Monday, March 15, 2010

Tomorrow the Children of Zoroaster Will Once Again Face Off the Foreign Occupiers of Our Homeland

On Sunday, the Supreme Leader made it easy for all of us by issuing a fatwa against the pre-Islamic festival of fire. The Supreme Leader's fatwa said 'The festival is against the Sharia and is a requisite for much harm and corruption and it is appropriate that it be avoided'.

Now every Iranian household who performs the festival tomorrow evening to preserve our nation's identity and heritage will be directly challenging the Supreme Leader's rule. Throughout our history, many usurpers have tried to ban and eliminate Nowruz and the Festival of Fire, but these national celebrations have survived and the usurpers have been defeated. The Supreme Leader has now dug his own grave further by issuing this Fatwa. Iranians have different facial features, different shades of skin colour, speak different dialects, have different religions but Nowruz and the Fire Festival still unite us within and beyond our borders. Those who wish to see Nowruz and the Fire Festival doomed will be doomed themselves.

Across Iran from Kurdistan to Khorassan and from Azarabadegan to Sistan, the flames of Zoroaster will illuminate the darks skies of our country and tell the worshippers of darkness that Iran will never die.


Arash said...

I await tomorrow's glorious show of resistance against the occupying terrorist Islamic Regime and their anti-Iranian decrees :)))


barmakid said...

Children of Zoroaster? Umm... not so sure about that. Why do we always have to be "children" of some supposed "prophet?"

I'm not interested in exchanging one religion for another. Plus, you are supposed to be an advocate of secularism - the words and allusions you choose to use in your writing should reflect that.

I obviously support the Green Movement but I am not the child of Zoroaster or, for that matter, one who believes in his explanation of the world.

This is about civil rights and open government. Zoroaster has nothing to do with it.


Rostam Farrokhzad said...

The day will soon come when the Khamenei and all that he and teh Islamic Republic stand for will be consigned to the flames by true Iranian. The Supreame leader feras the fire of Char Shanbeh Souri because he knows that he himself will be thrown into it.

Zendebad IRAN. Death to the Islamist occupiers!

Unknown said...

Hopefully the fire will purify the extremist contamination of our homeland, and bring light were there has been darkness - long live Iranian culture.

Waybec said...

Fear... That's the only reason why Khamanei now makes these rulings against centuries old traditions. He's become nothing more than a wounded cornered animal - who's only recourse left is to lash out against the people. The culture, art and intelligence of Persia has a rightful place in the world with it's symbolic Lion. For this the Iranian people can be justly proud. Right now however they are just represented by a snake! And a serpent of Satan at that!

Azarmehr said...

Depends whether you consider Zoroaster a prophet or a philosopher. Whether you like it or not the philosophy of Zoroaster is the essence of being Iranian. What unites us all as Iranians are still these Zoroastrian traditions which have remained with us. Not that you would know about that.

barmakid said...

Yes, of course, I wouldn't know "anything about that" because I'm Burmese, right?

And I beg to differ that the philosophy of Zoroaster is "the essence of being Iranian."

Maybe in the 4th century it was.

Zoroastrinism might make for cool history lessons, but if the philosophy of Zoroaster is the essence of being Persian in the 21st century then Iranians need to find a new essence.

It's like saying the philosophy of Plato is the essence of being Greek. Plato is fun to study and his ideas are very intriguing - but Plato lacked the instruments of science and thus could not form a comprehensive philosophy of the world that would be accepted in the 21st century.

Look, Zoroastrianism is just as anachronistic and fabricated as Islam.

You loose credibility when you denounce Islam but laud Zoroastrianism.

Some of the Zoroastrian philosophy is just as retarded as some of Islam's - and quite frankly, I don't want to be associated with either of them.


Winston said...

I hear that it was a great great night for the people. More power to them.....

Anonymous said...

As long as Iranians keep on being concerned with Halal, Haraam, fatwas, 'faraj', and other islamic principles, practices and vocabulary, they'll continue to have islamic regime ruling and subjugating them.

And, NO, they aren't 'children of Zoroaster'. Zoroastrian practices for many moslem Iranians are not fully understood and only has a decorative value.

Moslem Iranians will remain children of mohamad, hassan and hossein. I'm sure Khamenei along with other raghead 'shite' mollas gladly endorse Ashura self beatings, mournings, and an exercise in martyrdom.


