For the last 50 years, 7th December or 16 Azar in the Iranian calendar, has been a day for Iranian students to mark the fall of their comrades on this day. Not a year has gone by when some form of dissent or protest has not been carried out on this day.
Normally the protests are limited to universities and normally they are held within one or two universities in Tehran. Yesterday however, was an unprecedented day. The protests were supposed to start at 3:00 pm Tehran time [11:30 in the morning UK time], but as early as 7 am in London, I was alerted that the whole thing had kicked off and it wasn't just the students, the people had joined them wherever they could. If they couldn't break through the security surrounding the campuses, they stood outside and chanted along with the students inside.
Moreover, the protests were happening in every university throughout Iran. Soon footage and news came through from Isfahan, Mashad, Tabriz, Hamedan, Kermanshah, Kerman and Sanandaj. The most predominant chant was specifically directed against the Supreme Leader. It was amazing the regime had gone out of its way to prevent any information from coming out of Iran. Apart from the usual tricks, they had banned the press permits for all foreign correspondents for three days and even the public phone boxes around the universities were wrapped in black plastic bags to stop eyewitnesses reporting from the scene, yet once again they failed miserably. As Moussavi aptly said 'They are trying to put up a barbed wire to stop a flood'.
More footage:
Regime agents trapped by students who chant 'Lackeys How much have you been paid?'
Gilan University:
Tabriz uni:
Shots heard around the Tehran uni
Ilam University:
Ordinary people chanting against the Supreme Leader in Fakhr Razi
Ripping up Supreme Leader's poster
and the protests went into the night:
with roof top protest chants into late hours.
This morning there are reports that the clashes at the Tehran university are still continuing. Moussavi was removed from his work place this morning and taken home. Despite all the brutality by the regime the movement remains peaceful and non violent.
Someone should post these videos to Nader Mokhtari, George Galloway, Abbas Edalat, SZ and any other moron who thinks the protests are restricted to North Tehran :)
My family hails from Arak and Tafresh. I don't hear any reports of strikes, protests etc... The simple fact is that while there are nationwide demonstrations, they are led by the North Tehranis.
Let's not forget that the people who live in Shemiran, Niavaran and Vanak have benefited from official corruption for the last 30 years. My family have not received one toman from this regime (they didn't even pay my late father's pension!).
The people are only out on the streets because the protest movement is being led by a faction within the regime. If Hashmei and Mousavi decide to call off the protests, they will dwindle.
What we are witnessing is a complex power struggle within the IR establishment - 20 years of bitter rivalries have exploded out on to the street.
My solution: A leadership council is formed including not just Khamenei but other maraja linked to the reform movement.Mousavi agrees to join the Government as one of the vice-presidents or a Cabinet minister.
Hey Reza,
Did your family suck up to the Shah when he was in power too? Is it in your blood?
Reza the Traitor
Overall wealth in Iran has decreased over the past 30 years...inflation, corruption and unemployment have increased significantly...these social ills do not diffrentiate between rich and poor or north or south Tehran. A 29% inflation rate as seen last year is harmful to all sectors of society (except maybe your beloved Mullahs in their mansions). Nobody in Iran outside of the Mullah/IRGC oligarchy benefits from corruption.
Also: Damn your solution, damn Mousavi, damn the Marjas and Islamic government. What part of this don't you understand? The Islamic Republic is finished, the people of Iran have been chanting "Mousavi is an excuse, the target is the regime".
For a second day protests and clashes are continuing and Prosecutor Gholamhossein Mohseni-Ejei has said the regime will not show any mercy towards the protesters. The regime is shaken and it must go.
Nice of you to contribute to the discussion.
Fucking idiot.
The real solution is that nothing will change with the power structure. This government and establishment has the support of the majority of the people. Whether you admit that or not, it won't change the fact. This government and establishment is here to stay.
SO potkin,
How many people do you think showed up around the nation to protest yesterday and today?
Would 3 or 4 million be accurate? how about 5?
Is that a representation of the country? What about the other 65 million people who stayed home and lived their normal lives? Do they not count? Are they not important to you because they don't agree with your view?
You want us to believe that a 23 second video clip from Esfahan showing 100 people walking and yelling is an indication of your "movement".....hahahahahaha...riiighht.....I am sure the Government will topple any minute now, I am sure the 9 million Basij and their families are trembling.
SO potkin,
How many people do you think showed up around the nation to protest yesterday and today?
Would 3 or 4 million be accurate? how about 5?
Is that a representation of the country? What about the other 65 million people who stayed home and lived their normal lives? Do they not count? Are they not important to you because they don't agree with your view?
You want us to believe that a 23 second video clip from Esfahan showing 100 people walking and yelling is an indication of your "movement".....hahahahahaha...riiighht.....I am sure the Government will topple any minute now, I am sure the 9 million Basij and their families are trembling.
Ditto anonymous, fuck your solution, Reza, you lamprey.
Notice how you have to slightly shift your spin when it doesn't comport with reality. A few posts back you were insisting the protests are limited to North Tehran, now you are forced to say that it is "led by North Tehranis."
I ask everyone to note your lying ways. Too bad you're such a horrible liar at that.
No, my father was jailed by the Shah after he tried to curb the regime's tyranny.
He didn't want Mossadegh. He didn't want the Pahlavis. He just wanted a nationalist government that served the people.
I believe that the government of Ahmadinejad does serve the majority of Iranians.
Shirin Ebadi winner of Noble Prize:
I...n a calm but defiant interview with ABC News, Iranian human rights activist and 2003 Nobel Prize Winner Shirin Ebadi said the current Iranian regime has “no popular base”. “I promise you, this regime will not last,” she said. Pressed as to how a largely a popular protest movement can challenge a regime which seemingly has all the cards -- police, military, basij paramilitaries, Revolutionary Guards -- she said the movement is becoming more widespread despite the crackdown, spreading from Tehran to other cities. She said political backing from prominent religious leaders adds strength, and that while political leaders such as Mirhossein Mousavi have been largely quiet, “the real leaders are the people.”
ABC's Jim Sciutto: Nobel Prize Winner Says Iran's Regime Won't Last
It's safe to say now that the regime has no control over the people any more.
Half Irish Shervin Zeinalizadeh
How many people showed up at the velvet revolution in Czechoslavakia? What was the population of Czechoslvakia?
How many showed up at the anti war rally in UK? One Million? There are 60 Million people in UK does that mean anti war people in UK are around 2 percent of teh population?
Are you a complete idiot? When are your hoilday snaps coming? Are you scared to show them?
We can easily check if your father was in jail, what was his first name?
No Iranian nationalist would back Messbah Yazdi and these messianic lunatics. Even the Jebhe Meli nationalists were soon rounded up, killed, jailed or sent to exile. You are a fucking liar.
Reza the Traitor
Ahmadinejad is not a nationalist, he is a vile anti Iranian Islamist who seeks to replace Iranian culture with imposed Arabic religion. Seriously, get a clue.
Long live Dr Mossadegh. Long live free, democratic, secular Iranian republic.
wait, are you seriously going to make these arguments?
"How many people showed up at the velvet revolution in Czechoslavakia? What was the population of Czechoslvakia?"
The velvet revolution in Czechoslovakia was successful because the Communist government was a PUPPET government, it didn't have the support of the populace. It was imposed on them after WWII by the Russians and it was never a grass root movement. How can you compare their communist government imposed on them by a conquering nation (ie. the USSR) to Iran's revolution which was a grass roots movement imposed from below by the PEOPLE of Iran? Are you that much of an idiot? The Shah's had been ruling Iran for 2000 years and were not imposed by anyone. People in Iran just got tired of the Shah and his corrupt slave government. Sorry to burst your bubble, but Iran's government has the support of the majority of Iranians.
Also, why do you have to have my holiday pictures to debate me? Seriously, you're either this stupid in real life, or you're a faker. Whether you believe me or not, it won't change the fact that I live in Iran, and that I am an Iranian who supports my government. I criticize it all the time, but I wouldn't change it to a secular slave state which you would like. You're a fucking idiot.
I don't know if I'd want to see SZ's ugly mug - I might go blind.
You really don't get it. Do you know how many people who are out protesting were nothing 30 years ago? They were gedai and have grown rich from the mullahs!
The system has benefited these nouveau-riche people.They are not going to overthrow it. They are just standing by their principle benefactor: Hashemi Rafsanjani
Reza the Traitor the Jendeh Sefat
We are still waiting to see when you criticised Rafsanjani when he was in power and your father's credentials as a nationalist.
As other people have mentioned you and your family come from a long line of sychophants who either licked the Shah\s boots, Rafsanjani's givehs and now Ahmadienjad;s slippers. Its time your kind of Iranians were stopped for ever.
By the way what the fuck are you doing living in England??? dont worry we will find you
Reza the Traitor
Given that 30 years ago, most Iranians weren't even alive I don't know where you're going with this...Iran has one of the youngest populations in the world, and they're hungry for change. You and your mullah chums can't stop that, it's like trying to stop a tsunami.
Most of Ahmadinejad's supporters are in the 18-24 age group.
How old do you think most of the Baseej are?
Once again you display complete ignorance. Btw, if you and your friend Nader want to "find me", I will be happy to meet with you.
I have deported many refugees and sent them back to Evin where they belong.
Reza the Traitor
Haha, I assure you, I'm not a refugee. As for me "belonging in Evin", I can think of no higher compliment than for me to belong in the same prison as Iran's heroes and martyrs for freedom and democracy.
And yeah, I'm sure Iran's youth, who suffer some of the highest graduate or otherwise unemployment in the world are fans of Ahmadinejad's economic mismanagement and curbing of basic freedoms. Or not.
Rezaye aziz,
If you work in some sort of civil service/immigration capacity, then perhaps your employers at HMG would like to know your proclivity to (ab)use your position to settle political vendettas against other Iranian-born bloggers. I wonder how they'd react?
So what happened Reza the Jendeh Sefat? Where do we find you? Do you work for the Home Office or how else would you have deported Iranian refugees to Evin? What kind of a cunt would gloat in saying that?
Seems like you still haven't told us who your father is? Do you know who your father is? Seems like jendegi runs in your blood and in your genes
I have Arash, but I have been wondering why they called it Tehran Students? Why not Iran? Then again Ahmad Rafat the idiot can be seen there, so no wonder!
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