Its Nowrooz, the Iranian new year, the first day of the spring and the time when the new replaces the old. Its a time for celebration of life and its continuity. This year, even in London, the weather has been good. Yesterday it was clear blue sky in the morning and one could feel the warmth of the sun. No blossoms as yet but I could feel Nowruz was in the air. As I browsed through my emails yesterday, I tried to answer the Nowruz greetings but there was one email which was not about Nowruz. It was about a horrific act by a group of Neanderthals in Indonesia. The most brutal and savage killing of fellow human beings by other human beings I have ever watched on video. This despicable atrocity took place in February, but I must have been so consumed with the recent Iran and Middle East news that it was only yesterday I came to know about it.
It shows a group of extremist Muslims attacking a residence of another group of Muslims, belonging to the Ahmadiya sect, dragging them out and savagely beating them to death in front of the eyes of the incompetent local police.
How can any human being so mercilessly beat a helpless fellow human being to death? and over what? You belong to a different sect of Muslims than me!! But most importantly where are the Muslim religious leaders? Where are the fatwas they are usually so eager to issue over someone's words or drawings? Which is worse? I hope the Indonesian authorities will punish the perpetrators of this crime, for otherwise Indonesian Muslims will bear the shame of this savagery for a long time to come.
It shows a group of extremist Muslims attacking a residence of another group of Muslims, belonging to the Ahmadiya sect, dragging them out and savagely beating them to death in front of the eyes of the incompetent local police.
How can any human being so mercilessly beat a helpless fellow human being to death? and over what? You belong to a different sect of Muslims than me!! But most importantly where are the Muslim religious leaders? Where are the fatwas they are usually so eager to issue over someone's words or drawings? Which is worse? I hope the Indonesian authorities will punish the perpetrators of this crime, for otherwise Indonesian Muslims will bear the shame of this savagery for a long time to come.
زاهد ار رندی حافظ نکند فهم چه شد
دیو بگریزد از آن قوم که قرآن خوانند
this is islam
nowroozetan mobarak
man vaghean az didane in film az khod bikhod shodam va ashkam jari shod. vaghean ye soal asasi pish miad. chetor ensan be chenin jayi mirese ke ye ensane dige ro ba birahmi bokoshe?
aya moshkel az dine eslame?
be nazare man in ensanha hastand ke din ro be baziche migirand.
hamoontor ke dar haman gharne avvale zohoore eslam ye edde eslam ro be baziche gereftand.
be har hal omidvaram hame in moshkelat roozi hal beshe.
اسلام به ذات خود ندارد عیبی هر عیب که هست از مسلمانی ماست
و از علمایی که خوابند
That is 2 perfect videos, just enjoyed it. A bunch of randy, semi-horny apes try with help of new technology, cellular phone, to capture the moment of conquest. Love it loath it. Think about it 200 millions duplicates live in this most populous Mohammedans country. That was gorgeous. Last but not least, consider it for a minute, almost centuries ago where they weren't converted pervert, they were hell of a jerks.
Mad religious extremism atit's worst. Ultimately though, those who pick up the sword for God, are just the foot soliders of Satan. Conversely, those who beat helpless unharmed people to death, have just simply forged their souls to burn in HELL!
this is the inhumanity that Obama covers up when he tries to sell Indonesia as a model for "moderate Islam" ... with Islamism (political Islam) there is no moderation just inhumanity and injustice and barbarity.
Potkin has also missed this video from Iran where the daughter of Rafsanjani is subjected to the filthiest language by Islamic Republic thugs.
I shed no tears for her but instead think that if this is how they treat the daughter of one of the founders of their fascist Islamic Republic. One of the men who has billions in stolen funds, how do they treat helpless student protesters and other innocents.
This Islamist regime is on its last legs in Iran and its only teh efforts of paid propagandists like Galloway who try to convince us otherwise.
how are you any different to these people when you would without hesitation be just as violent against those you dislike/hate?
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