Friday, June 12, 2009

Hugo Chavez Wishes Success for Ahmadinejad

Hugo Chavez wished Ahmadinejad all the success in his bid to remain the president of the Islamic Republic.Chavez described Ahmadienjad as 'A courageous combatant, defender of the third world and a champion against US imperialism'

Below is a picture of Chavez embracing with Saddam Hussein:


Isy said...

did you read this?
what do you think? Also, when are the results supposed to take place.

Bardia said...

...Devils' Smiles...

Anonymous said...

Well, Chavez may have met with Saddam, but at least he didn't buy Saddam chemical weapons so he can kill Iranian children. How do you feel about Rumsfeld and Cheney?

Azarmehr said...

The same I feel for anyone who has embraced the Iraqi dictator, utter contempt. What did you expect?

Winston said...

He also wishes success for Obama... lOl

Winston said...

anonymous, US did never sell Chemical Weapons to Iraq. Germany, Netherlands and UK did. US did sell Iran all sort of military hardware. Quit with your stupid anti-American agenda, moron.