Do you and your family celebrate Nowruz in Texas and Iran? if yes, then quit that. It is neither secular nor an islamic celebration.

Sohrab said...


Are you dense? Potion isn't calling for a sudden nationwide Zoroastrian revival. He's just pointing out that our nations pre-Islamic heritage is a source of strength for the movements. Its vitality in the face of crushing repression is anathema to this obscurantist regime.

Get over yourself.

barmakid said...


Are you dyslexic? Aside from the fact that nothing you said was worth reading and sounded more like it belongs on a childrens' - you clearly didn't read what a wrote. Idiot.

barmakid said...

And how exactly is it a source of strength Sohrab? Have you heard anyone inside Iran chant anything that has to do with Zoroastrianism at any protest? Do they invoke Zoroaster's name? NO. THEY DO NOT.

In fact, more often cries of "Allah-u-akbar" are heard. Furthermore, Shiism is more so a source of strength and inspiration to overcome oppression than Zoroastrianism is or ever will be.

No one there is denouncing Islam. They believe Islam has been subverted. So this idea that Zoroaster and the ancient Persian beliefs are a source of inspiration is expat chimera! i.e. BULLSHIT.

Rhetoric is important. And Azarmehr chose to use religious rhetoric.

Islam took us back centuries. Now expats want to take us back millenia because of their nostalgia for a religion that is just as ridiculous as Islam.


Anonymous said...


You are a retard and a blatant liar, who obviously has serious comprehension problems. Not that most people reading this blog don’t already know these about you.

An example:

May 2008 – Barmakid said… “In fact, I speak and write perfect English and am from Shiraz - born and raised (I'm just going to college in the states)."

December 2008 – Barmakid said… “Sohrab,

I was born in Texas, I gained my education in the USA, every time I have a discussion I don't need to "wave the American flag."

At least get your stories straight, dickhead.

Anonymous said...


What if Potkin is suggesting a Zoroastrian revival in Iran? I may not agree with it as an official State religion, akin to what bloodthirsty Shia Islam, which the Safavid enforced on Iranians. BUT, both as a religion and philosophy Zoroastrianism is far less violent and prescriptive than Islam has ever been or can be.

Problem with idiots like barmakid – who picks a name of a pro Abbassid moslem arab khalif of ‘persian’ descent - is that they’re afraid their beloved Islam will be marginalized in Iran. In their fear they resort to all sorts of lies and pretense, spewing irrelevant stuff about plato.

This blog is littered with barmakids of the world who say they’re secular and don’t want the velayate faqih, but get rattled by a slightest challenge of anything outside of their islamic political and cultural domination in Iran. Barmakid has a track record of doing just that on this blog.

Sohrab said...

Wait wait Barmakid first you reproached Potkin for suggesting that the green movement could have any religious component. Now you're saying shiism is the better theology anyway. Don't you see the contradiction?

As for why I think our pre-Islamic heritage -- which you don't seem to derive any pride from -- is a source of strength: I'm not suggesting that the post IRI order will be somehow Zoroastrian in character. What I am saying is that because the regime can't handle any competing ideology or set of traditions, the people enjoy standing up for Nowruz and Chaharshanbesuri. Why else would Khamenei issue fatwas against these holidays if he didn't fear them?

BTW how are things with Tristan. It seems like Niacin has lost all credibility on the Hill.

barmakid said...


Wow. I can see you are a fan of my writings! hahahaha

So what if I lied? I clearly lied, but you still don't know what the truth is. Mission accomplished.

I didn't realize I had such fervent fans. I don't think I could have even gone back 2 years to dig up a post of mine!!


But seriously, your first comment to me on this thread had nothing to do with what I wrote. I thought it was because you didn't read what I wrote, but clearly I was wrong because you got the dates and times of my postings memorized! Your second comment, which claims that I am an undercover Islamic zealot, is laughable. LAUGHABLE. So laughable that I'm not even going to try to defend myself because I'm sure you have read all of my posts in the past and already know what I am going to say. LOL.

Ohhh sigh... I long for the day that someone can actually argue successfully against me on this blog.

When someone is ready to argue the points I brought up, let me know. Otherwise, I'll go ahead and thank Ahura Mazda for "littering this world with people like [me]" and not some mentally inchoate retards like yourselves.

