The mind boggles, the Islamic rulers in Iran always push the boundaries of logic, reason and sanity to new limits, and some of Iran's "intellectuals" even more strangely follow. Especially if they are employed by BBC Persian.
There has just been a so-called "elections" in Iran, where every candidate has had to be filtered through the most stringent criteria by an unelected body which rules the country. So you would then think by holding such "elections", the Islamic rulers would not have to worry about who comes out of the ballot boxes. They are all vetted after all. Yet they still cheat, even after so much vetting of the candidates!
Here are the statements made by Mehdi Karubi about the latest "elections" in Iran:
- "Ballot boxes that should have been taken for counting disappeared for a while and then appeared again. Are ballot boxes like bowls of yogurt that one lends to someone, they disappear and then turn up after a while?"
- "We have reports that some of the ballot boxes had open seals when they were presented for counting. "
- "Those who were counting the votes were suddenly replaced by new faces. "
At the last presidential "elections" in Iran, Karubi was one of the candidates. He said by 2PM, the early counts suggested he was running second. He decided to have an afternoon nap, and when he woke up, suddenly Ahmadi-Nejad had obtained one million votes. "did these votes suddenly come from the sky?" Was Karubi's question.
This time Karubi aptly decided not to have an afternoon nap! and advised other candidates in his camp also not to take an afternoon nap :) However it seems whether Karubi and his friends take a nap or not, those who run the Islamic Republic will pull out whoever they want out of the ballot boxes. Messbah Yazdi who was struggling with the 15th position, suddenly in the very last hours climbed to the 6th position and thus comfortably entered the Assembly of Experts.
Iranian intellectuals who confuse the masses from the BBC Persian broadcasts with their complicated schemes of why people should take part in the elections are either naive or on the payroll of the regime.
It will make no difference whether people try to vote or boycott the elections in Iran. Those who rule the Islamic Republic will pull a rabbit out of the "ballot box" if they wish to do so. Boycott, however denies the Islamic Republic of its claims of legitimacy. The ultimate correct tactic however should be to organise the people to protest at the very root cause of the problem, i.e. the vetting of the candidates by the unelected body of the Guardian Council.
You have no evidence of cheating. What you claim is just hearsay and rumours and sour grapes. Iranians have shown time and time again that they support the Islamic Republic and its leaders whether you like it or not.
Anonymous sounds like a Professionally trained official spokesperson for the regime. Where did you get your training anon? Russia?
"Iranians have shown time and time again that they support the Islamic Republic and its leaders"
Sure pal. If that’s true then why crack down so hard on dissent? Why lock up anyone critical of the Mullah’s regime? Why not allow freedom of assembly and freedom of the press? Because they are a threat to the regime and those in it that are despised by a majority of the masses. If you weren’t afraid of your own people you would not have to keep them under your heel. What irritates me about such a bald lie is that you think that we who come here for strait talk about Iran would even think that you yourself believe such tripe. Anon 2 has it right, you seem to have been trained by Pravda itself, no lie to big to tell.
precisely! If they are so popular why do they vet the candidates? Surely anon can not deny that candidates are vetted in Islamic Republic.
مردم ايران با شرکت نکردن در انتخابات نمايشی خود به صراحت نشان داده اند که دربارة جمهوری فاشيستهای اسلامی و رهبر مسخرة آن چگونه می انديشند. اکنون تنها قاچاقچيان مواد مخدر و قاچاقچيان زن و قاچاقچيان بنزين و قاچاقچيان مشروب و واردکنندگان چادر سياه و دزدان و قاتلان و حقوق بگيران خارج نشين آخوندها از جمهوری پليد اسلامی حمايت می کنند.ـ
ولی بحث و جدل کروبی و خاتمی و مارهای خوش خط و خال ديگر در بارة تقلب در شمارش آرا آدمی را ياد دزدانی می اندازد که بر سر مال دزدی بر سر هم می کوبند.ـ
بالا دربارة بر سر هم کوفتن دزدان بر سر مال دزدی نوشتم. هم اينک به مطلبی برخوردم که خواستم با شما نيز در ميان بگذارم. يکی از کارهاي دزدان کوچک و بی عرضه که سرشان از مال دزدی بی کلاه مانده است و نصيبی جز جيره خواری سرکردة دزدان ندارند, پند و نصيحت و ريش سفيد بازی است تا مگر سهمی بيشتر بدست آورند. مطلب زير مويد اين امر است.ـ
The MAGICAL MYSTERY Circus is in town, Come on down, you all and enjoy the incredible alligator's dance, the conning snake's wriggling, and The laughing Matador Lizard's fight the shadows.
See the greatest Show on Earth, The Ghostly Elections are Back in Town once again and showing the most unholy tricks never seen in Modern history.
You will not believe your own two eyes when you Witness the vanishing Boxes as they appear and then disappear right in front of your eyes.
Yes, Sireee. You'll have bags of goodies if only you care to jump on the many PARK and RIDE BAND WAGONS / buses taking you straight to the BIG TOP IN HELL.…
THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE to see the Master Magician, the high prist of MAGIC, The Snake MASTER HIMSELF Perform. see this one arm bandit, hear this master of drivel and enjoy a night of pure fantasy and deception.
The MAGICAL MYSTERY Circus is in town, Come on down, you all and enjoy the incredible alligator's dance, the conning snake's wriggling, and The laughing Matador Lizard's fight the shadows.
See the greatest Show on Earth, The Ghostly Elections are Back in Town once again and showing the most unholy tricks never seen in Modern history.
You will not believe your own two eyes when you Witness the vanishing Boxes as they appear and then disappear right in front of your eyes.
Yes, Sireee. You'll have bags of goodies if only you care to jump on the many PARK and RIDE BAND WAGONS / buses taking you straight to the BIG TOP IN HELL.…
THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE to see the Master Magician, the high prist of MAGIC, The Snake MASTER HIMSELF Perform. see this one arm bandit, hear this master of drivel and enjoy a night of pure fantasy and deception.
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