This weblog was created to act as a platform for the voice of secular pro-democracy activists in and outside Iran who are struggling against the religious dictatorship of the Islamic clerics in Iran. Follow me on or My Telegram Channel
My favourite quote:
"Evil only prevails when the good stay silent"
The regime has cancelled all foreign press accreditation. The old goats don't seem to understand that citizen journalists are doing what the press corp cannot.
پتکین جان می دانم که کار خبررسانی و دفاع از مردم ایران کاری سخت و کمرشکن است. ما تقریبا در پنج شبانه روز گذشته جمعا ده ساعت نخوابیدیم. موبایل و اینترنت عملا جواب نمی دهد. اذهان مردم عامه را که به ماهواره دسترسی ندارند، با اخبار کذب پر کرده اند. در شهرستانهای مرزی کنترل بسیار بیشتر از تهران است. تقریبا به تعداد مردم، مامور لباس شخصی و گارد در خیابانها پخش هستند بطوری که نمی شود عکس یا فیلم برداری کرد. به همه بگویید که اگر صدای چندانی از این شهرستانها شنیده نمی شود به این دلیل است. من خود شاهد رشادت بچه ها و زنان در برابر گارد بودم و اینکه چگونه درد باتوم و ساچمه را تحمل می کنند. فقط و فقط تنها چیزی که مرا رنج می دهد این ست که، چگونه می توان به داد جوانانی که بازداشت شده اند رسید. در خیابان که اینگونه می کنند، وای به داخل پاسگاه ها
Louise, get lost, as a self proclaimed redneck, you don't know anything about Iran.
Please get lost.
Azarmehr, you are such a treasonous rat Iranian. I hope you die in a gruesome way.
People like you want Iran to be a stooge of the west, especially when it comes to giving up its natural rights to technology and progress. You want Iran to be like Egypt, or Jordan, or Saudi Arabia....a benign slave country that listens to the US and doesnt have an independent government and people.
Please crawl back under the rock you came from. I wonder what you will say in a couple of months when all this is behind us and Iran returns back to normal....Fucking LOSER! hahahahahaha....
Afareen, Azarmehr. Keep up the great work you've been doing. This is just the beginning of a new wave.
Oh, and Sasan soosool, YOU get lost. You're adding nothing to the discussion nor have anything constructive to utter. Like the typical right-wing extremist loon you are, all you have is to yell that it's other nation's fault. You're no different than the right-wing rednecks in the States you purport to despise. Idiot.
Right wing redneck??? how the hell do you compare an Iranian in IRAN to a right wing redneck??? Seriously, explain that to me please.
you're dumber than you sound, how am I a right winger?? you must be talking about American right wingers...hahaha..fucking loser,
and if you can PROVE that your candidate won the election, then we can talk and resolve the matter. If you can't prove it, then get the hell out of here. THe riot police and our basiji will handle this street protest in Northern Tehran. Its funny, the only city with unrest is Tehran. Nothing is going on in Ahvaz, Esfahan, Abadan, Qom, Tabriz, or Kerman..its just Tehran, and its just the rich party kids and their parents...hahaha..this will all be over in one week. thank god.
Sasan, you need to take the goat penis out of your ass when you blog. Oh, and what is that white stuff on your lips? Doing something naughty with the pigs again, have you?
The regime has cancelled all foreign press accreditation. The old goats don't seem to understand that citizen journalists are doing what the press corp cannot.
پتکین جان
می دانم که کار خبررسانی و دفاع از مردم ایران کاری سخت و کمرشکن است. ما تقریبا در پنج شبانه روز گذشته جمعا ده ساعت نخوابیدیم. موبایل و اینترنت عملا جواب نمی دهد. اذهان مردم عامه را که به ماهواره دسترسی ندارند، با اخبار کذب پر کرده اند. در شهرستانهای مرزی کنترل بسیار بیشتر از تهران است. تقریبا به تعداد مردم، مامور لباس شخصی و گارد در خیابانها پخش هستند بطوری که نمی شود عکس یا فیلم برداری کرد. به همه بگویید که اگر صدای چندانی از این شهرستانها شنیده نمی شود به این دلیل است. من خود شاهد رشادت بچه ها و زنان در برابر گارد بودم و اینکه چگونه درد باتوم و ساچمه را تحمل می کنند. فقط و فقط تنها چیزی که مرا رنج می دهد این ست که، چگونه می توان به داد جوانانی که بازداشت شده اند رسید. در خیابان که اینگونه می کنند، وای به داخل پاسگاه ها
سکوت و عقب نشینی، خیانت است به بازداشت شدگان
I am writing an article for Huffington post on recent elections in Iran. I have few questions. Can you please email me at
If this isn't revolution -- what is?!
Agar in enghelaab nist, enghelaab chist?!
'The tree of liberty must watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.'
--Thomas Jefferson
Louise, get lost, as a self proclaimed redneck, you don't know anything about Iran.
Please get lost.
Azarmehr, you are such a treasonous rat Iranian. I hope you die in a gruesome way.
People like you want Iran to be a stooge of the west, especially when it comes to giving up its natural rights to technology and progress. You want Iran to be like Egypt, or Jordan, or Saudi Arabia....a benign slave country that listens to the US and doesnt have an independent government and people.
Please crawl back under the rock you came from. I wonder what you will say in a couple of months when all this is behind us and Iran returns back to normal....Fucking LOSER! hahahahahaha....
these people getting shot are NOT TULIPS !
Afareen, Azarmehr. Keep up the great work you've been doing. This is just the beginning of a new wave.
Oh, and Sasan soosool, YOU get lost. You're adding nothing to the discussion nor have anything constructive to utter. Like the typical right-wing extremist loon you are, all you have is to yell that it's other nation's fault. You're no different than the right-wing rednecks in the States you purport to despise. Idiot.
Right wing redneck??? how the hell do you compare an Iranian in IRAN to a right wing redneck??? Seriously, explain that to me please.
you're dumber than you sound, how am I a right winger?? you must be talking about American right wingers...hahaha..fucking loser,
and if you can PROVE that your candidate won the election, then we can talk and resolve the matter. If you can't prove it, then get the hell out of here. THe riot police and our basiji will handle this street protest in Northern Tehran. Its funny, the only city with unrest is Tehran. Nothing is going on in Ahvaz, Esfahan, Abadan, Qom, Tabriz, or Kerman..its just Tehran, and its just the rich party kids and their parents...hahaha..this will all be over in one week. thank god.
Sasan, you need to take the goat penis out of your ass when you blog. Oh, and what is that white stuff on your lips? Doing something naughty with the pigs again, have you?
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