No, wait. I feel like I have more respect for Sohrab just because he can somewhat hold his own without resorting to baseless attacks (for ex., me supporting the IRI or being Muslim for that matter).

Believe it or not, I like you Sohrab. And,

امیدوارم که در دانشگاه موفق باشی



barmakid said...


Wow. I can see you are a fan of my writings! hahahaha

So what if I lied? I clearly lied, but you still don't know what the truth is. Mission accomplished.

I didn't realize I had such fervent fans. I don't think I could have even gone back 2 years to dig up a post of mine!!


But seriously, your first comment to me on this thread had nothing to do with what I wrote. I thought it was because you didn't read what I wrote, but clearly I was wrong because you got the dates and times of my postings memorized! Your second comment, which claims that I am an undercover Islamic zealot, is laughable. LAUGHABLE. So laughable that I'm not even going to try to defend myself because I'm sure you have read all of my posts in the past and already know what I am going to say. LOL.

Ohhh sigh... I long for the day that someone can actually argue successfully against me on this blog.

When someone is ready to argue the points I brought up, let me know. Otherwise, I'll go ahead and thank Ahura Mazda for "littering this world with people like [me]" and not some mentally inchoate retards like yourselves.

No, wait. I feel like I have more respect for Sohrab just because he can somewhat hold his own without resorting to baseless attacks (for ex., me supporting the IRI or being Muslim for that matter).

Believe it or not, I like you Sohrab. And,

امیدوارم که در دانشگاه موفق باشی



Anonymous said...

I’ve totally memorized your lies Barmakid on this blog! Not because I believe in Ahura Mazda, but because I’m a shia mosalmoon just like you!

Once a liar barmakid, you and your mosalmoon kind will always be liars, deceivers, admit to it and be Proud of it too, like You just did.

barmakid said...


It would seem like a contradiction, but all I was referring to was the fact that Shiism was built around overcoming oppression. I would go so far as to say it's not really even a religion and more of a political movement deliberately tailored to winning the hearts and minds of downtrodden Muslims.

The firsts Shiits were known as Shiat al-Ali (party/followers of Ali). Then of course the whole song and dance about the oppressive Yazid and Hassan and Hussein... etc. (we all know the story).

This is what I meant by saying Shiism is more so a source of inspiration for overcoming oppression then Zoroastrianism.

Shiism emerged from the womb of oppression itself.

That's all I meant.


p.s. I like how you punctuate your posts with remarks about American politics. And btw, Niacin is the least of my worries. We got a health-care bill to pass (and student loan reform)! Cross your fingers that it happens today...

Sohrab said...


Okay whatever. You totally dodged my main argument, i.e. why the regime seems so afraid of these holidays if they don't have revolutionary potential.

barmakid said...

That's because you created your argument for yourself. Stop trying to put me in the position of defending the regime. First of all, I never was and second of all, I never will.

And for your information, these holidays were always discouraged under the IRI. And of course they are afraid of them, not because of some Zoroastrian revival or the potency of the inspiration derived from Zoroaster, but because it provides a platform/medium of protest that could be unprecedented in scale because of how widely the holiday is celebrated amongst Iranians of all religions.

There. Good enough? Now what?

Send me a clip of protesters chanting Zoroastrian slogan. I challenge you.

Come one Sohrab, don't embarrass me. I'm on record saying you can hold your own - at least make an effort.

Anonymous said...

Hey Iranian brothers. I have been on this page for 5 minutes and already noted the dishonesty and general unpleasantness of the guy called Barmakid. What an oaf, the kind of traitor that would kill his own neighbors and side with an invading army - a mentally deranged muslim, in short.

We hate what Iran has become, and will do all we can to support Zoroastrian revival and secular politics, side by side. The main objective must be to lock up the murderous beast called islam in its cage (i.e. maximum of 10-15% of Irans population, mostly illiterate farmers and some of the minorities such as Arabs and Turkmens will stay with Islam after 50 years of secular free democratic rule) and never let it out again. Marg bar eslam

Anonymous said...

Let Barmakid or who every it is say anything they wish, we do not stoop down at their level.... what was rightfully ours will be returned back to us - this is the Universal truth!!! Khashnotra Ahura Mazda!!!