Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sting Makes an Appeal for Iran's Detainees

A big thank you to sting for making an appeal for Iran's detainees. This is just the kind of international support the people of Iran need. Imagine having been sentenced to 12 years in Islamic Republic prisons, as Kian Tajbakhsh has been, and then learning that in your hours of loneliness and despair, a famous international celebrity is backing you and you are not that alone.
Well done Sting.

“The false imprisonment of Iranian/American scholar Kian Tajbakhsh and 100 other activists involved in the ongoing democracy movement in Iran deserves our immediate attention.

I urge those of us living in a democratic society to speak out against the current Iranian regime’s system of political repression and human rights violations threatening to silence these activists and journalists.

Without freedom of speech and the right of dissent, there can be no viable democracy.” stingsignaturesmall.jpg


Neda Mehregan said...

Thanks Sting. We need more high profile people to support our cause.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sting.
Thanks Potkin,


Sohrab said...

Thanks Sting.

(I won't make fun of him anymore for claiming that he and his wife can have tantric sex for 16 hours in a row).

Anonymous said...

off topic: