants have used 'oo baa maast.'

Anonymous said...

actually it is quite common for "elected" leaders to bow for monarchs. Monarchs have higher status so it is common practice in some cases. Regardless if its a butcher like his majesty of Saudi or other monarch.

barmakid- i agree with many of your points here but there is a difference here since zartoshti practice is not as strict as islamic. Islamic practice has special codes and rule due to being a newer religion that the zartoshti avesta does not. In addition im certain that no country would make a zartoshti fundamentalistic republic even if there was a country with a large majority of zartoshti. Im agnostic and also believe religion is man made but there is a difference between religions and their practice too.

Anonymous said...

actually it is quite common for "elected" leaders to bow for monarchs. Monarchs have higher status so it is common practice in some cases. Regardless if its a butcher like his majesty of Saudi or other monarch.

barmakid- i agree with many of your points here but there is a difference here since zartoshti practice is not as strict as islamic. Islamic practice has special codes and rule due to being a newer religion that the zartoshti avesta does not. In addition im certain that no country would make a zartoshti fundamentalistic republic even if there was a country with a large majority of zartoshti. Im agnostic and also believe religion is man made but there is a difference between religions and their practice too.

Anonymous said...

Sohrab-it amazes my that IRGCs have used that term do you have any example or clip?

barmakid said...


I agree with you that there are identifiable differences in practice between Zoroastrianism and Islam, but I don't find them to be fundamentally significant.

Thus, I would be hesitant to say one religion is "better" (for lack of a better word) than the other because of the way they are practiced.

But I was simply trying to say that both religions, well, all religions, establish a paradigm of thought that inherently confines human thinking. Furthermore, by subscribing to a religion one is essentially setting their beliefs in stone. That's not only dangerous, but it also undermines the capacity of human consciousness.

Quotes like, "Nothing is certain, not even that" (Arcesilaus - Greek philosopher) and 2,500 years later by my most favorite modern day American philosopher Richard Tarnas, "Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect" come to mind.


Winston said...

awful! What an idiot...

Unknown said...

No, it's not a new US protocol.

Bush bowed too.

Azarmehr said...

Granted that receiving any medal from King Abdullah is questionable, but there is a differenc ebetween bowing during a hand shake and bowing your head so a medal can be put on your neck.

barmakid said...


Who gives a shit? There's also protocol when he meets the so-called "Queen" of England (we all know the only real queen there was Michelle Obama). Oh, don't put your arm around the queen's back, oh, stop eating when the queen stops, oh, don't scratch your balls in front of the queen...

If you're going to criticize President Barack Hussein Obama (say it loud and say it proud) than do it on some legitimate terms, like Afghanistan - not some bullshit that matters to only people like you who feel like Arab Muslims are the scum off the earth.

Also, I know English isn't our first language, but try to spell the leader of the free world's name correctly next time, buddy.


p.s. Winston, the only idiots are you, Steven Harper, and Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin, what a joke. Thank goodness she's not overseas embarrassing us, whew...

Anonymous said...

hey hey barmakid,,, did you finaly work out where you were born and raised? i liked your answer to the pretend im agnostic your fellow moslim this page!

barmakid said...

Hmmm... Anonymous, I can't tell if you're criticizing me or complementing me. Maybe if you wrote in complete sentences, i.e. if you used some punctuation you would come across the way you intended. Good luck with that.

Winston said...

Bush didn't bow.

Anonymous said...

I think the comparison between Islam and Zoroastrianism is halting. Probably (I am saying this in all kindness) you have not studied the message of Zarathushtra in depth. The difference between Mohammad's message and that of Zarathushtra is that the former teaches man to submit himself completely to the will of God, an almighty God. Zarathushtra teaches us to be co-workers of the Supreme Mind, ie Ahura Mazda, in perfecting an evolving universe. One is monotheistic and the other more monistic. Free choice is an absolute cardinal principle in Zoroastrianism, not submission to the will of God. Zoroastrianism is actually more closely related to sister philosophies such as Hinduism and Buddhism than to the three Semitic brothers Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Rather than following written rules in a holy book, Zoroastrians are taught to think for themselves and to their best efforts think, speak and act constructively. So, I would not agree to the proposition that Islam and Zoroastrianism are even remotely similar or having equal impact on the ethics and morality of human beings. Best regards, from a non-Iranian Zoroastrian.