Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Moussavi Condemns Sunday's Executions

It was an uneasy day in Iran yesterday. Iranian Kurdish cities like Sanandaj and Kamyaran were said to be under virtual martial law and Ahmadinejad's unannounced visit to Beheshti University with ten bus loads of Baseejis, who were intended to be used as has his audience, sparked off the protests by Beheshti university students:

CNN's Report of the protests at Beheshti University

Meanwhile families of those executed on Sunday who had travelled to Tehran to collect the bodies of their loved ones were affronted by the Evin prison authorities who instead arrested some of the family members. Today it has been confirmed that the mother and sister of Shirin Alamhouli, who was executed on Sunday have now been arrested too.

More heavy sentences against other detainees have been announced, amongst them Hengameh Shahidi, the SOAS graduate, who has received six years imprisonment.

Mir Hussein Moussavi today condemned Sunday's executions by issuing the statement below:

'The sudden announcement of the execution of five of our citizens without any illuminating explanations given to the public about their charges and the judicial process is similar to the unjust processes we have seen in the last months and the bizarre sentences handed out to many of our loyal men and women citizens.

When the judiciary takes the side of those who are in power instead of the true victims, it is difficult to stop the cynical judgement made by the population towards these sentences. How is it that the judiciary ignores bringing to justice the perpetrators of crimes in Kahrizak, Tehran university dormitory, Sobhan residents and the crimes committed against peaceful protesters in June last year and on the Ashura? How is it that huge corruption cases are closed without ever being investigated and yet just as the anniversary of last year's events approach, five citizens are hanged without the proper judiciary process and with much doubt surrounding their charges? Is this the justice the Iranian people were after and promised?'


Arash said...

I'll listen to his apologies once he admits his part in the massacres of the 1980s and takes down that picture of Khomeini which is on his wall in each of his videos.


Waybec said...

If this current regime continues to execute such an unfair judiciary, then the noose can only further tighten about their own worthless necks!