Thanks to, some interesting video clips have been posted which demonstrate the struggle of women against the religious apartheid in Iran. A just and worthy cause which never really got the support of the active feminist groups in the West. I suppose it was not anti-American enough for them to deserve any solidarity actions!
The clip below is from the early post-revolution days. Thousands of Iranian women demonstrate against the compulsory veil.
Lots of interesting points in the clip. For example, the support shown by some women who themselves are observing the Islamic veil but at the same time, demand freedom of choice on what to wear by women. The solidarity shown by the nurses as the demonstrators pass a hospital. The Iranian men who supported the women and joined their demo. The young school girls, unaware of what is coming their way in the near future, and statements by Leftist intellectuals who were still under a delusion that they could achieve equal rights by taking part in an Islamic revolution which brought the fundamentalists to power. Most of the clip is self explanatory, shame about the biased partisan commentary.
and here is another clip of their struggle, 27 years later:
I believe Iranian women will be the force for change in near future.
دشمنی ارتجاع سياه آخوندی با آزادی زنان و به بند کشيدن مادران و خواهران ما و تمام بلايايی که فاشيستهای اسلامی برسر زنان ايران آورده اند مرا وادار به زانو زدن در پيشگاه رضا شاه کبير می کند که قريب هشتاد سال پيش حجاب از سر زن ايرانی پس کشيد و دروازة دنيای مدرن را بر او گشود.ـ
شهرنوش پارسی پور، نويسندة بزرگ ايران می نويسد که رفع حجاب بزرگترين انقلاب اجتماعی در تاريخ چند هزارسالة ايران است. آيا می توان به اين مطلب نکته ای افزود؟ نه. تنها بايد به پا خواست و راه رضا شاه بزرگ را ادامه داد.ـ
Terrific post. And Pasha is spot on.
I honestly sometimes despair of my compatriots.
How many people does it take to change a light bulb?
Any educated half wit knows all the damage that has been inflicted on this poor county, its people and especially its poor women and some still say that, "people should go and vote other wise things are going to get nastier".
Well, for whom is it going to get nastier?
For those collaborators who are minding their "SHOP", or the members of the many security forces who are protecting the mullah mafia's.
Oh, Please save us from liars and enemies of Persia. If things have to become much worse before things get better, let it.
Lets be done with it and for once and for all get rid of this shameful malaise.
Enough is ENOUGH all ready.
I honestly sometimes despair of my compatriots.
How many people does it take to change a light bulb?
Any educated half wit knows all the damage that has been inflicted on this poor county, its people and especially its poor women by the corrupted and criminal mullah's and some still say that, "people should go and vote other wise things are going to get nastier".
Well, for whom is it going to get nastier?
For those collaborators who are minding their "SHOP", or the members of the many security forces who are protecting the mullah mafia's.
Oh, Please save us from liars and enemies of Persia. If things have to become much worse before things get better, let it. Lets be done with it and for once and for all get rid of this shameful malaise.
The only thing that we want, the only thing that we deserve is freedom and independence and we will not be silenced (MAN OR WOMEN) till we achieve it.…
Enough is ENOUGH already.
hi - do you have email address i can contact you on?
I hope women will be the force for change in Islam, but until they are more empowered I don't see it happening.
The latest vomit-inducing statement from Ahmadinejad:
Hi.I live in Iran.I was watching VOA on my TV and saw your blog.
I visited your blog immediatly.I think about many of Iran and world problems like you.I belive that the most important thing that can change Iran , is knowledg.
But I hate all TV news and newspapers. Why?? because they tell about many things and I have no enough time to read 10 newspapers and 7 TV channel.I love a media that take only 10 minutes per day to read or hear its news.You peoples that live in the west have weekly medias like Time or Newsweek.These take only 10 minutes per day to read.But in Iran there is no weekly like them.I love your blog. Why?? Beacause it take only 5 minutes per day to read it.I have a request from you. Please tell me some news blogs like yours.About politics or Iran or the West or medicine or military or psychology or......They could be in English or Farsi.Please help me.You are my friend. my email is
Hi.I live in Iran.I was watching VOA on my TV and saw your blog. I visited your blog immediatly.I think about many of Iran and world problems like you.I belive that the most important thing that can change Iran , is knowledg. But I hate all TV news and newspapers. Why?? because they tell about many things and I have no enough time to read 10 newspapers and 7 TV channel.I love a media that take only 10 minutes per day to read or hear its news.You peoples that live in the west have weekly medias like Time or Newsweek.These take only 10 minutes per day to read.But in Iran there is no weekly like them.I love your blog. Why?? Beacause it take only 5 minutes per day to read it.I have a request from you. Please tell me some news blogs like yours.About politics or Iran or the West or medicine or military or psychology or......
Anonymous check this blog if you can read in english well
Regime Change Iran
در اجرای طرح ارتقای امنيت اجتماعی که از ابتدای ارديبهشتماه آغاز شده, برخورد با مالکان خودروهای حامل افراد بدحجاب در دستور کار پليس قرار گرفته است، بر اساس اين طرح خودروهای حامل فرد بدحجاب يا خودروهايی که زنان بدحجاب راننده آن هستند، توسط ماموران اجرای طرح امنيت اخلاقی يا ماموران راهنمايی و رانندگی توقيف و به پارکينگ منتقل میشوند.
به گزارش خبرنگار ايلنا, نيروی انتظامی با اين توجيه که حضور فرد بدحجاب در خودرو از جرائم مشهود محسوب میشود، نسبت به برخورد با خودروهای حامل فرد بدحجاب اقدام کرده و راساً به توقيف خودروها میپردازد.
ماموران زنا زاده پلیس راهنمایی رانندگی بجای اینکه هزاران راننده که مانند حیوانات با سرعت غیر مجاز، عبور ممنوع و صدها مورد جرایم مشهود خطرناک را پیگیری کنند در برابر این جرایم سکوت می کنند و ماشین افرادی را که موهایشان پیداست توقیف می کنند!
آی کیر خر تو کس حضرت زهرا بنت رسول الله که می خواهند ایرانیان مثل این فاحشه قریش باشند.
سنده شیطان تو حلق محمد قرآن شد.
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