Press TV has been making a big song and dance about the recent UK student protests, although conveniently Press TV didn't mention a dicky bird about the nationwide student protests that took place in Iran last Tuesday. Below is a footage of Green Movement supporters in London, commemorating the Iranian Student Day at SOAS by displaying pictures of jailed Iranian students. I hope at least the UK students who came across these pictures will become aware as to why they should shun the mouthpiece of a repressive state that kills and jails Iranian students for expressing their opinions.
Islamic Republic, nor its mouthpiece television, Press TV, is no friend of students, it is the enemy of knowledge.
Well you know my views - I'm all for Freedom of Speech, but against freedom of Propaganda. Again, Press TV will bang on and on about what it see's as human rights abuses - especially from those countries Khamanei and Ahmandinejad hates. But shamefully lets down it's very own people by treating them as forgotten non-entities in their fight against the regime's ten-fold abuses of human rights! Ultimitely though, Press TV is probably harming the regime. The Basij may well think it's doing a great job in putting it's message across via this fake News Channel. But jeering belligerence always underestimates true intelligence. And most people worth their salt can see straight through this travesty of a station that basically betrays and treats the better face of the Iranian Nation with such contempt! If the presenters had any journalistic integrity - or better still ANY MORAL integrity at all, they would all resign!
They protest about Iran while students here are beaten and brutalized just a few streets away.
Students beaten by brutal police
Up with the student revolution!
Down with the Tory establishment!
In other words, you want to close PressTV down because you think they are abusing freedom of speech with the very little coverage they are actually giving of the student protests compared to other international media.
I think Iranian students back home may even take heart at the protests in the UK - let us not forget that Ahmadinejad himself grew up in the 1968-1976 golden era of student rebellion all around the world. The Iranian Revolution relied on students like him to bring down the Shah in large part.
However, Iranian students (those who get into state universities) might want to remember that they get free tuition and lodging and don't come out of university saddled with debt like their British counterparts. They have it cushy compared to others.
Just like yourself, Ahmadinejad did not take any part in the protests against the Shah. Of course at least he was not part of the system, like you were. You may think you can always change colour at the right moment, but your time is up this time. The sooner Iran gets rid of traitors like you, The Wind Party Members, the better
Dear Reza. Actually there seemed to be amble coverage of the student protests on other media outlets. Only Press TV salivated over it under the guise of empathising with the British students when really they drooled at the bit wanting anarchy. Now we have the Iranian foreign minister complaining about British Police brutality. Ha, talk about calling the kettle black! As always the Iranian regime are always so damn good at condemning what itself does manifold back in Iran! As for me wishing Press TV shut, I think they're doing a pretty good job of ultimately slamming the door shut on their own faces! The recent reconstruction of the stoning case, goes beyond the pall. Using the accused before she's even had a proper fair trail - if such a thing now exists in Iran? In all my years, never have I seen any station use the real person for some woolly re-inactment! Whether the woman is guilty or not, such things should not be allowed on tv. Trail not only by the media - but also exploiting and manipulating the accused to pass their own Guilty verdict! Therefore, this not only reveals the desperation and the truly dispicable moronic morals of the regime, but also conclusively proves that Press TV ARE indeed nothing but the glossy farcial face of such a cruel and callous hypocrital regime. It is insidiously STATE controlled! And where else is STATE controlled TV allowed to broadcast in Britian? Yes, sadly we do have mogul controlled News in the form of Murdoch. So before you say it, Fox is without a doubt Corporate greed Neo-con crap. And even Sky and the BBC are becoming increasingly worthless and superficial in their one or two News item agenda's. But as yet, we still don't have the Kim il Jung, the Robert Mugabee or even the Benjamin Netanyahu channel! And for good reason. Because they would be blantantly biased and propaganda motivated. So why then does OFCOM still allow the Khamanei/Ahmandindejad channel? Especially when NO objective reporting is allowed in Iran. The other side is never allowed air time on Press TV to argue it's case. And whenever Khamanei sits on his vulture throne or Ahmandinejad grandstands, they're always shown to be the most pious untouchable things ever to grace Press TV's airwaves. OFCOM may well be fooled by Fox's 'Fair and balanced' dire and desperate blandishment. But how much longer can they BE fooled by Theocratic Tyranny TV? Peace...
I was six months old when the Revolution happened - a bit too young to take part.
I support Iran at the political, cultural, economic, social, scientific and environmental level - and you have the audacity to label me a "traitor" when all you can do is mouth off your own ignorance?
More on the brutal crackdown against students and intimidation of the protesters:
British students feel the baton of repression
Potkin Azarmehr has always been a useful apologist for his hosts in the British government just as Maryam Rajavi was useful to the regime of Saddam Hussein.
You don't have to write an essay every time you give a response:
You and I live in a great country, rich in culture and history. But it is also a country with an unelected monarch ,whom it is claimed is appointed by God, an unelected upper chamber which includes clerics and people who own 80% of the land, an unelected judiciary, police and a very powerful and unaccountable civil service.
Where is the *democracy* in the United *Kingdom*?
Yes I apologize Reza - for writing essays! Sometimes I'm acutely aware of even boring myself with my own voice and no doubt a few readers along the way. Sorry to all... But unfortunately arguments are seldom won with bullet points! And I wouldn't be sooooooooo long winded, if absolute justice prevailed for all in short hand text...
