Monday, February 22, 2010

So What Happened at the Islamic Republic Embassy Dinner at the Millennium Hotel in Gloucester Road

I am getting more information as to what happened and who turned up for the unusual embassy dinner at the Millennium Hotel, in Gloucester Road on Friday. The banquet seems to have been part of a two pronged initiative by the Ahmadinejad administration to spread its network amongst the disenfranchised muslims in UK and at the same time amongst the professional British Iranian expats who are willing to serve the regime.

Around 150 guests turned up at the banquet. About one hundred are reported to have been embassy staff and their relatives and the rest a mixture of British Iranian professionals and businessmen.

Two of the guests have been identified as speakers who went out of their way to endear themselves to Ahamdinejad's administration. One was Maziar MirEskandari MD, a Vascular Surgeon at St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington who also teaches at Imperial College, London. The other was Parivash Satvati-Fatemi, who is the widow of the late Dr. Fatemi, Foreign Minister in Mossadegh's government. Parivash Satvati-Fatemi also happens to be the sister-in-law to General Rahimi, Tehran's Military Police Chief under the Shah who was executed after the 1979 revolution.

It is not the first time Parivash Satvati-Fatemi has tried to endear herself to the messianic junta in Iran. She has been on record before saying Ahmadinejad's government fulfilled the aspirations of Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh. What a terrible disservice to Mossadegh.

Maziar MirEskandari is said to have almost begged the Islamic Republic's ambassador in his after dinner speech to fund a British Iranian medical society that could promote Ahmadinejad's government in UK.

Throughout the lavish dinner, there was no mention of concern for the recent executions and the brutal repression of the protesters in Iran. The plight of their Iranian compatriots killed, imprisoned, tortured and the sufferings of the relatives of the recent victims was the last thing on the minds of those British Iranians who attended the dinner at the Millennium Hotel on Friday. What mattered to them most was to be the first in line to benefit from the funds offered by this most despotic administration while they continued to enjoy the privileges of the parliamentary democracy here in UK. A win/win situation they perceive they will enjoy if the rest of the Iranian expat community does not react to their treachery.


Arash said...

Imperial College is a den of IRI apologists.

Drs Mossadegh and Fatemi must be spinning in their graves :(


Mehrtash said...

I was tempted to 'kick ... in the goolies' but then I do not do that to friends I claim to have an allegiance with.

You raised a very pertinent point - " A win/win situation they perceive they will enjoy if the rest of the Iranian expat community does not react to their treachery."

Question is, and this is merely a question and not a criticism, what are we ALL going to do about this treachery? Are the keyboard warriors going to sit idly by as Ahmadinejad and his posse grow stronger - they have already entered themselves onto the candidates list for entry on to the United Nations Human Rights Council?

It is time to start lobbying government officials to intervene, or at least to not assist the IRI in their quest for world-dominion.

Sohrab said...

Baziya har kaari vaaseye pul mikonand.

Anonymous said...

تا زماني كه شما بدبخت ها هنوز حامي اسلام ناب محمدي هستين و فكر ميكنين با اصلاحات ميشه به جايي رسيد همين اش خواهد بود و همين كاسه.....حالا دائم فلان سروش و كديور رو بماليد و بگين اسلام جمحوري اسلامي اون اسلام واقعي نيست!!!! مرگ بر جهل. مرگ بر هر جي تخم تازي در كشورم ايران.

Rostam Farrokhzad said...

what treachery not only to the memory of mossadegh but also to General Rahimi who at least went to his death with dignity and finally to all the people of Iran who have been suffering under he cruel hand of the brutal murderers now fronted by the Ahmadinejad Junta.

outing these gold digging sympathisers, bache sefarati, and the paid mercenaries of the fascist regime is some of Potkins most effective work.

Rostam Farrokhzad said...

Here in case you miss it is how General Rahimi bravely met his death at the hands of the Islamist thugs and murderers.

Let his memory and the manner of his death be a lesson to all those traitors to Iran who attended the Fascist Islamic Republic Gala dinner.

Had we had a few more General Rahimis and a few less traitors liek General Garabaqis and General Fardoust then the history of Iran would have been very different.

Anonymous said...

You have made an amazing comment, the erxpat community.... they all sit around drinking tea and enjoying their time... it makes me laugh when you here Iranians talking about Iran, they should get up off their backsides and go to Iran at least then they can say they have actually done something,,, a war will never be won or even faught from 100s and 100s of miles away.....

Neda Mehregan said...

Please e-mail Maziar Mireskandari and let him know what you think of him:

Also you can e-mail the principal of the Faculty of Medicine complaining about the choice of staff on his team:

His name is Professor Stephen Smith