I notice you said 'WE' live in a great country - referring to Britain I guess? So why then my foiling friend do YOU defend a theocratic tyranny with the greatest of hypocrisy..? No offense, because you are not rude, name calling, seem quite articulate and obviously pocess a sense of irony within your intelligence Reza - there I can admit it and say! I'm not SO governed by obstinate pride my friend. If I'm proved wrong I gladly welcome it as a means to improve and earn. It's all part of growing up. However, I must admit mystification when someone tries to paint black as white..? I actually don't agree with a monarchy but don't begrudge royality as people. I don't agree with The House Of Lords or any other unelected bodies in this country for that matter either. So there - Yes - ON that we can agree Reza... Priviledge in this day and age needs to be re-evaluated! But deflection by example is actually a great Isreali policy d'you know that. I.e. 'Oh we may abuse and use and kill and imprison, but look at such and such a country doing the same thing - we didn't start it.' Yep, it's a dispicable lously argument! So it's this kind of attitude that has got to stop surely? Grandstanding from a tyranny......
Religion and numerous idealogies have ALL failed Mankind. I won't dare to speak for you or others, but I'm now looking for some newer ethical imperitives which might actually take us forward as a more unified planet and beter human species. Not just retreat into the same ol' knee jerk reactions governed by childish pride! Yes - Every National country is guilty of something in this world! But if you ask why then do I attack Iranian policy more than others? It's simple! The people are SOOOOOO much MORE better than the preaching religious and greedy petro-dollar politics inflicted upon them! I hate the idea of 13th Century edicts inflicted upon a 21st Century populance just for the sake of protecting wealth and position. Therefore, sorry yet again for another essay or even A thesis Reza... But at the end of the day it's all about seeking a true spiritual integrity and objective inteligence... And lobbyist, corporate greed, orgainised religion and suppressive idelogies certainly AIN'T the way to that!
Yes I apologize Reza - for writing essays! Sometimes I'm acutely aware of even boring myself with my own voice and no doubt a few readers along the way. Sorry to all... But unfortunately arguments are seldom won with bullet points! And I wouldn't be sooooooooo long winded, if absolute justice prevailed for all in short hand text...
I notice you said 'WE' live in a great country - referring to Britain I guess? So why then my foiling friend do YOU defend a theocratic tyranny with the greatest of hypocrisy..? No offense, because you are not rude, name calling, seem quite articulate and obviously pocess a sense of irony within your intelligence Reza - there I can admit it and say! I'm not SO governed by obstinate pride my friend. If I'm proved wrong I gladly welcome it as a means to improve and earn. It's all part of growing up. However, I must admit mystification when someone tries to paint black as white..? I actually don't agree with a monarchy but don't begrudge royality as people. I don't agree with The House Of Lords or any other unelected bodies in this country for that matter either. So there - Yes - ON that we can agree Reza... Priviledge in this day and age needs to be re-evaluated! But deflection by example is actually a great Isreali policy d'you know that. I.e. 'Oh we may abuse and use and kill and imprison, but look at such and such a country doing the same thing - we didn't start it.' Yep, it's a dispicable lously argument! So it's this kind of attitude that has got to stop surely? Grandstanding from a tyranny......
Religion and numerous idealogies have ALL failed Mankind. I won't dare to speak for you or others, but I'm now looking for some newer ethical imperitives which might actually take us forward as a more unified planet and beter human species. Not just retreat into the same ol' knee jerk reactions governed by childish pride! Yes - Every National country is guilty of something in this world! But if you ask why then do I attack Iranian policy more than others? It's simple! The people are SOOOOOO much MORE better than the preaching religious and greedy petro-dollar politics inflicted upon them! I hate the idea of 13th Century edicts inflicted upon a 21st Century populance just for the sake of protecting wealth and position. Therefore, sorry yet again for another essay or even A thesis Reza... But at the end of the day it's all about seeking a true spiritual integrity and objective inteligence... And lobbyist, corporate greed, orgainised religion and suppressive idelogies certainly AIN'T the way to that!
Yes I apologize Reza - for writing essays! Sometimes I'm acutely aware of even boring myself with my own voice and no doubt a few readers along the way. Sorry to all... But unfortunately arguments are seldom won with bullet points! And I wouldn't be sooooooooo long winded, if absolute justice prevailed for all in short hand text...
I notice you said 'WE' live in a great country - referring to Britain I guess? So why then my foiling friend do YOU defend a theocratic tyranny with the greatest of hypocrisy..? No offense, because you are not rude, name calling, seem quite articulate and obviously pocess a sense of irony within your intelligence Reza - there I can admit it and say! I'm not SO governed by obstinate pride my friend. If I'm proved wrong I gladly welcome it as a means to improve and earn. It's all part of growing up. However, I must admit mystification when someone tries to paint black as white..? I actually don't agree with a monarchy but don't begrudge royality as people. I don't agree with The House Of Lords or any other unelected bodies in this country for that matter either. So there - Yes - ON that we can agree Reza... Priviledge in this day and age needs to be re-evaluated! But deflection by example is actually a great Isreali policy d'you know that. I.e. 'Oh we may abuse and use and kill and imprison, but look at such and such a country doing the same thing - we didn't start it.' Yep, it's a dispicable lously argument! So it's this kind of attitude that has got to stop surely? Grandstanding from a tyranny......
Religion and numerous idealogies have ALL failed Mankind. I won't dare to speak for you or others, but I'm now looking for some newer ethical imperitives which might actually take us forward as a more unified planet and beter human species. Not just retreat into the same ol' knee jerk reactions governed by childish pride! Yes - Every National country is guilty of something in this world! But if you ask why then do I attack Iranian policy more than others? It's simple! The people are SOOOOOO much MORE better than the preaching religious and greedy petro-dollar politics inflicted upon them! I hate the idea of 13th Century edicts inflicted upon a 21st Century populance just for the sake of protecting wealth and position. Therefore, sorry yet again for another essay or even A thesis Reza... But at the end of the day it's all about seeking a true spiritual integrity and objective inteligence... And lobbyist, corporate greed, orgainised religion and suppressive idelogies certainly AIN'T the way to that!
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